Spot on 和 hit nail on the head是一个意思:一语中的。
比如某人说:The NSW state labour government is run by a bunch of retards.可能就会有人说:spot on!
分析问题一针见血的情况下用hit the nail on the head。
A blond bimbo: Do you know why this computer is not working?
Desktop Support: Errr, because you have not plug the power cord in?
The guy sitting in the next cubical could no longer hold his laughter: You have hit the nail on the head, buddy!
[ 本帖最后由 黑山老妖 于 2008-10-22 13:59 编辑 ]
I went to buy some ham at the Deli. The girl who served me put exactly 200.1 grams of ham on the scale on the first try after I asked for 200 grams of ham! That's what I call spot on!
spot on! I like this words
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