




Sydney property: home prices jump back up in June

    July 1, 2014 - 9:18PM

Stephen Nicholls, Toby Johnstone

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Photo: Fairfax Graphics

Sydney's strong property market has extended into winter with new figures showing a 15.4 per cent growth over the financial year.

There were fears after a value drop in May that a collapse in house prices was imminent, but the RP Data figures show a reversal in fortune.

After dropping 1.1 per cent in May, the research firm said dwelling (house and apartment combined) values rebounded 1.7 per cent in June.

RP Data research director Tim Lawless said the annual growth showed the Sydney market was still strong. The 15.4 per cent growth was the highest since the financial year of 2002, which had an annual leap of 23.4 per cent.

But with dwelling growth over the June quarter dropping to 1 per cent, Mr Lawless is expecting increases to be "tapering away to something that is more sustainable".

Mr Lawless admitted monthly value changes were "relatively meaningless" because of seasonal factors. He said the cold weather could affect numbers turning up at auctions.

Yet Domain Group data showed auction clearance rates - considered an accurate barometer of price movements - were stronger in May, when RP Data said values dropped, than June, when they say values rebounded.

McGrath Lower North Shore agent Peter Chauncy said he was surprised by the "purported" May drop in values. "We had a monster month in May ... I thought that was a bit unusual," Mr Chauncy said.

And he said the strength continued on into June, with no dip in the market at all.

But auctioneer Damien Cooley, who focuses on the inner areas, said June was stronger. "In June, 72 per cent of the properties that we took to auction sold either at or above their written reserve, as opposed to the 62 per cent in May."

He said bidders registering at auctions in June was also up on May's numbers.

Auctioneer Rocky Bartolotto, of Property Auction Services, who specialises in the inner west, agreed that June was stronger.

BresicWhitney director Shannan Whitney put the stronger June down to reduced stock levels in inner-city areas. "With less property on the market those that are there are performing reasonably well," Mr Whitney said.

"I don't know if we'll re-live the feverish activity we saw in the first quarter - it was a very strong first three months - but I feel quite confident there is a reasonable amount of depth out there."

RP Data said Sydney values grew 4.4 per cent in the first quarter.

"I think we’ll start to see the normal spring selling season being another strong one this year, even if it isn’t as strong as what we saw in 2013," Mr Lawless said.

Sydney was one of the strongest performers over the month of June, second only to Melbourne where values grew by 1.8 per cent. This is a significant turnaround for the southern capital. According to RP Data, Melbourne home values dropped by 3.6 per cent in May

Despite the recent monthly swings, Melbourne grew by 9.4 per cent over the past year, followed by Brisbane (7 per cent), Darwin (5.7 per cent), Perth (5.2 per cent), Adelaide (2.9 per cent), Canberra (2.9 per cent) and Hobart (2.5 per cent).

While Mr Lawless said it was too early to call the peak of the Sydney growth cycle he said that "the quarterly rate of growth peaked across the Australian housing market in August last year at 4 per cent".

"Since that time the rate of capital gain has generally trended towards a more sustainable level," he said.


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