澳洲part time工作和政府福利的问题。


有谁知道 part time工作一周拿多少钱,不会影响政府的new start allowence,family tax benifit A&B的金额? 有没有什么计算公式?

懂的大神给说说。 浮云伺候。

http://www.humanservices.gov.au/ ... ome-test-allowances

Income test amounts:

1.single, no children
single, with a dependent child, but not the principal carer
single, aged 60 or over and have been receiving payment for at least 9 months continuously
partnered (each person)
Fortnightly income        up to $100        between $100 and $250        over $250
Reduction in payment        none – full payment        50 cents for each dollar over $100        $75 plus 60 cents for each dollar over $250

For partnered recipients: If your partner earns income above $894, your payment is reduced by 60 cents for every dollar of income over $894. Likewise, if your partner receives a payment from us, your income may affect their amount.

If a couple is separated because of illness, they each will be paid $552.40 per fortnight. One member of a couple may be paid $552.40 per fortnight if the other partner is imprisoned.

2.Income test amounts for:
single principal carer, with  a dependent
single principal carer of a dependent child, granted an exemption for foster caring. home schooling, distance education, large family
Fortnightly income        up to $100        over $100
Reduction in payment        none – full payment        40 cents for each dollar over $100

Cut-off points
If you earn enough income your payment reduces to $0, this is called the cut-off point. This table outlines the cut-off point for each family situation.

The amount of income you can earn before your payment reduces to $0 may be higher if you are eligible for Pharmaceutical Allowance or Rent Assistance.

Family situation        payment reduces to $0 once your income reaches this amount
Single, no children        $990.34
Single, aged 60 or over and have been receiving payment for at least nine months continuously        $1,071.67
Single, principal carer, with a dependent child        $1,504.50
Single principal carer of a dependent child, granted an exemption for foster caring, home schooling, distance education, large family        $1,912.75
Single, with a dependent child but not the principal carer        $1,061.34
Partnered (each person)        $906.17


http://www.humanservices.gov.au/ ... b/ftb-a-income-test

Income test for Family Tax Benefit Part A
The income test for Family Tax Benefit Part A is a guide only, and is updated on 1 July each year.

The income test does not apply if you or your partner gets an income-support payment, such as a pension, benefit, or allowance or a Department of Veterans’ Affairs service pension.

Income test
If your family’s adjusted taxable income for this financial year is $48,837 or less, your payment will not be affected by the income test.

In most cases, your Family Tax Benefit Part A payment is worked out using two income tests. We will apply the test that gives you the highest rate of payment.

The first test reduces the maximum rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A by 20 cents for each dollar above $48,837 until your payment reaches the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A.

The second test reduces the base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A by 30 cents for each dollar above $94,316 (plus $3,796 for each Family Tax Benefit child after the first) until your payment reaches nil.

If your family income is close to the maximum cut-off, you should check your eligibility after the end of the financial year, once your actual income is known.

Income test for Family Tax Benefit Part B
This income test for Family Tax Benefit Part B is updated on 1 July each year.

Family Tax Benefit Part B is for families (single parent or couple) in which the primary earner has an adjusted taxable income of $150,000 or less per year.

Single parent family
If you are a single-parent family with an annual adjusted taxable income of more than $150,000, you will not be eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part B.

If your income is at or below this limit you will continue to get the maximum rate of Family Tax Benefit Part B.

Two parent family
If you are a two-parent family in which your primary earner has an annual adjusted taxable income of more than $150,000 you will not be eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part B. This is regardless of the lower income of the other parent.

If the primary earner’s income is at or below this limit, Family Tax Benefit Part B will be assessed on the basis of the second earner’s income. Secondary earners can earn up to $5,183 each year before it affects the rate of Family Tax Benefit Part B.

Payments are reduced by 20 cents for each dollar of income earned over $5,183.

If you are the secondary earner and your partner earns $150,000 or less, you can still get some Family http://www.humanservices.gov.au/ ... b/ftb-b-income-test

Tax Benefit Part B if your income is below:

$26,390 a year, if your youngest child is under 5 years of age, or
$20,532 a year, if your youngest child is 5–18 years of age
You and your partner cannot receive Family Tax Benefit Part B during a Parental Leave Pay period, but it may be paid after the Paid Parental Leave period ends.
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