1. Ace up Your Sleeve
英文解释: a surprise or secret advantage, especially something tricky that is kept hidden until needed.(小手腕儿;小猫腻)
来源: Back in the 1500s most people didn't have pockets in their clothes, so they kept things in their sleeves. Later on, magicians hid objects, even small live animals, up their sleeves and then pulled them out unexpectedly to surprise their audiences. In the 1800s dishonest card players secretly slipped a winning card, often an ace, up their sleeves and pulled it out when nobody was looking to win the game.
造句:I don't know how Zoey is going to get her mom to buy her a bike, but I'm sure she has an ace up her sleeves.

No. | Idioms | Meaning | Building #. |
1 | Ace up Your Sleeves | 小猫腻,小手腕 | 1 |
2 | Achilles' Heel | 弱点,要害,不足 | 12 |
3 | Add Fuel to the Fire | 火上浇油 | 15 |
* | fan the flames | 煽风点火 | 15 |
4 | Air Your Dirty Laundry in Public | 家丑外扬;自揭其短;自曝其 丑 | 18 |
5 | Albatross around Your Neck | 很头疼的问题,头大 | 19 |
6 | All ears | 洗耳恭听 | 20 |
7 | All Thumbs | 笨手笨脚 | 21 |
8 | Ants in your pants | 屁股上长钉子;七上八下;坐立不安 | 26 |
9 | Apple of your eye | 掌上明珠,我的挚爱 | 33 |
10 | As the crow flies | 直线距离;从起点到终点的距离 | 34 |
11 | Asleep at the switch | 错过时机, 玩忽职守,掉以轻心,没有履行职责 | 35 |
12 | At the drop of a hat | 立刻,马上,毫不疑迟 | 38 |
13 | At the end of your rope | 走头无路,没有其它的选择 | 40 |
14 | Ax to Grind | 以怨报德;不识好人心,狗咬吕洞宾;居心叵测 | 43 |
15 | Babe in the woods | 没有经验;容易上当;小孩般天真的人 | 52 |
16 | Back to square one | 从头开始;前功尽弃 | 56 |
17 | Backseat driver | 指手画脚的;口头将军 | 61 |
18 | Baker's dozen | 十三;买一打多给一个 | 71 |
19 | Bark is worse than your bite | 刀子嘴,豆腐心;嘴恶心善 | 77 |
20 | Bark up the wrong tree | 找错人;找错门儿;错怪了某人 | 80 |
21 | Batten down the hatches | 做好迎接挑战的准备;未雨绸缪 | 83 |
22 | Beat a dead horse | 鞭打死马,无济于事、白费口舌、白费力气、不买账,不领情、徒劳无功、旧事重提、翻旧账,多此一举 | 86 |
23 | Beat around the bush | 避重就轻、绕来绕去、闪烁其词、拐弯抹角,说话兜圈子 | 90 |
24 | Beat the band | 精力充沛地, 超过一切地 猛烈地, 出众, 显眼 | 91 |
25 | Beat your swords into plowshares | 化干戈为玉帛 | 94 评论 可否简单解释下,我没看懂 评论 'Ace up your sleeve',这词的来源是在16世纪的时候,那时候人们的衣服上没有兜, 但又想装点东西在身上,怎么办呢,于是乎那时候的人们想出把东西藏在袖口里,以便出行。之后,变魔术的人利用这个点子藏一些小东西,比如小鸟啊,小球啊等来吸引他们的观众。到了19世纪,一些不良玩纸牌的玩家出现了,他们用这个法子在袖口藏扑克牌,而且藏的都是A,神不知鬼不觉的从袖口里抽出A来,然后赢了“扎金花”。从此,人们管这种做法叫做'Ace up your sleeve', 嗖,嗖,嗖,从袖口抽出A来,达到他们想要的目的。暗指有手腕,有猫腻,耍花招(如上面的图 )。 比如说:I believe we'll win your case. Unless the lawyer on the other side has an ace up his sleeve and has bribed a witness to give false testimony, or something like that: this man is known for his cheating. 这位律师说:我相信我们会打赢这场官司。除非对方的律师会不择手段,使出收买证人作伪证之类的花招来,而这人也确实有欺诈的名声的。 评论 评论 谢谢, 现在明白了。 搞笑了,我第一次看贴的时候那个图没出来,可能是网速的问题。现在再看图果然很帮助理解 ! 评论 就是 ” 抓住某人的把柄“ LZ 加油 期待学习到更多的!! 评论 评论 评论 来试一试:Mr Turnbull looks like he is not doing well in the electoral contest,but he may have a hidden advantage in the form of an ace up the sleeve that will help him and disadvantage his Labor opponents 评论 我刚刚也以为ace是个动词ace up。呵呵。 应该是have an ace,,,,,,,, up one's sleeve. 评论 2. Achilles' Heel 发/a-kee-lee-s/, 人名,固写作中要大写 英文意思: the one weakness, fault, flaw, or vulnerable spot in one's otherwise strong character. (弱点,要害,不足...) 来源: In the Iliad, the famous story about the Trojan War by the Greek poet Homer, Achilles was a great hero and warrior. However, he had one weak spot, the heel of one foot. When he was a baby, his mother wanted to be certain that her son could never be harmed, so she dipped little Achilles upside-down in the magical River Styx. Wherever the water touched his body, he became invulnerable. But science she was holding him by his heel, that part of him never got wet. Years later Achilles was killed in the Trojan War by an enemy who shot a poisoned arrow into his heel. 我记得再说到The Trojan War,孩子还想考考我们知道这是什么吗,我和他爸一口同声的说,不知道,你知道吗?于是乎孩子分享了他在学校所学到的这段历史,勾起了他爸“单口相声”的欲望,后来又来了段相声儿童版的特洛伊战争由来, 引入这词来源的典故。后来我们发现孩子在玩的时候,给他的各种火车、汽车时不时的起名Achilles,我们就问为什么起这个名字啊?他说they are my heroes. 我心想,还好他们都没有脚,就在这时,孩子玩的一个火车轱辘掉了,来了句oh no, this is your Achilles' heel. 这小子还来个双关语。 造句:I'm an A student in math and science, but English is my Achilles' heel. 评论 我本意是谢谢分享,手滑变恭喜恭喜了 评论 好贴,楼主继续 评论 3. Add Fuel to the Fire 英文意思: to make a bad situation worse; to do or say something that causes more trouble, makes someone angrier (火上浇油。和中文的成语一字不差啊) 来源: Thousands of yours ago the famous Roman historian Livy used this expression. If you pour water on a fire, it goes out. But if you put fuel (like coal or wood) on a fire, you make it burn hotter and brighter. If "fire" represents any kind of trouble, then anything you do to make that trouble worse is "fuel". A similar expression is "fan the flames"(煽风点火,再一次和中文的成语一字不差。好神奇啊~). 造句:I was already angry with you, and when you forgot to pick me up, that really added fuel to the fire. ![]() 评论 小彩蛋:亲自互动之paddle boat [url=小学3-4年级的科学小实验_paddle boat http://www..com.au/bbs/f ... &fromuid=215755]和孩子动手做起来[/url] 评论 学习 评论 4. Air Your Dirty Laundry in Public 英文意思: to talk about your private disagreements or embarrassing matters in public, usually while quarreling. (家丑外扬; 自揭其短,自曝其丑) 来源: picture this: Instead of hanging your freshly washed laundry on a clothesline, you hang your dirty clothes out there in the air for all the world to see. Wouldn’t that be embarrassing? Imagine that your “dirty laundry” represents secret personal matters and that “to air” them means to discuss them out loud for anyone to hear. Some people use “air your dirty linen in public”. 造句: My upstairs neighbours fight a lot and air their dirty laundry in public. ![]() 评论 5. Albatross around Your Neck 英文意思:a very difficult burden that you can’t get rid of or a reminder of something you did that was wrong. (挂在脖子上的信天游。但是,作为一个习惯用语,an albatross around one's neck是指令人忧虑的事, 头痛的问题。) 来源: In 1798 the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote his most famous poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” In the poem a young sailor shoots a large seabird called an albatross. In those days that was considered very unlucky. Sure enough, a lot of bad things happen to the ship, and the crew blames the young sailor. They hang the dead bird around his neck. 造句: Everywhere I go, my mother makes me take my little bratty sister. She’s an albatross around my neck. ![]() 评论 6. All Ears 英文意思:eager to listen; sharply attentive; curious 洗耳恭听 来源:The ear is the organ by which a person hears. So , if wefiguratively say that you're "all ears," it means that at the moment you're keenly listening to whatever is being said. It's as if no other part of your body mattered except your ears. This idiom is about three centuries old. 造句: You said you had something important to tell me. I'm all ears! ![]() 评论 7. All Thumbs 英文意思:awkward and clumsy, especially with the hands 笨手笨脚 来源:HUman beings and apes have thumbs; most other animals don't. a thumb helps the other fingers pick things up, turn dials, and do other fine motor tasks. But what if all your fingers were thumbs? You's have a hard time picking up small objects, keyboarding a computer, doing art projects, and so on. That's why this expression means clumsy at doing physical tasks with your hands. 造句:Zoey can't build the model of the paddle boat for the science project. She is all thumbs. ![]() 评论 I know it's a bit creepy 评论 I am all ears! 继续继续! 评论 Thanks for sharing 评论 不錯不錯! 评论 8. Ants in Your Pants 英文意思:extreme restlessness; overactivity (屁股上长钉子;七上八下;坐立不安) 来源:we can easily imagine where this saying came from. What if you actually had ants in your pants? You'd find it difficult to settle down. You'd keep squirming to get rid of the ants. 造句: You never sit still. You must have ants in your pants. ![]() 评论 好 评论 这英语学的真来兴趣,有讲解,有例句。 评论 继续继续,谢谢楼主 评论 谢谢分享,真不错 :) 澳洲中文论坛热点
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