... vic-3130-2012853263
随便翻了下BB,其实我觉得这靠着bb 北不应该卖那么贵,毕竟离火车站还是很不方便的,地还可以,706m2,问题是隔壁帖子boxhill north 才1.1 mil, 这家也卖太贵了吧。
装修过,地点好, 地大,比boxhill north那个好。
外墙配色倒是可以后面改 不过不知道改一下要多少钱?
这个房子我去看过, 房子内部还不错。 但是由于门前的路紧临白马路的一个大路口, 外面比较吵。
说实话1.5M过高了, 如果位置在Box Hill这边还差不多, 当然可能更贵了。
370 Belmore Road, Mont Albert North, Vic 3129 还不如买这套,
不过mont albet或者north的房源少
这也太夸张了吧? Mont Albert而已。就连Kew, Camberwell也不敢这样说吧?
Box Hill的房子靠近Box Hill Central的House,价格远超你说的Mont Albert的房子。
我真心觉得好, 生活方便, 本地人对华人友善, 素质高。老人过来后也习惯。
我现在正在找这边的house,Box Hill买不起, Box Hill North还可以, 最近每个周末都要去参加拍卖会。
如果是mont albert就不错,不过north就稍微差了一些
Mont Albert North 不是 Mont Albert
你预算够的话看看mont albert,mont albert north不过房源少,距离来说看你买在哪了,都是靠近boxhill周围的
写的太简单了,我的意思是1.5m买bb,不如在mont albert 或者north陶陶看,另外比boxhill好是整个区的对比,不是我举例的那个房子,那个只是我随便在网上找的mont albert north 最后一套上市的价格,都没研究这么多
前段时间23 Malabar rd blackburn也是装修过要价1.51, 三个月没卖出去,最后不得不降价1.2x卖出。
搬家后, 邻居个个过来祝贺, 主动聊天, 表现得非常友善。小孩在KPS上学, 家长、老师都很好, 也从无bullying发生过。
另外,由于住所附近有几个连在一起的Park, 每次去散步的时候, 看到西人有遛狗的, 全部都是带链子, 有次碰到狗大便, 主人立马铲起装袋。 相反, 之前有次到Doncaster的那个有名的大公园, 明明有标志狗要上链, 但是几个西人妇女就是没上, 那时小孩还小, 怕狗, 被几个狼狗大的狗追逐了一段,吓得都哭了。 我怒斥那几个狗主人, 居然不以为意。至此之后再也没去过那个公园了。
Box Hill人很多, 也许你在Central碰到过素质不高的人, 但是不一定是这儿的居民, 仅仅是来打工或者消费的。
一家之言, 欢迎拍砖。
说这话可能被很多人骂,但事实就是boxhill顶多是后起之秀,在我来的时候确实是乱区,越南人区,打架,贩毒,我是96年来的,现在基本是中国人了,但周围居民素质肯定没你想得这么高(同样,墨尔本大部分人其实都比较和蔼,只是看怎么对比)所以我一直说你预算够的话,不如在旁边几个区看看,比如我前面说的mont albert,传统好区
哦。 那现在已经大大不同于96年那阵了吧。Everything is changing after so many years.
问题是boxhill其实也就近10年起来的最多,10年彻底改变一个区还是太短了点,更别说boxhill south north了.
Mont Albert North 我觉得比较好的部分是Stranban Ave 以南的那几条街。 再往北也还行 有大地好房 但交通就差了些。
stranban ave 以南的部分 的价格和Mont Albert 差不多 了 交通可以走路到tram和火车站 又有很好的公立小学。去box hill 很方便。 其实买在box hill 周边是不错的选择 尤其是老人家 又没有那么喧嚣 又能享受华人区的一切便利。
有1.5mil 不妨在 MAN 看看 有可能拣漏。
就是这个意思,boxhill boxhill north south都有点虚高(不是说会跌)但是mont ablert一直是好区,涨势稳定,boxhill如果继续疯狂涨,作为就在旁边的mont ablert不会差,如果哪天boxhill真跌了,对mont ablert也不会有影响. 距离来说其实都差不多.只是房源真心不多
mont albert真心不错,为什么大家都只看boxhill north, south 呢,分析一下这两个区的特点呗。
共同点就是比 BXL 和 MA便宜
看看这篇西人的总结, 就知道MA好在什么地方了:
”Really happy with Mont Albert"
It's all down the individual, but both my neighbours are friends with our family - mutual help when we go away for a few weeks, occasional dinners etc. Its that sort of vibe which is available if you are the type to make the effort. Otherwise, the tone is best described as respectful. The suburb is multicultural being so close to Box Hill (significant and historic concentration of Cantonese Chinese). Being of Asian descent and raised in Australia, this is where Mont Albert appeals strongly, being a nexus of classic English style wide canopied streets and a few minutes drive to Box Hill where the Asian cuisine (Koren, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, Sichuan, Hong Kong BBQ, Hong Kong Claypot and it goes on and on) is great, diverse and cheap. There is also Taipan - Melbourne's best place for Yum Cha. Having a large Asian representation in the area, I was surprised at how affordable groceries were. Just down Whitehorse road towards Surrey Hills, there are more typical Pizza, Cafe places.
The streets are clean and very green. People take pride in keeping their houses and frontages impeccable. In Autumn, Winter the suburb's colour palette is just divine. Young professionals move here to get away from the city and to have their young families feel safe, so there are no taverns in Mont Albert, or any of the surround suburbs. There are a few bottle shops around, but you have to hunt. Interestingly, if you are looking for a Macdonalds, you'll have to drive a few suburbs out. Nightlife is staying at home in Mont Albert. To be hip, be in South Yarra. For hip replacements, Mont Albert is more your speed.
Shopping options: 8 minutes drive to Doncaster Shoppingtown, which is a slightly inferior Chadstone - but has Coles, Woolworths, Apple Store, Nepresso, Target, Big W etc..; 5 minutes to Box Hill Cento (train station).. Asian weighted shopping - ideal if you really don't like spending a lot of money - has a very friendly bulk billing GP (Dr Nasser) Coles, Woolworths, Big W. Parking is free at Doncaster and $1 at Box Hill. Internet: Cable 100Mbps is live (NBN speed) - cost $80 (24m) for 200GB with phone (unlimited local and mobile calls). There is an Aldi about 8 minutes drive (Station Street). Nearest Bunnings feels ages away at Box Hill - effectively about 15 minutes away. Doncaster Bunnings is in planning stages.
Resale: The suburb is very tightly held, by and large by moderately affluent owners. There is strong demand from Box Hill and Doncaster occupants. People who buy into Mont Albert expect to be paying a premium. In terms of snob value, it is more highly regarded than surrounding Box Hill, Mont Albert North and Doncaster, but less highly regarded than surrounding Surrey Hills and Balwyn. One gets the sense, it tends each year more towards Surrey Hills and away from Box Hill, Doncaster - however I am biased. In truth, all suburbs in this pocket are very good and sought after.
Schools: We focussed on daycare, kinder and primary only. Mont Albert Primary School is very highly ranked. Mont Albert Daycare is alright so far - not blown away at first blush. The elite eastern suburbs private school belt is easy to get to via the 109 tram on Whitehorse Road. Parks for kids in the area are ok with Kingsley Gardens, Mont Albert Park, Mont Albert Reserve (cricket pitch) all having basic kids play equipment. Box Hill Tafe is essentially within Mont Albert
Transport: 109 tram (Hotham Street) which you would be crazy to take in Mont Albert, since the train is 7 minutes walk away. Trains suck a little bit, since the express is usually from Camberwell to Box Hill, or Camberwell to Surrey Hills to Box Hill. After a while, you learn to optimise and get off at Surrey Hills to catch an all stations to Box Hill - get off at Mont Albert.. or just walk from Surrey hills (15 minutes extra). Morning trains come every 10 minutes. If you are a risk taker, you can attempt to get to Box Hill in order to catch a Richmond Express, which is the fastest way to get into the city. Trip back is more of a pain. On average, trip to work is 30 minutes train station to train station. Back home, more like 40 minutes on average. Commuters are mix of private school kids, their professional parents, young professionals who grew up in the area and mid career professionals who have moved into the area. It is a diverse mix re age, ethnicity, background.
We looked at nearly every suburb in Melbourne for 8 months, and for us and what we liked and who we were (a middle-class professional australian-asian young family) we chose Mont Albert as the best option within our price range and for what was available. After living here for a while now, I would say that even if we had no ceiling on price, Mont Albert is still a perfect combination of safety, serenity, class and sensible living.
mont albert看上去挺贵啊,除了离boxhill近和传统好区这两个特点,足友们跟我说说住那边还有什么好吧,学校呢?
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