

http://www.smh.com.au/entertainm ... 20100914-159jy.html

So Oprah is coming to Australia!

She's coming to shot at least two episodes of her show. What's special here is that her entourage will include 300 of her audience who come from the states, fully sponsored by her! Wow. that's what we call hardcore fans, and a very rich woman!

The Tourism Minister of Australia, Martin Ferguson, said that "Oprah is a global household name and her star power has the potential to lift Australia's profile as a premier tourist destination."

Wow, wait a sec. I don't agree with him here. Do Australia need Oprah to "lift its profile as a premier tourist destination"? Look I think Oprah is very successful, but really? Can one person, one visit, lift Australia's profile as a nation?

What do you think? What do you think about Oprah? What do you think about her show? Do you think her show is actually controversial? Do you think it's in Australia's favor to let her come here and make some shows in the OPERA (not Oprah!) HOUSE?

For the rules about this activity, please see

http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... &extra=page%3D1

Sorry I have little to contribute on this specific topic as I don’t have a clue who this woman is.

In general term I don’t believe a so-called celebrity’s visit to Australia has a long-term impact on our country’s tourism. When the majority of the world is in icy and freezing winter, we have unbeatable sunshine and beaches down here, thus providing an escape getaway for those hungry for warm weather.  English being the official language, Australia attracts tourists from all over the world with its uniqueness, remoteness (hence mysteriousness) and friendliness offered by 20 million or so Aussies.

Certainly we welcome whatever celebrities and their fans to visit Australia. However to lift the country’s profile as a premium tourism destination would take far more than that. I do hope that our government officials can become more confident and proud of this country especially when they are speaking on behalf of Australia.

Well, I hope she can at least mention - no matter how briefly -  that her not-that-large entourage can magically paralyze the transportation in Sydney or Melbourne (no, I am not talking about her, she will need RTA to close roads, wont she? or some other authority to close the sky? )...


Good point. We might have the harbour bridge closed for a day or two as well because she want to have breakfast there...I agree that sometimes celebrities are more of a chore than a treat.


This woman...she can talk

And by talking like a super charged chatterbox, she earns hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

And she even has the power to affect which party people will vote in the states.

To her credit though, she started from nothing, pretty much invented this kind of talk-show format, and became the queen of it. There has been lots of imitators since her runaway success, but none gets even close to her level of popularity and stardom.


So what? We Australian ppl don't care

I simply don't like her. What I really don't understand is that why it's such a big deal to make her come here for some shows??!!
Oprah is just running a TV show. Can it make any difference where it's actually filmed?
I guess  Australians would be more excited if some NBA games can be played here.


yes. Please read the rules at http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... amp;extra=page%3D1.


Guys probably will prefer some big shot sports star, yes, but Oprah has her target audience too, and it ain't small - her fans are mostly young to mature age women.

I have been following her for years.  But recently, I feel a little bit tired of her, and the hype, and the screaming. I can imagine how this sounded on her show. It is time for her to change the style and end this game show.

I just remembered that the NSW Premier was born in the states right? Guess that's probably why she's so keen to see Oprah run the show in Sydney. Her government even agreed to contribute 1-2 Mil to cost for inviting Oprah here!! Do you really believe this is gonna boost the local tourism???
Only people from English speaking countries, NOT the entire world, might watch her show.
Victoria government just did a similar thing a couple of months ago to invite Tiger Woods here.
It's just a waste of money!! I could've done something meaningful with that money.


May I ask why you liked her show?


She's an amazing women.


coz u know her story how she became famous?  then became the fan of her show?
To be honest, this sort of show like many sitcoms in the states, are just created for those women either at the early stage of career or housewives. Make some idols and then let them become the dream of those females, which cannot come true.
Guess that's how entertainment industry make money now...

Actually, I want to see some comments from people who watched her show and enjoyed it. After all she's not so famous for nothing. Are there anybody who watch her shows? Care to comment?

All I can remember from her show is Tom Cruise's couch jumping.....and that's the only time I watched it....

Even though I could count the times I watched Oprah shows on my fingers with some to spare, I get the impression that she is a quite likeable person, who could easily influence and inspire her audience with her enthusiasm.

I like her effusive and hearty way of dealing with her guests, I think her genuineness made her guests willing to reveal their stories which they might not to reveal to others.

As a child to a single mother, raised up in poverty, sex abused when she was little, pregnant as a teenager, I think that she did very well for herself. It is truly amazing that she could have achieved so much in life and become who she is today; I also liked her openness about all these bad experiences in her life.


ya that was kind of turning point for Mr. Cruise. Suddenly he became a freak!

Pardon my Chingalish. Am writing this on the train.
I think Oprah is an icon for women in the 21st century. The main reason why she is so popular is not only because she can 'talk'. The sensation lies with her ability to make others (her audience) feel loved - a feeling that transcends all race, age & disparity.

You'll find that her path to success, her life story from rags to riches shines as a beacon for many of her loyal viewers, for they need that reminder and affirmation that miracle and greatness is attainable.

What are we talking about here, how do you think of Oprah's visit to Australia / do you like her show / why is she so successful?

English is so hard.....

$3 million taxpayer's money would be worthwhile if Oprah's visit can boost Australia's tourism. Kyle and Jackie O say she is a powerful women, whatever she recommends on the show it sells, she recommends a book, the book becomes a bestseller, she endorses a person that person becomes celebrity.

Assume the Australian government does something different to promote tourism. They would very much likely spend the same amount of money, maybe even more and probably achieve far less. Just take a look at what that Nao Can "where the bloody hell are you" tourism ad featuring the same Nao Can Lara Bingle has achieved. I'd rather have the money spent on Oprah.

英语不好不要笑…… 有Chingalish的地方请指正~ :)

I am not a fan of Oprah at all and what I know about her is simply that she is quite a famous talk show host in America. Somehow, this kind of tear-gaining show is never my cup of tea.

There is no problem for her to hold her show in Australia. But the question arises when her show will cause 3 million dollars from the pockets of tax payers for the travelling expense of the 450 Oprah's loyal fans in the States. Well, if I were one of the tax payers, I would not be happy with that especially when I suffer from high transportation fee in NSW.

BTW, this morning's Kyle & Jackie O show, they said Oprah had planned this big travel quite a long time ago and the first country came out in her mind was Australia because of the Opera House.....  Maybe it is just a joke!


en, I agree. British shows are more 内敛,sophisticated. Americans are so drama.

Oprah's show does have more depth. It isn't a 'Jerry Springer' spin-off, which dramatises domestic violence and such.


Emmm... If that's the case, I might try to watch her shows and make a new judgement~

money well spent


Personally, I think this is a brilliant idea.  $3M is a small price to pay for the publicity and advertising that we'll get from being on Oprah's show. The return on the investment will be far greater than if we had put the money toward 60 second commercials.

[ 本帖最后由 charmaine 于 2010-9-15 10:22 编辑 ]


Or the president


What is Nao Can?

hmmm. I must admit I haven't watched her shows in years. Maybe her shows have changed.

Fundamental thing is...I don't really like anything, no hobbies, no interests, so I don't really care if she comes or not.
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