标签:Here - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Here Comes the Habibs 明星卡米拉·阿金去世

Here Comes the Habibs 女演员 Camilla Ah Kin 在长期患病后去世。 本周末,媒体、娱乐和艺术联盟 (MEAA) 的官方 Twitter 宣布了她的逝世消息。 '我们怀着沉重的心情宣布 Camilla Ah Kin 在与病魔长期...澳洲华人论坛



We’re here to help you get ahead with money, that’s why we’re increasing our saving rates again, to make it even easier to reach your savings goals. From 1 August 2022, you can earn up to 2.35% p.a. on your Save account. 评论 有什么...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Newbies Here Sydney

大家好, 新网站 - 考虑在不久的将来搬到阿德莱德,并有可能在假期长期租下购买房产进行投资,因此我们正在英国进行尽可能多的研究,以尝试决定是否这有没有可能 哈比是一名电工...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 Newbie Here 悉尼

大家好,我在搜索了没有垃圾邮件或快速致富计划的投资者论坛后发现了你的论坛阅读过去的帖子真的很有信息 - 谢谢!关于我的一点——我 27 岁,房地产律师,在黄金海岸拥有一个...澳洲华人论坛


澳大利亚房产 New Here and Hi Sydney

大家好, 非常适合像我这样没有钱的人的论坛 这是我的问题 我需要这里一些人的帮助建议 我和我的搭档都 30 岁了,还没有涉足房地产市场 我们平均赚我的钱$50k + $20K 汽车津贴,我的...澳洲华人论坛


My Warrior Rose

Here are my warrior rose. 评论 漂亮 评论 真好看。 评论 好艳丽 评论 清新艳丽! 评论 漂亮 评论 好美的颜色 评论 漂亮加一 评论 战火般浓烈。 评论 漂亮。 评论 顺便扶正了吧。 2020-12-11 1...澳洲华人论坛


Amuse GT1

here is my baby~ 评论 讓我想到GT5里面的那輛... 评论 评论 SEXY ......... 评论 蠻多外國人說這車體像青蛙. 评论 哥.....是你椅子太小还是我太胖了?? 你的amuse出来我都要爬出来的........... 评...澳洲华人论坛


The BEAST is here!

啥都不用说了 无敌了 评论 帅!看把你兴奋的! 评论 3w啊。。。贼贵了。。。我就买得起小怪兽 评论 骑车的人也很牛 评论 宣传片 宣传片 不搞得牛点不好卖阿 评论 对,要是这摄制组...澳洲华人论坛



评论 签名违规了 评论 今天20号了啊。。。。。我的天。。。。 评论 現在那個夠美了吧,版主大人 评论 真会钻漏洞,我不知道行不行,我去问下上头。 评论 我問了,當然是可以,我...澳洲华人论坛


is it cheaper to change japan yen here or in japan

hello! is it cheaper to change japan yen here or in japan? thanks!! 评论 可以去昆侖國際換比銀行的要好很多! 然後信用卡上面再準備一些,如果紐幣上漲了,就花信用卡的,因爲這樣是即時匯率!...澳洲华人论坛


*** Beware of Landlord in Howick ***

Here is the true story to remind the public beware of the landlord at Bradbury Rd,He is such a blackheart and hateful man i ever met my life. We are agreed to pay for $200 for a single double-bed room, and a bond with $300.but refused to si...澳洲华人论坛


Andrew King: Here's how Gen Y can buy a home

RT: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3objectid=11341765 评论 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd 评论 有道理啊 Gen X的时候谁每年花1000-1500刀追IPHONE? 评论 現在的年輕人都不願意受苦吧... 评论...澳洲华人论坛


Jurlique Mid-season sale is here! Save up to 30% of

刚才标题写错了,感觉有用的请加分 2020-7-22 10:10 上传 下载附件 (250.01 KB) 评论 链接: https://www.jurlique.com/au/sale 评论 可惜抗衰的东西不打折。 评论 不错呀 评论 谢谢 评论 首次下单用...澳洲华人论坛


The Arrival of the Americans

Here Kitty! This cat's a monster July 5, 2007 - 2:43PM The US Navy aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk has arrived in Sydney Harbour. The super carrier, accompanied by four other US navy ships, berthed at the Garden Island naval base and will re...澳洲华人论坛


Hyderabad, India

I'm currently here on a business trip. I took a few photos during the past two days, and will take more when I have a chance. Hope you enjoy it, and if you do, don't forget to +++ Hyderabad has a population of about 5 million. It's one of th...澳洲华人论坛


Bloody GP=还是直接奔医院勒

So upset here....went to Como Clinic to see a GP a month ago and he filled the prescription for me saying my eyes were just affected by the coldness viruses, I then doubted his diagnosis saying I had never had such kind of coldness symptoms...澳洲华人论坛



here http://www..com.au/bbs/v ... e%3D1frombbs=1 [ 本帖最后由 Poweregg 于 2008-1-25 19:30 编辑 ] 评论 有钱人 评论 好大的鱼; 可以饱餐 评论 全是钓来的?。。。。那黄色的两张是哪钓的?...澳洲华人论坛


桌面版HERE WeGo貌似比google地图好像还快

https://wego.here.com/ 尤其是自动定位你所在的位置 评论 感谢分享~ 评论 这个的确是一个不错的导航app,以前用Nokia Lumia 920的时候就自带的,现在终于出安卓和IOS的app了。比起Google Maps最大...澳洲华人论坛


Mums! look at here: Spectra breast pump 20% off on

It's birthday sale 20% off everything until 29 Jun! https://spectra-baby.com.au/ 评论 有谁买了什么好东西吗?分享一下吧 评论 它家的吸奶器好用吗?物有所值吗? 评论 路过路过 评论 质量非常一般,用了...澳洲华人论坛


DM Secret selection

The deal is here.$100的酒卖$45. https://www.danmurphys.com.au/pr ... onsrid=3283865 This wine is Murray Street Benno Shiraz Mataro 2007 https://www.danmurphys.com.au/pr ... -shiraz-mataro-2007 有喝过这酒的吗? 评论 链接出错?...澳洲华人论坛



Here is a bunch of new games you can get DRM-free on GOG connect, provided you already own them on Steam. This is a time limited offer so do not delay in getting them. When the time is up you cannot get them DRM-free for free on GOG on this...澳洲华人论坛


求前辈指导 stop here on the red arrow

没事啊 左转红箭头没亮就中 评论 没事,可能你走完后红箭头凉了。 评论 你应该停车,把后车的人揪下来暴打一顿,让你呀瞎JB停!吓死宝宝了 这个牌子的意思是,“当红色箭头灯亮时...澳洲华人论坛


Here comes the ALL NEW BMW 5 Series

废话不多说,直接上视频,总体感觉比7系顺眼 评论 评论 3.1L /100km??? 百公里5.1??? 我没看错吗···· 评论 520d 评论 呵呵.....各有喜好。有些人觉得奔驰的内饰都土,最后还是觉得丰田...澳洲华人论坛


Dad and Partner Pay, apply HERE

爸爸们除了可以从工作单位申请三周的有薪"产假"外,还可以在申请两周"无薪假期"。即工作单位不会支付你这两周的薪水,但由政府,即Centrelink,支付 (最低工资,差不多$600...澳洲华人论坛


in here?

每天都听到local说,比如 you can find this IN HERE. or IN HERE we have .... 有这么说的吗?Here不是副词吗?听得我抓狂,快受不了了,忍不住要纠正他们直接说you can find this here...... 从小受的语法...澳洲华人论坛



在看Neither Here Nor There,忽然对一句话的意思产生了疑惑,跟大家讨论一下 原句是这样的 I had expected Hamburg to be grimmer, a sort of German Liverpool, full of crumbling overpasses and vacant lots - I already kne...澳洲华人论坛


I am not trying to split hairs here, but ...

Split hair - argue over trivial details or minor differences. 为一些微不足道的细节做无谓的争执;吹毛求疵。 For example: I am not trying to split hairs here, but 0.25% interest rate cut does make a difference to house ho...澳洲华人论坛


Who's CPA

Any CPA or CA around here? I need a Mentor for CPA mentor program. 5 hours in total for half a year. Wonder if someone knows who volunteers as a mentor. The mentor does not have to be living in Melbourne. Email and telephone contact is accou...澳洲华人论坛


Mazda CX3 will be here very very soon....

.....but how soon?? 刚收到Mazda 的email,也没给个具体日期。。。 评论 CX3的定位是啥人群呢? 评论 这么小的SUV谁买啊。。 评论 妈咪车啊 评论 事实证明,这几年小型的SUV卖的非常好。尤其...澳洲华人论坛


Nokia Here GPS

之前有网友给推荐 nokia here. 下载用了很好,很方便,很实用,而且免费。但在隧道里和city还没试,不知道有没有信号,等试完再告诉大家。 另外还试了其他gps.感觉最好的是google gps 但...澳洲华人论坛


Need tax help?look here first!有税务疑问的请先

Hello!I am an accounting master student in MQ doing the CPA program and the ASA member of CPA. At the same time I am doing some internship in an accounting firm. I found that as an accountant (or future accountant) I have the responsibility...澳洲华人论坛


Federal Budgets Part 2

Here is some of the other items annouced in the 2011 federal budget on 11/05/2010 GOOD Previously announced tax cuts The Government has confirmed it will deliver its third round of tax cuts. Under these previously announced cuts, from 1 July...澳洲华人论坛



Please find here a list of the items that need to be completed for the Completion Bond appointment: 新房,我有一万保证金在卖地给我的公司那里,今天来检查以下项目,我很不理解为什么没空调和compost bin他...澳洲华人论坛


讓 房子賣個好價錢

from here: https://propertychat.com.au/comm ... ation-of-home.3475/ Anyway here are some good tips for you: 1. Focus your attention to the front of the house and the entrance into your home. This is the first thing that buyers see and they m...澳洲华人论坛


Land Tax涨疯了啊

same here 评论 其实并不见得是低价涨了很多吧, land tax有个threthold (550k?)少于这个只叫一定的钱, 但超过的部分要额外叫百分一点几的比率, 所有地价涨到超过这个threthold后,land...澳洲华人论坛



Here's how Apple's stock usually behaves after earnings. When Apple gaps higher after its earnings report, it typically gives back some of that gain and declines the next day by an average of nearly 1 percent. Birinyi Associates studied Appl...澳洲华人论坛


Anyone here doing purely Online Business?

Just curious, is there anyone here doing purely online business? Maybe it will be good for us to network and share experience. For me, my income is purely derived form online avenues, namely: 1. ebay Have been doing so for coming to two year...澳洲华人论坛


PAYPAL HERE 移动eftpos的一个好选择

一个我的客户告诉我的一个对于需要移动通过信用卡收钱的解决方案。。 PAYPAL HERE 大家可以搜索具体 就是一个paypal出的移动的刷卡机, 可以刷MASTER VISA AMEX等信用卡, saving的卡不可以。...澳洲华人论坛