澳洲a kong man pend dai la la HKD:40万 helicopter-wedding-p


http://www.scmp.com/video/hong-k ... g-proposal-and-more

Kongish Daily《港語日報》 · 把新照片添加到相册:Local News
昨天上午 1:27 · 已编辑 ·
|| Kong man spend HKD 400,000 to ask marry - all bcoz his BB like something exciting, amazing and not traditional ||
Victor gor, a (ho chi ho) rich gei Kong man, spend jor dai la la HKD 400,000 to ask his BB marry him bcoz his BB like "something exciting, amazing and not traditional like proposing in a restaurant with flower and a ring" say Victor gor.
Victor gor continue say, "I tried to make something different. Eventually, I think about boat, eh the cargo, and the helicopter. And finally, I choose the helicopter with the big banner"
You know, we always say, pay bill real "hon zi" (man). Victor gor pay jor totally HKD 400,000 for the bill. Actually, he pay jor d mei yea? here show you the list.
1) 1.5 ct. ge diamond ring --> more than HK$200,000.
2) A 5** hotel (Ritz-Carlton) more than 100/F ge hotel room --> HK$26,000
3) One helicopter with a big banner (15m * 30m) "I love you! Stephanie BB, will you marry me?" --> HK$150,000
4) A video team to video how he spend all the money --> HK$15,000
Dai la la HKD 400,000, ho chi a dream for many poor guy. Normally,according to the Hong Kong income median, kong guy earn about 13000 - 14000 per month (Unless you are rubbish bin kong wah earn 13000-14000 PER DAY). Even ng eat ng play, a Kong guy yiu spend 30 month sin yau almost HKD 400,000. Just think think how impossible for most Kong guy, how many Kong girl will wait a Kong guy 30 months?
But, if you really a rich guy and want to ask marry specially, you can still think think what Victor gor say about boat and cargo (ng ho ask me how to ask marry in a cargo. I assume it is not just ask marry in a big big metal box ((ng hai megabox okay??)) you see in kwai chung cargo harbour!)
I dunno marry hai ng hai love graveyard, but i know if I spend HKD400000 just for ask marry, I must be hungry and die in the next many years!
Victor gor, I am just a poor guy, so you win!
Source: SCMP

Giselle Lew Lihching Lew Sharon Teoh Lorna Kong L.h. Koh this article

laugh die me!


http://shanghaiist.com/2015/08/0 ... copter-proposal.php

A man in Hong Kong says he splashed out nearly 400,000 HKD in an extravagant display to ask for his girlfriend's hand in marriage because she doesn't like "typical proposals".
Victor Tang, 37, spent months planning the proposal, which took place at a high-rise luxury hotel overlooking Victoria Harbor.
Tang's biggest expense was the 1.5-carat diamond engagement ring, which set him back 200,000 HKD. He spent 26,000 HKD renting out a lavish top-floor suite at the Ritz-Carlton in West Kowloon and another 150,000 HKD on a helicopter, which passed the hotel room carrying a banner reading "I love you! Stephanie BB, will you marry me?"
Tang, who works for Hutchison Global Communications, insists that he's not a "rich guy", but is good at managing his money, according to SCMP.
"Some people will say it's crazy to do this, but she didn't ask for a big house or a high-class car and she doesn't always buy shoes or dresses or [ask] to go to fancy restaurants," Tang said in the report. "But she wanted a memorable wedding proposal."
He also spent 15,000 HKD on a personal video crew to film the whole thing. Watch part of it here:

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