问孩子有哪些他读过的书值得一读再读, 在家里常备的。 他毫不犹豫地回答Sapiens, 这是7年级的他前一段时间读的书。 再问,说是5,6年级看过的 The Alchemist (其实孩子看的是中文版的《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》) 也想再看一遍。
特此推荐: Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
by Yuval Noah Harari
It was a daunting experience to read this book. It was a detailed explanation of how human civilization unfolded, and the evolution that was involved in the human race as history unraveled. Sapiens have taken over the world from being just another harmless animal many years ago, and this Brief history of humankind explained all the different stages, and questions some of the biggest questions in humanity and the lores and ethics of religion, capitalism, agricultural and technological advancements and changes and much more, and the reasons behind these revolutions, and what might be still to come in future for the human race. These so called, evolutions might actually not improve the average human's happiness or wellbeing at all....... Or does it? Scientific revolution made us deadly and now we can grow things that look like human ears on rats, and even make non-biological body parts, creating cyborgs. Will they take over the world?.......... Very deep thinking in these 400 or so pages, and taken the time to think, this prospect can be very strange and scary indeed.
Intriguing and very good book written by Yuval.
孩子的眼界很宽,在乎 humankind
娃爱看书, 但。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。更爱打游戏。
有些书还是需要父母推荐的。 指望他自己想起来找非小说类的书看, 还是比较悬的。
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