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'The dirty dogs killed him on Ramadan'
August 14, 2010
''THE weak, dirty dogs killed him on Ramadan.''
It is a statement filled with fury and the Chaouk clan says the assassination of patriarch Macchour in his Brooklyn backyard yesterday will be avenged.
''His blood does not come cheap, especially in Ramadan,'' a family spokesman told The Age.
The 65-year-old was gunned down about 11am, with the killer fleeing in a car from a side street into Geelong Road.
In developments last night, police arrested a 57-year-old man from Altona North and were questioning him in connection with the murder.
Police are preparing for revenge attacks after the family spokesman warned that ''every dog has his day''.
The Chaouks have access to weapons and have strong links to Sydney's Lebanese crime gangs, sparking fears the bloodshed could spread interstate.
The family spokesman said the gunman also tried to shoot Macchour Chaouk's wife, Fatma, but she ran back into the house.
''She saw them and she knows who it is,'' he said.
The Brooklyn house where yesterday's shooting occurred was the scene of the fatal police shooting of Mohamed Chaouk - Macchour's son - on April 5, 2005. Mohamed was shot dead by a Special Operations Group police officer in a raid after Mohamed allegedly struck the officer on a wrist with a blunt samurai sword.
The SOG was back at the house in full kit yesterday securing the property.
Police have made it clear that yesterday's shooting was a targeted slaying.
Macchour Chaouk was no stranger to violence, but in an interview with The Age several months ago he said he wanted it to end.
He said his family were ''no angels'' but he felt they were the victims of a police intimidation campaign. He had spent a fortune on legal cases and could not leave the area even if he wanted to.
The house is well covered by closed-circuit TV cameras and weapons were found during a recent police raid on property. The family said they needed them for protection.
Macchour Chaouk told The Age that police regularly patrolled the perimeter of his two-storey home, shining spotlights into bedroom windows almost nightly.
Last month, dozens of armed police raided the house, arresting Macchour and his sons Omar, 18, and Waleed, 36.
The raid was one of three by members of the Santiago Taskforce in relation to a non-fatal shooting on June 6. On that night, student Sam Haddara, 18, was allegedly shot in the face while pulling over in his car in Altona North after believing he was being followed.
Macchour and Waleed were released without charge, pending further inquiries, while Omar was charged with five offences, some firearm-related.
Omar, freed on bail, was being comforted on the nature strip outside the family home after yesterday's shooting.
After last month's raid, the Melbourne Magistrates Court heard that officers found a pump-action shotgun in a wall cavity, a loaded revolver in a woodpile, ammunition and 36 blank passports.
Recent court hearings were told the Lebanese families have been involved in a ''war'' for years.
Macchour Chaouk今年六十五岁,著名的墨尔本黑帮老大。昨天上午十一点左右在自家后院受枪击身亡。凶手驾驶一辆汽车向Geelong Rd方向逃跑。昨晚,警方逮捕了一名五十七岁的男性嫌疑人,这名男子来自Alton North。目前警方正严阵以待,以防Chaouk家族的复仇行动使得谋杀活动进一步升级。
Macchour Chouk曾经和多起暴力事件有关,但是几个月前接受The Age的采访时说想要金盆洗手。他说他的家族里没有“天使“,他对他的家人感到愧疚。他花费大量的金钱来打官司,想退出谈何容易,人在江湖身不由己啊。
Macchour的住宅安装了闭路电视,在最近一次的警方搜查行动中,警察在他家发现了武器。Macchour Chaouk告诉The Age,警察会定期在他家外巡逻,经常在半夜往他家卧室打探照灯。
上个月警察搜查了Macchour的住宅,逮捕了他和他的两个儿子。次次搜查跟一起枪击案有关。这起枪击案发生在六月六日晚Alton North,一名十八岁的学生被人跟踪然后被枪击中脸部。随后Macchour和他的大儿子被释放,小儿子Omar被判有罪,后被保释出狱。

[ 本帖最后由 imbirdman 于 2010-8-14 12:32 编辑 ]

underbelly 第4个season有题材了。

''She saw them and she knows who it is,'' he said.

could not leave the area even if he wanted to.

Omar, freed on bail, was being comforted on the nature strip outside the family home after yesterday's shooting.



''She saw them and she knows who it is,'' he said.

据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




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