1) 手续麻烦吗?需要律师 /convenyancer 处理?可以自己做吗?
2) 有贷款。银行方面只是通知就ok吗?
3) 如果转名几个月后我把房子出租换成投资房,我还需要 stamp duty 吗?我在 SRO website 找到这段。这个是不是 only apply to 100% transfer? 如果只是50/50转去99/1还需要住最少12 months after transfer 吗?
Principal place of residence requirement
To be exempt from duty, the property being transferred between spouses or domestic partners must be a residential property.
This means at least one person in the relationship must live in the property as their principal place of residence (PPR) for a continuous period of at least 12 months commencing within 12 months of the transfer.
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