Two big Large rooms measuring 4.2mx4m with mulitple windows sighitng quite street neighborhood, with brand new bulit-in. the other room measures 4x3.8m with wardrobe aswell for $165
Sharing kitchen & bathroom - Situated in a very convenient location only minutes drive to Eastwood and Ryde. closes to buses,shops and schools
$180 includes all bills, prefer studnet or full time worker cooks less.people living in there has fulltime work,works 6 day.we will be very quite and tidy lifestyle in the house.
furnished with appliances living room lcd tv, sofa, dinning tables, fridge, washing machine etc etc.
Ermington新装修一大房出租,在eastwood和ryde附件,欢迎全职或者少煮人士..有意请联系0421 120 019

Thanks Bud!
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