AFR的一篇报道, 工党的负扣税政策实际会在2017年7月前刺激二手房市场 ... ent-20160703-gpxanf
"There are two paths depending on who wins," he said. "If the Liberal party win, we can expect more of the last few months, a market that is slowly rising, through to the end of the year.
"If Labor wins, then we can anticipate negative gearing legislation to get through and you can expect a strong market up to July 2017. The market will rally leading up to the changes."
If negative gearing is limited only to new property, and if another rate cut occurs, then Mr Christopher will hold on to the higher end of his prediction for price growth: 9 per cent for Sydney, 13 per cent for Melbourne and 8 per cent nationally.
Domain Group chief economist Andrew Wilson agreed a rush to buy property will ensue if negative gearing is changed.
"The Labor party wants to change it, we know the Greens want to get rid of it. It will be a catalyst for investors," he said.
"The short-term dynamics would be an increase in housing prices by another couple of per cent."
Any further price increases would not bode well for new home buyers.
"Just when things were starting to plateau, prices rise again," Mr Wilson said
What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger
悉尼的房价就是iron born

地价越来越贵,开发商成本远比以前高,而且手里持有房产的人大多都top up或refinance几次了,就算下跌,空间也很小。
自由党: 暴涨
工党: 疯涨
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