

The Kings' School


有些私立学校没有公布它们的财政盈余数字,但是在财政盈余名列第一的悉尼Bellevue Hill的顶尖私校Cranbrook School的校长要求所有的私立学校和他一样透明公布它们的财务数据。

登录在Australian Securities and Investments Commission上去年的年度报告显示在悉尼富人区Mosman的Queenwood School for Girls去年有470万刀的净盈余,而这个学校去年收到了1680万的学费,106万的家长捐款和320万的联邦政府教育拨款。

在悉尼Edgecliff的另一个著名私校Ascham School有304万的盈余,而去年这个学校收到了2160万的学费和250万的政府教育拨款。

Cranbrook School在盈余名单上名列第一,它有840万刀的财政盈余,这个数字考虑了所有收入的来源包括了270万的遗产捐赠和一般捐款。

今年退休的Cranbrook的校长Jeremy Madin说,学校全部净盈余包括了联邦政府BER项目的已批准建设资金,而这些建设资金已经花了。而学校日常运作资金包括了2990万的学费去年实际上只有有968,585刀的盈余.


根据澳洲公司法,Cranbrook和其他私校是注册为非盈利的公司,并在ASIC的监管下提供年度报告审核。但是有很多其他私校包括the Kings’ School,Shore和Sydney Grammar没有被要求向ASIC提供年度报告审核,因为这些学校是由不同的机构负责监管,其中有些学校是由英国圣公会教会组织来管理的。

Madin先生说他的学校相信透明性和支持所有学校的财务数据应该在My School网站上向公众公开。


绿党的议员John Kaye说,公众的资金正在“非常健康地支持私立学校”。他说Gillard政府今年已经资助了全国161个最富有私立学校4亿3千2百万刀。他说:“每年得到4.32亿的政府拨款,这些精英私立学校当然应该在他们如果花费这些钱方面被完全的问责。”

新南威尔士州的私立学校联盟的执行总长Geoff Newcombe说,去年私校的盈余数字里包括了一些政府BER项目的资金。他说:“学校保持财政盈余是为目前和未来的建设项目提供资金,而这些建设项目资金的80%是来自于学生家长们的学费和捐赠。”


悉尼的公立全制精英中学Sydney Girls High School的网站上的记录表明学校收到了862464刀资金,而学校现在在信托账户里有247068.91刀的留底。



州教育部的网站上显示Sydney Girls High School去年收到了260967.50的家长志愿捐款,而在学校银行账户里有284万刀的资金留底。

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2010-8-23 12:35 编辑 ]

Private schools stay quiet on cash bonanza
August 23, 2010 - 3:00AM
THE state's wealthiest private schools posted financial surpluses of up to $8.4 million last year after the Commonwealth delivered them as much as $10 million in annual subsidies.
Some did not have to declare their surpluses but the headmaster of Cranbrook School at Bellevue Hill, which topped the list, called for all schools to be as transparent as his and make their finances public.
Annual reports lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission for last year show Queenwood School for Girls in Mosman generated a net surplus of $4.7 million after receiving $16.8 million in fees, $1.06 million in donations and $3.2 million in government funding.
Ascham School at Edgecliff recorded a surplus of $3.04 million after receiving $21.6 million in fees and $2.5 million in government funding.
And Cranbrook registered a net surplus of $8.4 million, which took into account consolidated revenue from all sources, including $2.7 million in bequests and donations.
The headmaster, Jeremy Madin, who will retire this year, said the consolidated net surplus included capital works grants under the federal government stimulus program, which had been spent. The school's operations, which included fees of $29.9 million, generated a surplus of $968,585.
Mr Madin said the school depended on making a surplus to cover capital works and maintenance costs. ''We have to stand on our own two feet to raise funds to build classrooms and laboratories. Until the BER [Building the Education Revolution] program, the government has not provided us with any capital works funding.''
Cranbrook and other schools that are registered as non-profit companies limited by guarantee must lodge an annual financial report with ASIC in compliance with the Corporations Act. But many other schools, including The King's School, Shore and Sydney Grammar are not required to lodge the statements with ASIC because they are covered by different acts of parliament, including one that covers schools associated with the Anglican Church.
Mr Madin said his school believed in transparency and supported all schools making their finances public on the My School website.
''We think it's about time,'' he said. ''We should know the cost of all schooling.''
The state Greens MP John Kaye said the public purse was being used to ''bolster very healthy bottom lines'' for private schools. He said the Gillard government had awarded the nation's 161 wealthiest private schools $432 million this year.
''With $432 million of public funding each year, these elite institutions should be fully accountable in how they spend their money,'' he said.
The executive director of the Association of Independent Schools NSW, Geoff Newcombe, said surpluses for last year might have included some BER funding. ''Schools maintain surpluses in order to fund current and future capital projects, as 80 per cent of capital projects are funded by parents,'' he said.
The NSW Department of Education and Training refused the Herald's request for figures showing how much recurrent funding government schools received.
Sydney Girls High School's website records $862,464 received in global and tied funds. The school also holds $247,068.91 in trust.
A spokeswoman for the department said the school also received funding for staffing, maintenance, cleaning and infrastructure and technology support.
But when asked how much this represented, the spokeswoman said a figure was not available and these services were ''paid centrally and are not itemised next to every school's recurrent funding ledger''.
The department's website shows that Sydney Girls High received $260,967.50 in voluntary contributions last year and holds $2.84 million in its bank account.
This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... 20100822-13asx.html


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