社区A1头条版块网友荒岛余生报料,昨天他收到了一封来自[email protected]发来的邮件,以著名快餐连锁店麦当劳的名义向他收集个人信息,包括信用卡密码等。他后来向麦当劳公司电话求证,发现这完全是个
社区A1头条版块网友荒岛余生报料,昨天他收到了一封来自[email protected]发来的邮件,以著名快餐连锁店麦当劳的名义向他收集个人信息,包括信用卡密码等。他后来向麦当劳公司电话求证,发现这完全是个骗局,因此希望公布出来让大家小心。以下为帖子全文:
今天收到一封邮件,说是麦当劳的客户调查,能有50块的bonus,我想就看看吧。填了个不到5分钟的调查,点击下一步,要填写个人信息,说会给你的信用卡里面存50块。发现疑点,要求你的信用卡全部信息,包括背后的验证号,需要你的生日等个人信息,甚至需要你的信用卡密码。另外,网址不是https的,但是又不想放弃50块,人都是贪心啊。 就打了个电话去麦当劳纽西兰总部,一问,对方立刻告诉我说,删掉邮件,是骗局。特此警告,希望同学们不受骗! 呼,满头汗,差点小阴沟翻船啊。。。。
信看起来这样的,是不是很像真的?发信地址是:[email protected]
DearMcDonald's Customer, We areplanning big changes for 2009 at McDonald's New Zealand chain of restaurantsand because your opinion is very important to us, we invite you to take a shortCustomer Satisfaction Survey that will help us improve the quality of our foodand services. We knowyour time is valuable, so we will give you a $50 bonus just for taking ourquick 7 question survey. The entire process will take no more than 5 minutes. Terms and conditions apply.Click here to take the survey. You canparticipate in this survey only once. Visitour Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any questions. © 2009 McDonald's. All references marked with a ™ or © are trade marks ofMcDonald's Corporation and its affiliates except where third party trade markownership is indicated. All rights reserved.