是thank you for your bless,还是thank you for your wish? 今天中国新年,收到了鬼佬老板同事的短信祝福 评论 Thank you for your well wishes. 评论 谢谢啊 评论 Thank you for your warm wishes. 评论 学习了 评论...澳洲华人论坛
是thank you for your bless,还是thank you for your wish? 今天中国新年,收到了鬼佬老板同事的短信祝福 评论 Thank you for your well wishes. 评论 谢谢啊 评论 Thank you for your warm wishes. 评论 学习了 评论...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you for having me. 评论 未完成句子,感觉后面应该还得加点啥 评论 这句经常听到啊,特别是在电台访谈类节目或答题类节目结束的时候,嘉宾感谢主持人很多会说这句 评论 是的,这...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you for accessing the Victorian COVID-19 Vaccination Management registration and booking portal. We are currently experiencing a high demand for registrations and bookings so have placed you in a queue. You will be automatically let in...澳洲华人论坛
DONE 评论 保险免费给搞。 评论 SS要价340刀+ 2# VB 评论 AAA PARTS 09-270 0636 评论 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd...澳洲华人论坛
thanks MMJA in Nzhonda for photo. 评论 sfsf sfsfsfsfsfs 评论 wtf...mark 2 got 223.0.......fast car...!! lol.. 评论 bro you should come ma!!hehe 3# li_46 评论 部红色CL7 Euro-R 有无改咩? 评论 全部原厂(车主说的). 评论...澳洲华人论坛
thank you.. 评论 谢谢!!!! 评论 可以去报案了~~~~~~~~ 评论 问题是他怎么知道你用来注册trademe的email地址啊?这个你得深究一下,要不然下回同样的事情还是会找上门。 评论 这种骗子一般...澳洲华人论坛
要补牙,之前去了倒霉路的郭牙医照了两张x-ray,他的机器很旧,有点害怕就走了,问了其他的牙医,补一个牙齿就195D - 395D。。。太贵了。。。 谢谢大家, 不知道可不可以到郭牙医那...澳洲华人论坛
thanks very much 评论 有人专门焊接塑料的。原来我儿子的Quad Bike塑料的挡水板撞裂了,就是找Plastic Welder修复的。我用的那家在East Tamaki Road, 还有一个在Manurewa。需要的话我可以给你他们...澳洲华人论坛
评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very much 评论 thank you very mu...澳洲华人论坛
连接全球6亿用户的美团点评现登陆新西兰 光涛辉煌 GT Flourish NZ 独家代理美食购物版块 我们诚邀你的加入一起携中国消费大数据创造奇迹! 职位名称: 销售代表 Sales Representative 岗位职...澳洲华人论坛
now i understand why the frustration come from, as i am not the only on eexpeirence this! i booked a ticket in China for flying back to GZ from AKL.. i have been told by local ticketing office that i have to call the GZ office in order to ma...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you for your email. Yes we received the English translation of your local Police Certificate earlier this week on Monday. At this stage we are still verifying all of your documents which is routine procedure. This process is expected t...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you for your email. Your application is still processing, it is also requiring external verification which could be up to a further 6 months away. I will be in touch in due course. 我昨天发邮件给CO问进展,今天得到的回复...澳洲华人论坛
Please pm me. Thank you. Km:130482 keep up All ready Changed Tyres, cambelt kit and waterpump date by 18/04/2019 Wof:April 2020 Rego:January 2020 Year: 2005 Make: AUDI Model: A3 Colour: BLACK Body Style: Hatchback VIN: WAUZZZ8P45A092568 Engi...澳洲华人论坛
如题 开放时间? 价钱? Thanks~ 评论 membership 奥大学生250一年 一次大概是15块 不过告诉你 在他们忙的时候你就说你id没带 他就让你进去了 什么也不管 哈哈哈 评论 一次是10块(带上学生...澳洲华人论坛
https://trademe.co.nz/910607125 评论 不能 评论 不能 这屋檐。这平顶。这recladding??? 有body corp没。 评论 Ok 3q for the information 评论 Albany很多这种房子,联排,很便宜,有蛮高的物业管理费 也不是...澳洲华人论坛
All good!thanks 评论 我孕9周,12周,13周,20周,25周,32周和35周都有b 超,不觉得有什么问题 评论 怎么才能加分呢?谢谢楼上 评论 我6周,8周,12周,16周,20周,22周,25周,28周,31周,...澳洲华人论坛
上上个礼拜去B超了,果然不错又是一朵小金花!!!!!!咱家真的要成为不折不扣的女生宿舍喽! 她爹下班回来一听这消息,如同备考的人猜中考题一样:“Thank God, it's a girl! ” 虽...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you for sharing 评论 算了,还是不说了。加分更实际。 评论 父母的认知出了问题,倒霉的是小孩 评论 评论 thanks for sharing 评论 学校有人自杀,QQ群里还那样,真是无语了。 评论 感谢...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you for your email. Our system shows that your medical report has been referred to the Health Operation Centre in Australia on 17 March 2013 and is queued to be assessed by a Medical Officer of Commonwealth.The Health Operation Centre...澳洲华人论坛
Hi there, Sorry have to type English here coz I could not install wubi in windows 8. I just got letter from case office to request some information for my mum 143 application. She asked me my mum's birth certificate and my birth certificate....澳洲华人论坛
Which one is better? Thank you. 评论 679必须在这里递,676在中国递,前者必须是你担保,后者可以申请人自己担保或者你担保 评论 I knew that, but which one is easer to be granted and with simpler process? 评...澳洲华人论坛
谢谢 评论 评论 何时入住 评论 随时可以 评论 评论 评论 我月末回澳。先帮顶。 评论 评论 评论 评论 评论 评论 评论 评论 已发消息给你,约一下看房时间。 评论 回复你了 评论 看到了...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you! 评论 要是怕死的,就像我一样,就在周围 的PIER上。 评论 mel附近的pier鱼很多,因为是夏天,早晚钓比较好 评论 LZ 记得了,要是龟了,就找楼上的要鱼。 评论 行,来拿把,钓...澳洲华人论坛
no worries, not a problem ....还有什么能想到的吗? 评论 you're welcome pleasure/ my honour piece of cake ta.... take it easy... 评论 don't mention it 评论 还有书本上教的 That's Alright That's OK 评论 no, thank YOU 评论...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you for your application for a position at our company,这个是用人单位写的,为什么用at呢,而不用in 评论 in 和 at 这里interchangeable 但一般说at a company, in a department, in an industry 比如 work at IBM,...澳洲华人论坛
一般别人说Thank you的时候我都是回一句标准答案:You are welcome,嘿嘿~~ 但是印象中听到过很多次别人用各种方式回答,请问一下各位,都有哪些不同方法回复的呀? 评论 that's all right~...澳洲华人论坛
1. Thank you, next. 某物对你没什么用了 2. Savage: 形容 某人很牛或某人做事让人大跌眼镜 3. Tea: 绯闻,秘密 4. Gucci: 形容 某物很好,很酷 5. Sis: 姐妹或精神上的姐妹 6. Snatched or beat: 形容...澳洲华人论坛
MM, thank you so so so much!!! Could you please send me CPA 113 notes to [email protected]? I feel actually very moved to meet such a good girl on the line!!!all the best to good people! 评论 Could you please send me CPA 113 notes to l...澳洲华人论坛
有人要这个学期的NOTES吗?我们一个大GOUP人做的,三个CASE。成绩是一个D,其余都是CR。要的给我回复。 EMAIL附带考试题目,无需给我加分。义务帮忙 截止日期30/09/2012 2014年4月note:谢谢...澳洲华人论坛
Thanks. Please delete :) 评论 Can I please have the notes too if anyone has it ????I am going to do it in s1 2015 I hope I could pass it . Thank you very much in advance [email protected] 评论 我觉得不需要笔记的哦,考试会...澳洲华人论坛
Thank you all for replying. PPL, no 2 YEARS PR requirements Parenting pay, need 2 years Sorry for publishing the wrong infos. 评论 什么意思. 评论 不让生? 评论 Parent pay leave 那个benefit,最少得2年PR才可以领 评论 宝...澳洲华人论坛
solved, thank you 评论 不懂,楼下的回答 评论 as above 评论 着急,真是不该说实话 评论 有什么人可以出高招 评论 就说英语差没听明白。 或者说父母打算把房子作 遗嘱留给你和其他子女呗...澳洲华人论坛
THANK YOU 评论 同问 评论 我也需要。 评论 同問。。。。 评论 问。。。。 评论 No one answered? 评论 I CAN DO IT.....BUT IN MEL 评论 人在悉尼,推荐 找的sts-tax,价格公道,服务周到,推荐!!...澳洲华人论坛
Discussion closed, thank you all for the good advise and comments 评论 空调24小时运转这个有点使用过度啊。 评论 评论 我爱人自己也是几个房子的房东,租住镇中心房子做办公室,东西坏了房东就必...澳洲华人论坛
thANK YOU 评论 楼主真是个有心人,谢谢。 评论 评论 学习了 评论 谢谢分享 评论 make慢慢看 评论 谢谢楼主分享 评论 向楼主致敬 评论 精品 评论 太好了,很有帮助 评论 good one 评论 谢谢...澳洲华人论坛