我: Hi dear, you just read the book of Freddie Mercury, what do you Learn from him? 女: I learn that he got extra 4 teeth… 我: ……… 女: Mum, do you know what I learn from Stephen Hawking? 我: 什么? 女: His whole...澳洲华人论坛
我: Hi dear, you just read the book of Freddie Mercury, what do you Learn from him? 女: I learn that he got extra 4 teeth… 我: ……… 女: Mum, do you know what I learn from Stephen Hawking? 我: 什么? 女: His whole...澳洲华人论坛
Dear Client, On 1 October 2022, Interactive Brokers Australia Pty Limited (“IBA”) will change its third party clearing provider from BNP Paribas Securities Services (ARBN: 149 440 491, AFSL: 402467) to BNP Paribas (ABN:23 000000117, AFSL...澳洲华人论坛
大家好,我有点进退两难,我想知道我是否可以在我的盒子之外获得一些其他的观点,因为我在这个问题上拖延了太久了第 1 点:我们有(妻子和我)一个期房公寓将于 3 月 6 日以我们...澳洲华人论坛
Dear: 今天下午去银行办理终止车辆的保险,银行职员问车辆信息,我记不清,出去把路税牌拿去了,前后15分钟,再出来,被贴条了,大概是没有正确的使用路税牌的意思(贴条时我的车...澳洲华人论坛
Dear Allmembers, there is A Pilot Shooting (3-7mins)for a feature film called “ The Endless Stairs ” . A story about two Chinese sisters froma broken family, and a Maori girl. “ In order to preparea music concert for village ’ s chi...澳洲华人论坛
Dear xxxx, How often do you ask yourself, do I buy now?or do I wait?The property market is anyone's crystal ball.The new government can't change the fact that we do not have enough properties in Auckland at affordable levels to house everybo...澳洲华人论坛
Dear Renji, Thank you for bringing to our attention this issue – we regularly research on a variety of media, for this sort of bogus offer and it is something we are vigilant about. Our degrees and transcripts are produced in such a way t...澳洲华人论坛
dear all: do you know any good iPad apps to learn Chinese? i know a child who is 5 years old. his parents want him to learn Chinese. if you have any ideas, could you please contribute/recommend some apps to help children to learn Chinese? so...澳洲华人论坛
Dear Parents Welcome to attend 22 May Chinese Men’s Forum 男士论坛会讲座: Children’s Services Information Night 儿 童 服 务 信 息 之 夜 Guest Speaker: *Sharon Bradford etc. from Knox City Council Date Time: 7pm-9pm Wed 22...澳洲华人论坛
Dear all 想请教各位, 1. 现在递交103,这个queue date 大约多久?18个月? 在此期间,父母还是只能申请旅游签证来? 还是可以申请探亲的那种? 2. 父母之前来过澳洲,这次想来呆时间长一...澳洲华人论坛
Dear all, 想问下父母目前在国内 持有600签证,想申请143。是入境澳洲再申请快还是无所谓,越早申请越快? Thanks in advance ! 评论 不管在哪儿都是按申请日期排队,想要快的唯一办法就是...澳洲华人论坛
Dear , Holiday season and travel go hand in hand, and having diabetes doesn't mean travelling can't be fun. With good planning, your trip can be hassle-free whether you're going interstate or overseas. Our top tips for travelling well with...澳洲华人论坛
Dear Sir/ Madam, 谢谢您向澳大利亚驻上海总领事馆签证处发电邮。 您的签证申请已审理完毕。 我司将发回澳大利亚签证申请中心并通过他们将您的护照寄回。 请与澳大利亚签证申请中心联...澳洲华人论坛
Dear All, Please help me if you can. My mum is already 63 years old and my dad is 68 years old. I want to apply the migration visa for both of them. Maybe mum comes first, then my dad. Do you happen to know which visa subclass my mum should...澳洲华人论坛
Dear NSW Fishers I wanted to update you on our progress with our campaign to Stop the Marine Park Lock Out. Yesterday myself and Leader of the NSW Nationals, Andrew Stoner, officially congratulated the Warringah Anglers Club on their huge ef...澳洲华人论坛
Dear all, 新车全险,在纠结NRMA还是Allianz ? online确实比门店有discount offer ? 过往7年老司机无任何报险记录,还有可以price match ? 谢谢推荐 ! 评论 推荐去店里可以讨价还价,如果别家给...澳洲华人论坛
Dear Sir or Madam, I write this letter in order to amend my application for university accommodation. I have to apologize for submitting my initial application form without thinking it through. Now that I'm clearer with what exactly I prefer...澳洲华人论坛
Dear xxx. I have very sore through today. Will take a day off. ( Will be absent today ) 那个比较好? 评论 sore throat. and你句子的语法完全不对。 话说嗓子痛都可以请病假? [ 本帖最后由 巴黎春天 于 2011-...澳洲华人论坛
Is there 评论 Dear LZ, I'd like to take this course next semeter, can I join your group? 评论 Hi, count me in! 评论 报名,算我一个 评论 i'm taking it next semester too. where r u guys located? 评论 我觉的这个建议挺好...澳洲华人论坛
DEAR ALL, 笨人正学习TAFE 的ACCOUNTING课程,ASSESSMENT 中的两问题让我无从下笔,恳请赐教,无尽感激! 1After receiving the Super Choice Form, as payroll Officer list what actions you need to take regarding super....澳洲华人论坛
Dear CPA TX: CPA SMS result is going to be released later today. Let's make a wish. PASS, PASS, PASS!!!!!! 评论 i did not register for SMS result.... 评论 pray for P``````` 评论 PASS, PASS, PASS!!!!!! 评论 我也注册了哈,啥时候...澳洲华人论坛
Dear all, Please kindly pass the esat to my mailbox if you have them. I don't think cpa aust will post it. [email protected] 评论 please send to me as well [email protected] thank you! 评论 有人传给你了吗?如果有的话能...澳洲华人论坛
Dear xxx, I reply to your feedback to the Transport Infoline, advising of the actions of Route xxx, xxx and xxx operators on x March 2015. Based on the content of your feedback, the Operators involved will be identified, and be seen by their...澳洲华人论坛
Dear Clients, Australian Taxation Office is targeting Chinese Cash business.Please make sure your bookkeeping and records keeping are satisfying the ATO. The followings are from ATO: Net closes on tax cheats in Chinese 收緊打擊偷稅之網...澳洲华人论坛
昨天收到的邮件: Dear Friend, I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. I am Mr.Tata Youba, THE CHIEF AUDITOR IN CHARGE OF THE FOREIGN REMITTANCE UNIT here in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. I hope that you will not expose o...澳洲华人论坛
Dear XXX, The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has issued eBay with a formal request for information relating to sales by Australian eBay members who sold over $10,000 worth of goods on eBay.com.au during the tax year ending June 2014. The A...澳洲华人论坛