只有维州的granny flat 规定一大堆,只能给家里老人住,而且还必须主人住主屋,条件缺一不可。老人离开还要拆掉房子。其他州都可以出租了,只有维州还在墨守成规,在网上看到有很多人在致力推动改变这些过时的法律,大家可以去https://www.change.org投票,我把连接发给大家,还差200多票。
https://www.change.org/p/the-hon ... es-unrelated-to-the
以下是一些local 写的为什么要支持这个法律改变:
1.My mum was a single mum when I was a kid and never bought a house. She finally fell in love & married but he didn't have a house either so they rented for many years. They got to 50 years old & still couldn't qualify for any bank loan. They had $50,000 in savings and so they had to move out to the country, 4 hours drive away from friends & family just so they could buy something for cash & stop paying the huge ever rising rental prices. I offered for them to build a small unit at the back of our block of land but because they were both still working (not retired & therefore not 'dependant'), they didn't qualify and the answer was no! That is why they had to move far away from suburban ateas. Now they rarely see thier grandkids & often miss big events as petrol to drive down isn't cheap & it's a long way to come, but for affordability they had no choice! Change the laws & keep families young & old together, not drive them apart!
2.I think we desperately need more affordable housing options for young people.
3.My son is having his first child and would love to buy a house near me but there is nothing he can afford near me so he has to move away to be able to afford his own home. I have just over a half acre of land and would love to be able to build a small dwelling that they would be able to stay in while they saved for a house of there own close to me. Change the rules and keep families together.
4.I am a 58 year old "Aspie" AKA "High Functioning Autistic" caring for my dementia suffering wife living in a Mortgaged Property.
But wait!
My problem isn't that simple - As my situation has just escalated, as not only do I have to contend with my mostly bed ridden wife, I also have to contend with her depressed and recently unemployed son as well, and well I am near to the end of my tether and it's all rather overwhelming for me of late.
What would provide tremendous relief is if my daughter could move into our home and me or is that "I", and the wife along with the boy move into a suitable Granny Flat out in the back yard of our home having my daughter take over the Mortgage.
But this is just not possible if the Laws are not changed in line with other states, so yeah - You may as well add 3 more homeless individuals if I don't resolve my critical situation ASAP..
Victoria has a housing crisis - our median house price is $706,000 and our median rent for a unit is $365 per week. We have 22,800 homeless people and 35,000 people on the public housing waiting list. Older people do not have enough options to downsize within their communities and kids can't afford to leave home. Our average new house is 241m2 - the largest in the world and yet our household sizes are shrinking. We are just not building enough small affordable homes in our middle suburbs because our planning rules make this type of development expensive and complicated. We need to change our rules for granny flats to match NSW, WA and ACT. In those States it is possible to build a small secondary permanent dwelling behind an existing home which can be used by dependents or rented out to unrelated parties - all without planning approval or requirements to subdivide. This helps to provide a diversity of accommodation in the suburbs where there is already infrastructure and services. It allows for relatively inexpensive small dwellings to be built which deliver affordable rental property to an increasingly unaffordable market. Its a smart, easy change to our rules that will support affordable housing choices.
支持, 绝对的, 维州该修改这个法律了!
新洲要是不准出租granny flat,房价还要涨的多了,房租也会贵上加贵,不知道谁能得利,得利的也就council。
我觉得granny flat房客进进出出,很影响小区的市容和安全。房价啥的我倒不觉得能到影响整个市场供给的地步。
granny flat 仅仅是后院又造了一个没有独立title的小房子而已,跟一块大地前后造两个房子并没有实质区别。区别只是在于政府设置更高的门槛收取更多的手续费。如果给了独立title变成所谓的合法出租,房客一样可以进出自由,市容和安全这个问题不是granny flat 造成的,只要有出租就有这个问题存在,总不能不让人租房子住,都只能买房吧。自己觉的不安全,那就养个大狗看家护院好了。
其实就是围城,很多新州的人还觉得这里的GRANNY FLAT放批太松了呢,经常就是邻居一造GRANNY FLAT就紧贴着自己的后院或者房子。
多造GRANNY FLAT问题多多,首先贴着邻居,邻居肯定有意见。其次这GRANNY FLAT出租基本等于CASH收入,税务局肯定有意见。
关键是 NSW,WA ,ACT都通过了,他们都是住房短缺的吗?
真心希望 NSW 也像 VIC 学习,严格限制Granny Flat 审批,哪里有这个的 petition 呢?我票投票....
A small change to our planning rules soon? 29 Feb 2016 — Planning Minister Richard Wynne spoke at the MBAV conference last friday. He indicated that changes to planning rules for secondary dwellings was under consideration and that an announcement would be made soon.
Please share the petition far and wide so that we can convince the Minster this is an important issue.
Petitioning The Hon. Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Planning
Sign this petition to support us!!!
The Hon. Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Planning: Amend the Residential Planning rules to allow 60m2 permanent secondary dwellings to be built behind existing homes without planning approval and for use or rental by parties unrelated to the
支持! 现在的房价有一半是SB政策逼出来的
目前大家都还只考虑到社区安全这些问题,这些其实都是可以控制管理的事情。大家还没碰到自己家人想住而没权利住这个granny flat这样的问题,但是法律就是这样人为造成了这么多困难,等谁碰上了都会骂,这样的法律有意义,有道理吗?
我听中介说可以买 但是住里面人必须55岁以上 比如家里老人 或出租给老人 不是吗 我在VIC
啊 这样啊 如果老人自己买自己住里面不行吗?不会吧 鬼佬又不习惯和子女住一起
29 Feb 2016 — Planning Minister Richard Wynne spoke at the MBAV conference last friday. He indicated that changes to planning rules for secondary dwellings was under consideration and that an announcement would be made soon.
Please share the petition far and wide so that we can convince the Minster this is an important issue.
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