A and B (50% each) bought a house 5 years ago for 500k , the value of the house in year 2016 is 800k (based on land title office's official valuation), if A buy B's share, A need to pay B 800k/2=400k and also pay land title office the stamp duty for 400k. But in this case, what happen to the sold price history for the property at year 2016?
(1)It will not show
(2)It will show 400k
(3)It will show 800k
相当于转名字,你付一半钱,交了印花税就好了,不会有sold history
In this case, if the property has mortgage with bank under 2 name, if just removing 1 name from the title while the loan still remain the same as 2 name, does the bank normally ok with this or this need to be refinance to other bank?
I suppose it's Ok and does not need to refinance. But if mortgage change from two names to one name, it requires a refinance.
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