澳洲英语一日谈:你觉得晚间坐火车安全么?Do you


An online poll shows that 86% people think it's not safe on Melbourne's trains late at night.
CEO of Metro Trains, Andrew Lezala, on Tuesday 5 Oct admitted that he sometimes feels intimindated when riding the railways.
Lezala said "40 per cent of the people who use Melbourne's railway system felt unsafe ''at certain times of day'', and he kept going ''We have a number of issues with youth gangs, with people who are intoxicated and some people who have got some mental issues. I've seen it first-hand.''
He said crime statistics showed there were seven ''crimes against the person'' per million boardings in Melbourne. ''As railways around the world goes, it's fairly average, so it needs to be improved.'' (source: http://www.theage.com.au/victori ... 005-1664r.html#poll)

So do you feel safe on public transport late at night?
Have you seen or experienced anything that you feel uncomfortable on a train?
What do you think needs to be done to improve safety on trains and on railway stations?

[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2010-10-7 09:17 编辑 ]

When Lezala was talking about safety issue, I think he's giving lip serivce.
I am not a regular train commuter, but I still sometimes feel unsafe or uncomfortable on a train. I have seen with my own eyes, a coupe of years ago, a knife-wielding guy being pinned down on the ground by police at the South Yarra station. Though at that time it probably was Connex not Metro who was operating.
I have to say putting police officers on every railway station in Melbourne after 6pm may be a good idea, at least may give people some peace of mind.

[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2010-10-7 12:54 编辑 ]

Do Melbourne has train guards like Sydney do? Sydney has train guards who dress up quite like police and patrol the night trains.

I personally hate public transport and haven’t taken a single ride on train for many years, let alone night trips.

However, I do believe that public transport is the best way to take off pressure from roads for an ever-expanding city like Melbourne whose population has been increasing steadily in the past decade. And what makes people give up the comfort of their own car to go for public transport? I believe the answer lies in punctuality, cleanliness and safety. After all, what is the point of investing in more trains if there are dangerous incidents being reported now and then?

To have more stations staffed may be a good start and to put security guards on train, especially after afternoon peak hours may also help.  Costs may blow up in the short-term but once people find train ride a safe and more convenient way to travel, hopefully tickets revenue should boost which in turn may justify the extra costs being proposed in a longer term.

I've been to Zurich twice, and now I'm 100% believing in public transport. Their public transport is so convenient, reliable and efficient, most people don't even consider owning a car.

I do drive a car to work nowadays though, simply because public transport is hardly available between where I live and where I work.

But I used to use Sydney's cityrail a lot. And yes, there was some scary/weird experiences, including a six-feet tall muscle guy get down on his knees to beg for coins. But things do get a lot better after they hired an army of train guards.

Also, there are designated "safe carriage" for night trains in Sydney. It's marked with a blue light, and if you sit in there, normally guards are around all the time.

Not sure how's Melbourne like?


That's probably what we need in Melbourne too.


Is that right, the night safe trains? Very interesting to know.

I haven't taken trains that often now and all the differences I see is much higher ticket price, oh and, modern looking trains with much less room......

[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2010-10-7 13:08 编辑 ]

seems ok lo.. not club type anyway....
when i was a kid in NY, i felt that was the end of hell...


Public transport in Europe is quite a different story. I don't think Switzerland is comparable to Australia on this aspect.

It is the same (or probably even worse) In Sydney.
At night time especially after 11pm I don't feel really safe and comfortable on the train in spite of there being some so-called guards/transit officers occasionally patrolling. And honestly they don't really help much other than being the expert at issuing infringement tickets.


I see....
We are never short of this type of so-called train guard in Melboure, I guess....


Thanks guys for sharing
Will add points when they are back


You care to tell me why?

avoid taking night train ride alone


Mind sharing your experience?


But sometimes it's unavoidable, especially I don't believe cab is any safer than train......


With their relatively compact size and higher population density, it is more cost-effective for European countries to invest in public transport infrastructure which in turn attracts more people to use the system. Generally speaking, it is safer to be in a compartment full of passengers than in a one with only a few drunken teenagers, isn’t it?


true, but Sydney & Melbourne are populous enough as well; and if there are genuine efforts made by the government to prop up public transport, a lot more people will start using it and it will get safer and tidier.

That'd be a good news. Then the roads would be a little better for people who still continue using cars haha.

Unfortunately with the current government I don't think they bear any fruit.

I am a bit worried about this lately. Because I will be probably doing a late shift work from 12-9PM. I am concerned about safety issues of taking the late train back home.


But you still haven't explained why you are concerned. Too many hoodie-wearing robber-look-alikes?

somehow never get fresh air in the train, driving is worse, you run faster than sitting behind the steeringwheel...

but trains are fine until you have to confront some exhibitionist dressed in night gowns lol, like in the news

ya, sometimes a train ride is like a freak show.

well this reminded me one particular website:


genuinely a freak show. Australia at still slightly better than the US of A if solely judged by this.

ya, Matrix was at its coolest that very moment
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