The recent NSW election has yielded significant gains in the number of women elected to public office in the state.现在下议院有七名女性,而女性在上议院保持微弱多数(52%),使该州更接近实现性别平等。新政府承诺在内阁会议桌上实现性别平衡是另一项重大胜利。
< figure class="_3ujPS _3x3-4 RMwbY _2XZQH" data-testid="image">Simon Letch 的插图来源:
举个例子?十年前,澳大利亚有一位女总理和一位女总督:这是自英联邦诞生以来担任这些职位的唯一女性。 A decade on, we have seen no other women elected to leadership of the major parties.
When Gladys Berejiklian resigned as NSW premier her primary reasons for stepping down was not a gendered issue, but the lack of highly qualified女性可以代替她了。此外,最近几个月,四位全球女性领导人失去或离开了——桑娜·马林(芬兰)、杰辛达·阿德恩(新西兰)、娜塔莉亚·加夫里利塔(摩尔多瓦)和尼古拉·斯特金(苏格兰)——各自由一名男性接替。时间会证明她们的任命是否异常。
建立和维持强大的希望从政的女性渠道是头条人物未能把握的关键部分。 The reality is that candidates typically need to run more than once before being elected, with the lessons learnt from their initial campaign informing their long-term political trajectory, thus increasing their chances of future electoral success.
It is therefore valuable to compare the pool of candidates who contested the election with those who have ultimately been elected.
Across all NSW lower house seats, an average of 39 per cent of candidates were妇女——比选举前下议院女性议员的比例高出几个百分点,后者为 33%。共有 33 个席位实现了 50% 或更高的女性候选人。
广告Accordingly, this enhanced pool of female candidates resulted in eight additional women being elected to the lower house, raising the percentage of female MPs to 41 per cent.在这些女性中,有一半取代了即将退休的现任成员,而其他女性则罢免了一名现任成员。经过进一步分析,从男性代表过渡到女性代表的八个席位中,平均有 50% 的女性候选人。
但不幸的是,正如公众所预料的那样,政党之间存在显着差异他们预选候选人的条款。对于主要政党,在下议院,工党以 47% 的女性候选人领先,其次是国家党和自由党,分别为 36% 和 34%。