

  近日,新西兰本地网站Stuff.co.nz向网友公开征集一些本地的灵异照片,得到了网友们的积极回应,纷纷寄去了很多现实中无法解释的照片。  下面是一些照片选辑,大家可以自行判断一下怪力乱神还是妖魅作祟。 Ton



Tony Wilson writes: This picture was taken with a digital camera at Tunnel Gully in Upper Hutt. We took it while on set for a Video clip we did with our band Civilian Down. It is quite obviously a person. I am the guitarist to the left and I'm sure that I would have noticed an old man walking through our video shoot. Gray Hadfield writes: This was a photo we took at a BBQ about 5 years ago before I went down to study in Otago. We had just poured beer on the steak, and my mate took this photo of the flames on his cell phone. The photo freaked us out so much we buried the steak.

Andy Mcdonald writes: This is a picture I took a couple of years ago while I was still living in Queenstown. Look at the windscreen where the water has defrosted It.

Mark Enderwich writes: This was taken a few years ago on a digital camera after a funeral for an uncle. Kyle Hewlett writes: Apparently a young guy had been killed at the house we were boozing up at. Looks like he wanted to hang out this night as well Priestley Ouk writes: This was taken late last year at a friend's wedding in that ski resort down in Whakapapa. I only found out while I was down there that it was haunted and on the same night I found out, something grabbed me in the middle of the night. If you look in between the 2 people (me and a mate) you will see a head by itself.One of two photos taken during a Westport Volunteer Fire Brigade exercise in 2006. They appear to show ghostly heads in the burning house.Another photo from the Westport fireThis photo of two students was taken at Linwood College in Christchurch and appears to show a ghost in between the two. This picture of the head in the basket was taken in early 1996 in Halswell, and has an earthly explanation - it is a picture of actor Jack Nicholson, star of horror film The Shining, from a Skywatch magazine that had been dropped in the basket



新西兰澳洲反对党领袖彼得·达顿表示,他将在明年的联邦大选中承诺建造七座核电站,并承诺首批核电站将在2035年至2037年间投入运营。这些核电站的选址都是即将或已经退役的火力发电厂。 ...