标签:many - 澳大利亚华人论坛


NRL 2024:10 个赛季后,Many Sea Eagles 的 To

汤姆·特博耶维奇 (Tom Trbojevic) 是第一个承认自己已经走过了 150 场 NRL 比赛的漫长道路的人。 这位曼利王牌球员在周五对阵斗牛犬队的比赛中取得里程碑之前说道:“这无疑是坐过山车...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Many Loan AppsEnquireis Sydney

刚认识了一位失散多年的朋友,这是他的统计数据,收入约为 $80k-$90k Ips 25 在 2-3 年内 80%-90% LVR 全部以他自己的名义购买,我确定你是否查了一下他的信用记录,应该有25个申请,我感觉...澳洲华人论坛


澳洲房产Too Many Eggs......... 悉尼

大家好,我仍然是这里的新手,但我想对以下情况进行思考 首先我知道有明显的坑,但我想它正在管理“平衡行为”;正如我在“加入帖子”中所说的那样,这在策略上是显而易见的;...澳洲华人论坛


二手冰箱 洗衣机 (保养较好)

I have many items for sale, some available now, some available end of May. Just ask. Pick up in Eastwood. - washing machine( Haier HWFf75aw) 7.5KG Front Load $300(original price $650) -refrigerator(Hesense HR6TFF350) 350L, bought 2 years...澳洲华人论坛


昆州金铜矿勘探商Many Peaks首秀飙涨22.5%

ACB News《澳华财经在线》3月17日讯 昆州金铜矿勘探商Many Peaks Gold Limited (ASX股票代码:MPG)澳交所首秀,上市公司股票于3月16日周三1:00pm开盘交易,终盘飙涨22.5%,报0.245澳元,成交量185万...澳洲华人论坛


Fd2r Petrol

How many L is full Tank? and how many KM can Full tank go? 评论 沙发。。。。 英文不好 评论 40加上备用的应该是45 一箱油可以走200-300公里左右 和EVO有得比了 很吃油。。!! 评论 what if i only drive...澳洲华人论坛


how many hours can 3 mth bb sleep during night

3 month BB finally slept 7 hrs during the night last night,normally can only sleep 4 -4 1/2 hrs .Hope it isnt just luck, will know tonight if this will stay the same for future. How many hours did ur baby sleep when it was 3 months old? 评论...澳洲华人论坛


How many people still riding in here?

Can't type chinese at work. sorry Summer is coming... How many people still riding in here? What bike do you have? 评论 穷人买不起自行车。。。。。。 评论 wo he wo dui xiang, wo dui xiang qi cbr250. wo hai zai kan mai shen m...澳洲华人论坛



Too many international students immigrating to NZ, say officials The advice, obtained by the Herald under the Official Information Act, said former international students made up 27 per cent of all skilled migrants in 2006 but this had rise...澳洲华人论坛


传说中西区即将兴建的大型商场, 据说是

Many people know there will be a big shopping centre in West Auckland, but some may not know where it is. It is the new Westgate Town centre. Belowis the map. (North is right, not up) In the left you can see some orange places. half of them...澳洲华人论坛


SRC收腹裤-health rebate

Many private health insurers in Australia will provide a rebate to customers who purchase an SRC product as they are considered a medical compression garment, designed to aid with the recovery and health of expectant and new mothers. Check i...澳洲华人论坛



今早大出血 (Many fresh blood)。老公赶送急症。 检查血值升了,胎心仍在。 你要坚强!v! Thank you all!No matter what happens, I will be tough! 评论 祝福!愿宝宝平安! 评论 祝福 评论 祝福你 评论 祝...澳洲华人论坛


How to work out how many weeks of pregancy?

I just found out I am pregant. The first day of my last period was 26/8/07. But I have no idea how many weeks of pregancy I have been. Anyone could tell me? Thanks! [ 本帖最后由 Share88 于 2007-10-5 12:15 编辑 ] 评论 从最后一次流...澳洲华人论坛


How many weeks you can know or confirm your pregnan

RT. some friends say needs 4 weeks, but some said only two weeks. Any one knows? 评论 2星期足够了,period 一没按期来,就知道了。验孕试纸基本上10天后就可测出来。 评论 Thanks. Can you know that before your n...澳洲华人论坛



I found that many TZs here were confused with pre-shools,kindergarden, childcare... So, I summary as below: 在新州: 你孩子0-3岁,两个选项:自己带或送私人childcare 4岁:三个选项:自己带/免费public pre...澳洲华人论坛


Y5一道数学题: 'x times as many' vs 'x times mo

有道题目是这样的: If one square has three times the perimeter of another, how much larger is its area? 给的答案是9 times.但我觉得应该是8 times, 因为问的是how much 'larger', 不是how many times the? 请问我的理解对...澳洲华人论坛


中学数学: 每周一题 (1)

How many pairs of positive integers (a, b) with a = b satisfy 1/a + 1/b = 1/6 ? (难度:7, 8, 9 年级)下周公布答案) [ 本帖最后由 shurman 于 2012-2-17 22:48 编辑 ] 评论 不会做,将来注定是要闺女荒废的数理化的。...澳洲华人论坛



How many four-digit numbers containing no zeros have the property that whenever any one of its four digits is removed, the resulting three-digit number is divisible by 3? 持分求解题过程,谢谢。 评论 all digits add up to be a mu...澳洲华人论坛


push into the red?

many of the investments now being made in China would be pushed into the red. 请问怎么翻译? 谢谢! 评论 朋友让我帮忙翻译,但我又不是学经济的.总觉得自己翻出来的很不专业, 有没有TX帮忙翻译下.谢谢!...澳洲华人论坛


Mum's the word --

I am not sure how many tx watch the 3rd underbelly series. It's on Channel 9, 8:30pm Sunday night. Mum's the word is the phrase Pretty Nelly said when Gunman Frank demanded her not to ask him where he was the night Norman was killed. I thoug...澳洲华人论坛


我和英语 的尴尬事 参加活动

How many people report to you? 这是一句非常普通的英语问题。可是我确因为这个简短问题屡次答不上来而面临窘境。 那是改革开放初期我第一次参加外资企业的面试。外资企业要招聘一名部门...澳洲华人论坛


Twice as many X as Y. 是X多还是Y多?

一道数学题把我绕晕了。 The bread recipe calls for twice as many cups of flour as water used. Tanya used 6 cups of water. How many cups of flour shoud she add? 评论 有限的经验觉得是12cups of flour。 否则太稀聊啊。...澳洲华人论坛


许多 vs 很多 都是many吗?

汉语里许多和很多哪一个更多呢?对应到英语里有两个词吗?哪两个词呢? 评论 好像很多更多一点, 好像又说不清楚 评论 可数名词用many 不可数名词用much 评论 感觉没必要非要用汉语...澳洲华人论坛



as many times as you want? as many times you want? 或是别的? 评论 第一个。帮您把帖子转走了啊。 评论 好的 我是觉得隐秘版人多,所以到隐秘版问。在英语学习版估计半天没人理。 评论 隐秘版...澳洲华人论坛


Tax Bonus

Too many clients have rang me in the last few weeks regarding the new tax bonus issue. Therefore i would like to send out an reminder for those who have not yet lodged their 2008 tax return. if you wish to receive the payment in April, then...澳洲华人论坛


Does anyone know how many days for a cheque to be c

I deposited a cheque into my ANZ last friday, until today this fund has not been cleared. I made inquiry however was advised that it takes 3-5 days for a chque to be clear. I knew it used to took 2-3 days, but how come it take 3-5 days now?...澳洲华人论坛