澳洲英语一日谈:你怎么看待David Jones性骚扰案中$3


Australia's biggest sexual harassment case settled over the weekend. The 37Million dollars claim comes down to a $850,000 payout.

The DJ case has given rise to some hot topics. I came across this thread on Vogue (http://forums.vogue.com.au/showthread.php?t=364537) when I was following the case and found the questions popped out for discussion were quite interesting and generated heated discussion. Therefore I want to share them with you and hear what you people think about them:

1. would this case stop you buying things from DJs?

2. what do you think about the amount of $37Million claimed, as punishment beyond general compensation damages.  Outrageous or courageous? Do you think the figure was played well? Do you think the desired message, if any, got across or was quickly forgotten?

3. do you believe that Kristy Fraser Kirk will donate the monay to charities after pay off her legal fees, as she said?

FYI, one interesting observation by an ABC reporter (source: http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2010/s3040154.htm):

“Yesterday during the Commission, when they left at lunch time, Kristy Fraser Kirk came out. She was crying, she looked very stressed. She was surrounded by her parents and her boyfriend. When, of course, the media pack were chasing her down the street she looked quite rattled.

Mark McInnes, when he left, was smiling, looked relaxed, was happy - not happy that the media were following him but didn't seem stressed that the media were following him when he got into the car at lunch time.”

[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2010-10-18 17:22 编辑 ]

Kristy Fraser Kirk has become the most expensive aussie ho....

i remember seening somewhere that she already said she will NOT donate the $$ to charity....because she only got 850k.
and i think 37mil is bit greedy >_>


Oh? not suprised to hear this though.....
I remember she said that she would donate the money (ie. $37m less legal fees) to charities if she's successful.

KRISTY Fraser-Kirk says it is "no longer possible" to give any of her $850,000 settlement money over to charity, despite promising to do so when she launched the country's biggest ever sexual harassment lawsuit.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/business/ ... 20333#ixzz12hZLBhrV

found it...........

i reckon even IF she get 37mil.. she wont donate what ever is remaining less the legal fee....

1. It won't stop me shopping at DJs. To me, it‘s a horse of another colour. I don't see Mark McInnes represents DJs even though he took DJs share price from about $1 before his appointment to a high of over $6.

2. I don't detest claiming/awading punitive damages, and think in some situation it is necessary as deterrence. However in this case, I think such claim may be putting innocent people's jobs at risk and bring about other side effect.

3. she has answered the question.

[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2010-10-18 22:49 编辑 ]

It's a joke. Not only does Australia have most deadly animals, but also we have the most expensive hookers! $850k is pretty good price, not even hitting the sack!

It might have set an example for similar cases at workplace! Let's look back & we'll find that the PwC's female partner's claim is still fresh in memory!

[ 本帖最后由 Happybanana 于 2010-10-18 22:35 编辑 ]

I have to say it's both a good day and a sad day.
It's good because it sets such a visible example of what sexaul harrassment can do to one's career and a company's bottom line.
It's sad that she is getting such a ridiculous amount of money for it.



I think it definitely raised public awareness of sexual assault/abuse/harrasement at workplace


I also think this sets a new precedent even though it didn't proceed to a court hearing.
So you think even 850k is a ridiculous amount for her claim?


You may want to have a look at the two links I posted.


Well it really depends on how you look at this case.
Does the punishment fit the crime? Maybe. But 850k is alot of money compare. The only reason she got that much was because of the high profile this case has become. DJ probably would pay anything to have the case off the media spotlight.


I heard average compensation damages awarded for this type of case is about 200k (of course may vary), so 850k for silence, not too bad.

Can I view it in a bad way - the case shows that you can afford to harass your female employee if you can pay $850K... Just kidding.

I don't know how they get the initial figure of $37M. But from what has happened so far I can't help to get a little suspicious about the motive behind this lawsuit.




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