Skykiwi A1头条论坛,很多Skykiwi网友都居住在奥克兰市中心的公寓里。在周六市中心公寓发生了双重命案之后,案情一直没有公布,很多人都不知道案发原因,外界猜测很多。而且今天有信息指其中一名死者还是公寓的管
Skykiwi A1头条论坛,很多Skykiwi网友都居住在奥克兰市中心的公寓里。在周六市中心公寓发生了双重命案之后,案情一直没有公布,很多人都不知道案发原因,外界猜测很多。而且今天有信息指其中一名死者还是公寓的管理经理,更加让人觉得安全没有保障。 很多网友纷纷在网上留言,表示对新西兰的治安再次担忧,就连一向以保安健全的公寓都未能幸免,都不知道应该住在什么地方了。 网友羽翼的轮回表示自己就居住在案发的楼里,觉得事件让她/他十分惊吓; 而网友Eden@_@说自己就住隔壁,发生了命案之后,“现在我住得都怕...”; 网友尐神的恶作剧用“恐怖”来形容本次案件; 网友jessie^_^觉得现在住哪里都觉得不安全; 以下是来自英文媒体在案发现场的照片:Members of the Armed Offenders squad at the Alpha apartment block. Photo / Herald on Sunday
Sniper rifles were trained on room 1106 during the police negotiation. Photo / Herald on Sunday
The suspect is led away by police following an arrest. Photo / Herald on Sunday
The suspect is led away by police. Photo / Herald on Sunday
The Armed Offenders squad search the Alpha apartment block during the seige. Photo / Richard Robinson
A St John's officer leaves the Alpha apartments. Photo / Richard Robinson
The public watches as the Armed Offenders squad searches the Alpha apartment block. Photo / Richard Robinson
Residents watched from their balconies during the seige. Photo / Richard Robinson