income act 118-145(2) 没有明确指示要变回自主房多久" If you use the part of the *dwelling that was your main residence for the *purpose of producing assessable income, the maximum period that you can treat it as your main residence under this section while you use it for that purpose is 6 years. You are entitled to another maximum period of 6 years each time the dwelling again becomes and ceases to be your main residence."
但是ATO assess 这个问题是是看多方面的factors 而且要有很合理的解释。ATO的解读是没有规定一定有要多久自住才能重新享受6年absence rule, 但是physical evidence 得显示你和你的家人有实际搬回去,譬如说你的邮件各种已经在这个地址,各种个人用品也已近进去, 水电煤都连接起来,而且你打算长期住。然后之后又因为一些客观的 原因譬如是外派什么的不能居住, 然后再次出租。但是切记在这些没有住的时间段里, 你没有claim其他房子作为你的自住房。
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