标签:caught - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Pagoda Caught in Food Safety Scandal Ahead of Hong

原标题:Pagoda Caught in Food Safety Scandal Ahead of Hong Kong IPO Image Source: Visual China BEIJING, May 9 (TMTPOST) — Chinese fruit retail chain Pagoda apologized on Saturday for its recent food safety scandal. “We are sorry tha...澳洲华人论坛


Caught driving with suspended license

what if u Caught driving with suspended license? anyone know? 评论 沒造成嚴重後果的應該是繼續被罰款吧 评论 偶记得去年朋友被收驾照以后警察说的是抓到无证开车会罚款+上庭。。。。 评论 本来...澳洲华人论坛



caught this in Watson Bay today. the scales are pretty rough so it doesnt feels like drummer...is it 白毛?? 评论 白毛 评论 这个鱼严重不好吃。 评论 听高手说过白毛的肠子是极品。。。没试过 评论 buffalo br...澳洲华人论坛


blackfish caught on prawn

was targeting some other species... any idea how to cook this one? 评论 over 35cm 评论 这鱼味道一般,如果没有当场放血清内脏的话。。。就更一般了 评论 当场放血清内脏, why? I kept it alive till I got hom...澳洲华人论坛


Perch caught in Yarra river melbourne

鼓掌~楼主钓点在哪啊?能不能给出具体地址啊? 评论 从没见过这鱼,长见识了。 那么冷的天能在河里钓上这鱼,LZ的耐心超过鱼技。 台钓和矶钓比有啥区别呢?国内大多的人都是玩台...澳洲华人论坛


PB Bonito in winter

Caught this PB boni at 20 July on my 3 years old lure. Weight at 3kg and just a bit above 60cm. Quite a fat fellow at this length. Another little fellow is the general size boni frquently caught in summer. The big fellow made good sashimi. [...澳洲华人论坛



Hi! this is my 1st post. Caught these fishes last week, all fish met legal size limit, whiting 28cm to 3xcm, flathead 36cm to 4xcm. Cooked 2 flatheads for soup, very nice flavour, gave the rest to grandparents :) 2013-9-5 04:07 上传 下载附...澳洲华人论坛



Tip: caught at great barrier reef 评论 LZ肌肉男! 评论 看鱼!看鱼!! 评论 民歌二重唱,叶矛、撂鲨 评论 看鳍应该是鲨鱼类的吧,没见过 评论 像cat fish。。 看不清嘴上有没有须,以前有个北上...澳洲华人论坛


Fish caught at Williamstown

今天钓到了一条flathead在Williamstown, 45cm,不知道是不是safe to eat? 这个区域的渔获有什么限制食用吗? 评论 孕妇勿食用,妇女儿童一周不要超过一次,其他随意 评论 少吃无防 评论 难道...澳洲华人论坛