

seems like we are stuck around on the weather topic.
a little idea: what about someone start off writting a story,it  can start with just a sentence.
and everyone follows with sentences or paragraphs
it will be very fun to see how the story goes


I think this is really a good idea.

Shall I start? I will start anyway.

Here we go:

I am reading posts on our steps forum.


Don't all stories start with "once upon a time"?....


One of the posts caught my eye.

[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2012-2-10 22:19 编辑 ]


I think you have either read too many bed side stories or watched too many Hollywood cartoon movies my friend.


This post is about ....(here I have omitted 10,000 words)


Come on, this ruins the fun.

Anyone follows my last sentence to continue the story?


I can't help laughing while reading the story. Just at that time, the phone rang.


Who is it? Oh, no are we supposed to follow this now? I think I made a mistake. Sorry LZ, my bad.


I wondered who would call me at 11:30pm at night?

[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2012-2-10 22:36 编辑 ]


I picked up the phone but there was nothing but silence from the other end.


I said to myself well, it must be someone dialed a wrong number. So I hung up the phone.

hello...hello... still silence on the other end
oh, problem on the line, whoever it is would call me back if it's urgent..
I hung up and 1 min later
the phone rang again...
Hello...hello., I even tapped on the phone.
"I know what you are reading right now".. a low husky voice


At the time I almost hung up, I heard a deep voice from the phone.....


How do you know? Is this Floraz? I asked.

[ 本帖最后由 Momotaba 于 2012-2-10 22:56 编辑 ]


Silence again,but I could hear slight gasping from the other end of the phone.......

At the same time I heard the noise which sounds like someone knocking at the door. I am really scared...


Now it was getting a bit frightening but I was too curious to hang up. Who could it be?
All of a sudden, I heard something heavy fall onto my front door and a woman's voice screamed for help.


I nearly jumped out of my skin and my heart was pumping really hard.
What's going on?!
I came to the door, gingerly...

I opened the door with my shaking hands, suddenly a band of rose appears in front of me with the magnetic voice,"Happy Valentine's Day!"

But I couldn't see his face.The scene sometimes comes out during my dream. I really hope the guy would be someone I always dreamed before.

My English is very poor,and I insist to engage the activity because  I have learned a lot of things through reading other's story.sometimes I need to check my dictionary and using google to find what's the meaning of the word.But I think it is really helpful to someone like me.So thank you very much.I am afraid that my sentence is not very good,you can ignore that~~~Have a good story~


Even though I could not see his face, I knew it is him, my man (it is so Awkwardfor me to say this) cause only he will do this to me. No one else.
Oh, it is Valentine's day, no wonder. All of a sudden, I got flash back, I cannot help thinking of the first time I met him at Uni.

We were sitting there by the table,reading the same fantastic novel.Both of us were got lost in it.

you guys lost me. which one I should follow. there is three diffrent story line.
one sounds like romantic comedy, one sounds like thriler/horror, another one like drama...
mmm, hard choice!


You had a point there, my friend. I agree with you.

I think we need Floraz to clarify where we go from here, which lead should we follow? Floraz where are you? Help!!!


Guys, I think this is the line.
I meant to follow on but something urgent came up at work. Have to leave it to your guys for now.

Enjoy your day!

Ok guys, it seems no one really knows where the story is at now, what about we start a new one? To avoid confusion, this time can I ask the person who is following the previous line/para to please quote the line/para you are following?

Spread your wings of imagination, and please make sure you make enough room for people following you to unfold the story.

Anyone wants to kick off?

[quote]原帖由 floraz 于 2012-2-13 22:13 发表
Ok guys, it seems no one really knows where the story is at now, what about we start a new one? To avoid confusion, this time can I ask the person who is following the previous line/para to please quo ... [/quote

It is a good idea to start a new story. But I think it is extremely hard to start a story. Given Floraz you are the LZ, you should lead by exammple. I think you should kick off and then people will follow your lead. How does that sound, everyone?

make more sentences as we can~~~

Ok, I am not good at writing at all, but I will start it anyway...

It was a lovely Sunday afternoon. I was sitting in a library next to the window with the sun splashing the warmth all over me.
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