澳洲8 Mill Street, Hurlstone Park 中介说感谢莫里森,房主




ScoMo effect: $150,000 vendor bonus

https://www.realestate.com.au/pr ... tone+park-131106834


The auction at 8 Mill Street, Hurlstone Park, drew a crowd. PHOTO: BROOK MITCHELL

Clearance rates have firmed in Sydney and Melbourne as more buyers head out to auctions, buoyed by signs of stimulus in the market and ahead of the winter slowdown.

Sydney’s preliminary clearance rate hit a healthy 66.1 per cent, compared to last week’s 62.1 per cent final clearance rate, which was the highest experienced in the city in more than a year on CoreLogic figures.

In Melbourne, the auction market returned a 64 per cent clearance rate on preliminary figures, ahead of last week’s final result just short of 60 per cent. Nationally, the clearance rate hit 61.5 per cent on preliminary figures, compared to last week’s 57.7 per cent.

Supporting the market as it heads into winter is a lower volume of listings: 1654 homes up for auction in the past week, compared to 2041 in the previous week. Figures compiled by Domain show a similar story, with clearances hitting 65.9 per cent in Sydney and 64.3 per cent in Melbourne.

However buyers are also emerging in greater numbers, stirred into action by a run of promising news for the property market, including the prospect of a rate cut as early as this week and likely removal of a 7 per cent interest serviceability test on home loans.

At Hurlstone Park, in Sydney’s inner west, a 200-strong crowd spread across a normally quiet suburban street as the four-bedroom period home at 8 Mill Street went under the hammer.

There were so many registered buyers that selling agents Richardson & Wrench ran out of bidding paddles.

At least six parties fired opening salvos in the auction, which began at $1.3 million before a protracted tussle took it past the reserve of $1.45 million.

“We might get to see the sun set in Hurlstone Park yet,” auctioneer Peter Baldwin said.

Two buyers – both families – were left to duke it out before the property was knocked down on a winning bid of $1.655 million. Seller Isabel decided to sell the house because it was costing her too much in land tax and the government wasn’t giving her a pension as she owns two houses.

“The market has lifted since the election results and we are looking at a 5 per cent increase in asking prices since then,” Richardson & Wrench selling agent Aris Dendrinos said.

We are looking at at least a $180,000 difference [for the house] if the Labor Party had been elected. People were expecting them to be elected but when they weren’t it changed the way people thought about things. I reckon Scott Morrison got Isabel about $150,000 more.

Mr Dendrinos said there were more buyers around but listings were still low as sellers had not fully rejoined the market.

SQM Research’s Louis Christopher said clearance rates have clearly picked up since the federal election, which delivered a surprise win to the Coalition and removed the prospect of changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax proposed by Labor.

‘‘The trend is rising. There is renewed confidence in the market and expectations interest rates will be cut.’’

Anecdotal evidence of banks reporting more home loan inquiries and applications could translate into more buyers on the ground in as soon as four weeks as loan approvals are processed, according to Mr Christopher.

‘‘It is quite likely that in a matter of just weeks we are going to see a lot more buyers in the marketplace,’’ he said.

A rate cut would stimulate the housing market as borrowers’ loan capacity was increased and the amount of interest expense for existing borrowers fell, he said.

‘‘Assuming we do get the rate cut, then we are in the [early] stages of the market bottoming out and prices are set to rise in the second half of this year.’’

CoreLogic’s home value figures show Sydney prices fell 0.45 per cent in May and 0.3 per cent in Melbourne, in a further sign the two-year housing downturn is tapering off as the rate of price falls eases.

Sydney’s most expensive house sold at auction in the past week was 4 Balmoral Avenue, in Mosman, a fivebedroom home which went for $5.51 million, according to Domain figures. In Melbourne, the most expensive to change hands was 60 Brinsley Road, Camberwell, which sold for $3 million.

Melbourne buyer’s agent David Morrell, of Morrell and Koren, said unlike in other cycles, the rebound is emerging first at the lower end of the market.

Key points

Sydney’s clearance rate rose to 66.1 per cent, with Melbourne’s at 64 per cent.








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