今天有时间听写了Life Matters。听了两分多钟,用了1.5小时有余。
Dread, fear, anxiety, that’s what filmmaker Damon Gameau (查这名字费了老鼻子劲了) felt when he started looking at the effects of climate change but he very quickly worked out there were many opportunities for hope too.
We adopted regenerative practices, like ???(可能是Graze, 但听上去像是phrase)。 Poo and carbon(是这个吗) in the soil make it healthier. That’s right. Yeah. And we can embrace efficient local energy. Bangladesh has 5 million soil home systems. They have their power in their own hands. This is bringing people together.
Damon Gameau will tell us what he learned while making his new film 2040 soon. As he calls it, an exercise in (这里容易误听成exercising) fact-based dreaming. We’re better for that. Here on RN.
If you are in paid work at the moment, do you leave on time, take lunch breaks, and make time for exercises, sleep, and relationships. You should see the falling over laughing emojis on our Facebook page right now. Perhaps, instead, you take work home, skip lunch and watch those clock hands regularly crawl past knockoff time (口语,下班时间). When we think about work-life balance, some factors are down to us (口语,取决于我们自己,类似于up to us.), and some stem from something much bigger. But the end result of many of us is unsatisfying and unsustainable.
Let’s look at it from a workplace perspective and a personal perspective. Professor John Buchanan (这个姓第一次拼写) is head of Business Analytics at (在某个机构任职经常用at而不是in) Sydney University’s Business School. Sharon Williams is a psychologist and executive coach (给企业高管做培训的咨询专家).
Sharon, John, welcome to Life Matters.
Hello, thank you.
John, how many hours a week does a full-time worker spend working in Australia and how much has that changed over the past few decades?
Yes, it’s an important issue to pull out (这个词组这种用法没查证到,但理解没问题). Because, if you look at the averages, the average worker in Australia works 36 hours. That’s an international standard, data collections. But that mixes up people who work part-time, something approaching standard hours, that’s working extended hours. (这位教授说得有点混乱)And if you are working full time, chances are you working more between 44, 45 to 50 hours a week. Across the western world, Australian full-time workers worked among the longest hours. But equally, you got offset. (听到这里实在听不下去了,还是换个听听了 )。
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