不太理解粗体字的单词, 该怎么翻译成中文? 谢谢TX们,分分伺候:)
Corporate Finance:
Flotation & listings both on the ASX and the Smaller Boards
Assistance in liaising with NOMADS for AIMS listings in the UK
Regulatory compliance:
Pre-regulator surveillance visits
[ 本帖最后由 飘逸的羽翼 于 2009-10-15 22:04 编辑 ]
Flotation = The listing of a company's shares on the stock market through an initial public offering (IPO). The term can also be used for the listing of a new bond or other security.
Smaller boards = I think this means other stock exchanges eg: NZX (New Zealand Stock Exchange
NOMAD = Nominated Advisor
A company that has been approved as a nominated advisor for the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), by the London Stock Exchange. The primary responsibility of a NOMAD is to help a new company in its admission to the AIM, and to provide advice to avoid the delisting of the new company.
For 'pre-regulator surveillance' visits, I think you should do your own research & read.
http://www.deloitte.com/assets/D ... edial%20Service.pdf
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