澳洲Falling down and getting back up is a lesson from The Voice



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NO one wants to see kids crying on television.

But the more I watch the clip from Sunday night’s The Voice Kids showing 12-year-old Romy crying after the judges didn’t select her, the less concerned I am.

In fact, I’d go so far as to say that the entire episode was well handled by the network and the show.

After all, The Voice Kids is a competitive show, and all of the contestants, including Romy, would know that not everyone gets through to the next round.

In case you missed it, here’s what happened.

Watched on by her anxious parents and brother, Romy sang Adele’s hit, Turning Tables, in a blind audition.

The judges, Delta Goodrum, Mel B and Joel and Benji Madden, all listened with their backs turned.

Although Romy sang better than most of us ever could, not one judge pressed the buzzer to signify she’d made it through to the next round.

Romy finished her song then burst into tears.

Immediately, Mel B bounded up onstage and enveloped Romy in a big hug.

“I want you to be happy, you just stood on The Voice stage,” she said. “That’s a big achievement.

“Do you know how many auditions I did where they said no and it made me stronger, it made me want it even more?” she said to the girl.

Meanwhile, the crowd offered Romy a standing ovation, and the Maddens made her promise to come back next year, telling her that what she really needed was “a year of experience, a year of falling down and getting back up”.

Lots more hugs, and she was smiling by the end of it.

Even though Romy wasn’t chosen to progress, we shouldn’t underestimate the power of these words from these very famous singers — not just for the girl herself, but for all kids watching.

Over the years I have written a lot about how little resilience kids these days seem to have.

It seems that watching Romy fail — if you can call it that — and then vow to come back stronger and better, is a great message for the cottonwool generation.

These days, school reports make failure seem like success, sports days give ribbons rewarding participation, and no one keeps score at junior footy. This everyone’s-a-winner mentality is making kids soft and precious.

I don’t see how this is any different. Participation in the arts is probably more cutthroat than sports — and no one would know it better than Romy and her family. They have no doubt been through dozens of highly competitive auditions. Sure, The Voice Kids is on a different level because it’s broadcast on national TV, but the process of elimination is the same for most amateur performances.

We also need to note that Romy, who is now 13, says she was “really happy” for her performance to be broadcast, and her parents agreed. In fact, I am concerned that the chorus of wailing on Romy’s behalf will make her feel worse, not better, about her experience. Surely Romy and her parents would know if she was being exploited?

I know reality TV is getting very strange these days: the fact that a woman considered an abortion so she could go on Big Brother illustrates this.

But we have to give established, long-running formats such as The Voice Kids and Australia’s Got Talent more credit for taking care of the kids entrusted to them.

Let’s not forget what kids potentially get out of such shows: a shot at real stardom and access to some of the biggest names in the business. The fact that 8000 kids auditioned for the show this year illustrates that kids are willing to put themselves out there for a chance at such success.

In the end, the judges were right to hold Romy back if they didn’t think she made the cut. Romy will have learnt that not everyone can be a winner every time. Isn’t that a valuable message for all of our kids?


作者是指当前的everyone’s-a-winner的教育让年轻的一代mentally soft and precious。
我不太明白的是这一段“I know reality TV is getting very strange these days”还有她举的这个例子“a woman considered an abortion so she could go on Big Brother”,跟主题有什么关系呢?只是说明the voice kids的judges这次做得对吗?


mentally rebounce is very important
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