

1.主訴chief complaint:weakness, malaise, chills, fever, sleep, pain, headache, appetite, weight, stomach and bowels, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, urine, genitalia, neuropsychiatric disorders, respiration, shortness of breath, bleeding or discharge, etc.
2.現症歷present illness:onset(date, mode), duration before present entry, exciting cause and environmental influences, prodromal symptoms, general symptoms, course or progress( location, duration, severity, continuity, intermission, radiation, treatment), aggravating and alleviating factors, loss of weight, appetite and strength, sleep, bowel movement, frequency of urination, menstruation, etc.
3.既往歷past history:
1)former places of residence, previous stage of health( 健壯的robust,纖弱的delicate), experience with similar disease, immunity to infectious disease
2)previous illness:麻疹measles, 腮腺炎mumps, 水痘chicken-pox, 百日咳pertussis, 流行性感冒influenza, 猩紅熱scarlet fever, 白喉diphtheria,傷寒typhoid fever, 支氣管炎bronchitis, 肺炎pneumonia,腦炎encephalitis,腦膜炎meningitis,破傷風tetanus,小兒麻痺poliomyelitis,赤痢dysentery,霍亂cholera, 胸膜炎pleurisy,天花small-pox,瘧疾malaria,結核病tuberculosis,黃疸病jaundice,過敏性反應allergy,etc
3)venereal disease:specific symptoms, signs, and the disease by name, treatment.
4)Accidents( date, any disability, sequelae), operation and hospitalization (date , procedure, name of hospital , physician, complications, bleeding tendency)
4.家族歷family history:family tendency, presence of hereditary disorders, cancer, tuberculosis, mental disorder and nervous affection, rheumatism, diabetes, hypertension, cerebral vascular accident, hemophilia, syphilis, tumor, epilespsy, allergy, contact with diseased individuals, relationship of patient’s childhood and adult life, age, health condition, and cause of death of parents, grandparents, self , spouse, siblings , or relatives.
5.個人歷personal history:
1)Social history:fears, metal status, education, financial condition, number of dependents, family harmony or fractious , hygienic condition at home
2)Marital history:duration of marriage, 1st or 2nd marriage, age and death of spouse and children , cause and age at time of death, number of children , pregnancies, 流產次數miscarriages, 死產數 stillbirths
3)occupational history:duration of employment, past work, exact nature of work, exposure to occupational hazards, whether work is satisfactory or not.
4)Habits:alcohol, tobacco, narcotic, coffee, tea, appetite, food habits, regularity of meals, rapidity of eating , bowel movements, sleep, exercise, interests, etc.
6.系統檢查system review:
1)General:nutrition, fever, night sweats, tremor, weight gain or loss, weakness, allergy.
2)Skin:蕁蔴疹hives, rash, eczema
3)Head:trauma, headache, loss of hair
4)Eyes:vision, pain glasses diplopia.
5)Ears:pain, discharge, deafness, tinnitus.
6)Nose:obstruction, discharge, epistaxis, rhinitis.
7)Mouth:teeth, lips, gums, tongue, disturbance in taste.
8)Throat.:sore throat, tonsillitis, 膿性扁桃腺炎quinsy, dysphagia
9)Neck:adenitis, goiter , rigidity
10)Cardiorespiratory:palpitation, tachycardia, blood pressure, chest pain, dyspnea, cough , hemoptysis , seasonal cold, expectoration.
11)Gastrointestinal:appetite, nausea, vomiting, distress(before or after meals), melena, colic, jaundice, fullness, hernia, hemorrhoid, constipation, diarrhea, frequency of bowel movement , heartburn, idiosyncrasies, relation of symptoms to eating, type and quantity of food
12)Genito-urinary:dysuria, urinary frequency, dribbling , hematuria, pyuria, nocturia and volume, enuresis, incontinence, sores about external genitalia, symptoms suggestive of syphilis(mucous patches, falling hair), urethral discharge, exposure to venereal infection, obstetric history, catamenia(age of onset, date of last period, cycle and amount, periodicity , dysmenorrheal, menopause) leucorrhea, associated headache
13)Neuromuscular:神經過敏nervousness, emotional stress, weakness, muscle or joint pains, convulsion, numbness, neuralgia, anesthesia, muscular atrophies or dysatrophies, deformities.

1.現症歷(present illness):
例1:Sedentary habits often interfere with health
例2:He is mentally deranged and disoriented as to time, place, and person
例3:He gets up at 6 every morning.
B.現在進行式(Be+ pres. p.)表示現在某動作正在進行中。
例1:Both his parents are still living and well.
例2:The patients is getting worse and worse.
例3:The patients is progressively doing well.
C.表「經常的習慣」也用進行式,通常與always, constantly等副詞連用。
例1:He is always taking a nap in class.
例2:He is constantly forgetting peoples’ names.
例3:He is for ever complaining of headaches.
a)不隨意動詞( Verbs of involuntary actions):
-知覺( perception):feel, hear, notice, see, smell等。
例1:Whenever he has a cold, he can neither taste nor smell.
-知識(knowledge):believe, (dis)agree, doubt, find, forget, know, mind, remember, think, understand等。
例1:She does not remember specific scratches which might have preceded the present lesions.
-感情( emotion):desire, despise, disgust, fear, hate, hope, (dis)like, love, prefer, want等。
例1:He likes lobster, but it disagrees with him.
b)表示繼續狀態的動詞( Verbs of continuous state):表示存在、所有等動
詞:appear, be, belong, consist, flow, have, hold, live, look, possess, resemble, seem等。
例1:Her fingers and hands are stiff and cyanotic.
例2:He has no discomfort and eats well.
2)A.現在完成式( Have+ p.p)
a)表示動作的完了(completion of an action)或其結果的現在狀態(present state of things):
例1:The patient has passed the crisis. = The patient is out of danger now.
例2:He has caught cold. = He has a cold now.
註:常用的連用副詞為:all this while, (not) yet, already , just, now, by this time, today, this week( or month, year, etc.), hitherto, till now, up to( till) now, recently, lately, of late等。
例1:He had no appetite for food. (過去式)→表示過去某時有過食慾不振
例2:Lately he had had no appetite for food. (現在完成式)→表示現在仍然胃口不佳。
b)表示截至現在為止的經驗( experience):
例1:He has seldom consulted a doctor in his life.
例2:He has never been treated by a doctor since he was born.
註:表示經驗時,常用的副詞為:ever, before, once, many times, (very) often, seldom, sometimes, in one’s time等副詞。比較:同一動詞有時表示完了,有時表示經驗,視其所連用的副詞而決定。
例1:He has just undergone a nephrectomy.→表示動作完了。
例2:He has undergone a nephrectomy once.→表示經驗。
例1:He has been deaf in the left ear since the age of 18 and has experienced slight dizziness on stooping.
例2:Except fro a slight loss of energy, he has always felt well.
例3:For the past 10 years he has had persistent and high-pitched tinnitus in his left ear, consisting a buzzing sensation and, occasionally, the sounds of bells.
註:常用的連用副詞為:since, always, from, for, these, how long?
B.現在完成進行式( Have been +~ing)
例1:He came here 2 weeks ago, and has been lying sick with a cold since then.
例2:The patient has recently had experience of memory loss and of spells of dizziness. For the preceding 5 years she has been receiving treatment for hypertension.
例1:The patient has been smoking excessively.
例2:She has been chewing a wad of bubble gum all day.
註:常用的連用副詞為:since, for, how long?,these, form, always等。
例1:He has been learning medicine for 5 years. (繼續)
例2:He has learned medicine for 5 years. (經驗)
2.既往歷(past history):大半用過去式,但發生過去某一定時間以前者,宜用過去完成式;如果疾病發生的前後關係甚明顯,或以年代順序記載時,仍可用過去式。
例1:An unknown number of years ago he was said to have pneumonia.
例2:In addition to the above symptoms, he noted some vague abdominal pain for a couple of months in the past.
例3:At that time she had a slight nonproductive cough and mild exertional dyspnea.
例4:Before therapy, she was unable to swallow anything but small sips of water.
例1:In the previous month she noticed that the stools were greatly flattened. Subsequently she became aware of a bearing-down pain the rectum.
例2:Menarche occurred at age 13, thereafter menses were regular, every 28 days, lasting 3 to 4 days each time.
例3:The patient had tinnitus in his left ear 10 years before being discharged for the military service. Several year later, he noted loss of hearing on the left.
例4:In June 1956, a sterilizing operation was performed at a hospital. For the ensuing 5 months the patient was troubled with intermittent attacks of vague abdominal pain.
例5:Two years after this episode she had one short attack of vertigo but has been attack-free for 2 years.
註1:過去式常用的連用副詞:ago, last night, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the other day, this morning , just now等。
註2:現在完成和過去兩者都可用的連用副詞:just, ever, lately, recently,
once, always, already, this morning, today, every night, this week, these few days, for the last few days, since last week, before, yet等。
B.表示過去的習慣時,須用used to , was (were) accustomed to ~或had the habit to ~等。用would來表示過去的習慣時,大抵與often, sometimes等副詞連用。
例1:He used to work far into the night.
例2:He would sometimes come home drunk, and beat his wife.
C.過去進行式( Be 動詞的過去式+ pres. p.):表示在過去某一時間正在進行 的動作:
例1:One sister was suffering from active tuberculosis.
例2:He was having mild symptoms of fever and nausea at the time he was seen.
例3:He was raising large amounts of purulent sputum at that time.
D.過去完成式( Had + p.p.):表示截至過去某一時間為止的動作的完了、經驗、繼續等。
a)完了( completion):
例1:The patient had already expired when he came.
例2:By that time he had immunized against smallpox.
連用副詞:already, by that time, (not) yet, only just等。
例1:Till then he had never seen so-called bone-setter.
例2:He could not repeat what he had said before.
例1:He had long been ill in bed.
例2:He had been ill in bed for a long time.
E.過去完成進行式(Had been + pres. p.):表示繼續過去某一時間的動作。
例1:Up to that time, he had been drinking mush wine.
例2:Due to her increasing constipation, she had been taking laxatives daily for one year before admission.
例1:I was sleeping when he came. (過去進行式)
例2:I had been sleeping for an hour before he came.(過去完成進行式)

例1:There is no family history of anemia or other relevant disorders.
例2:The family history did not reveal the occurrence of any congenital anormaly.
例1:Family history was allegedly not remarkable.
例2:His family history was irrelevant to the present illness.
例3:Her family history , besides the fact that her brother died form Darier’s disease, was no contributory.
例4:There is nothing important in his direct or collateral hereditary antecedents.
3.健康:be in good health;be healthy
不健康:have a bad health;be unhealthy
例1:His farther is well with no evidence of illness.
例2:His grandfather 87, is still hale and healthy.
例1:He is the only member of a family of 5 have Hodgkin’s disease.
例2:Family history showed chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in a maternal cousin.
例1:There was a strong family history of hemophilia;6 members of the present generation were affected.
例2:There was a high incidence of gallbladder disease in the family.
例1:He had no history of penicillin sensibility, however, he once noted petechiae after taking aspirin.
例2:No asthma, hives or any idiosyncrasy to foods.
例1:His father’s death was coincidental with the patient’s illness.
例2:His eldest brother died of pneumonia at the age of 28 in the preantiboitic era.
例1:History revealed that he started smoking 10 years before, at the age of 23, and has smoked ever since. At first he smoked only a few cigarettes a day but gradually increased this to three-fourths of a package per day, his present rate.
例2:He now smokes an average of 2 packages of cigarettes daily and has averaged this amount for the past 7 years.
例1:The patient admitted to excessive use of alcohol for years with a grossly inadequate dies.
例2:He customarily consumed up to 2 bottles of beer a day on weekends but denied long period of alcoholic excess or the daily use of alcohol.
例1:The boy never ate any fresh fruits or vegetables and did not like milk.
例2:She took supplemental multivitamins daily and used a variety of mouthwashes.
例1:The patient’s occupation ( for more than five years) necessitated his breathing acid fumes.
例2:His complaints persisted, and he was unable to resume his regular work.
例1:The history relative to her pregnancy suggested that she was in her 5th month of gestation ( pregnancy).
例2:She is a 30-year-old primigravida with long-standing sterility (infertility).
例1:He spent 3 months visiting Taipei in early 1960 and denied travel outside of Taiwan after that time.
例2:The pt. related that she has always lived in Peitou expect for 8 months during 1958~1959 when she temporarily moved to Tienmoo.
例3:The house was located in a river valley and , therefore, was in a damp, foggy area.
例4:The families of both parents were long residents in the same rural area in Taitung prefecture.
例5:He was born in a small village of illiterate and primitive parents.
例6:The family had a sick kitten and also kept dogs at the time of the present illness.
例7:He preferred the supine position partially rotated to the right side.
例8:The patient stated that he was in the habit of spending a great deal of time at the beach during the summer.
例9:She lacked outside interests and was apathetic.
例10:His interests and activities centered mainly on his job.
例11:The patient is not in a good term with his boss.
例12:His income was somewhat above the average for the area in which he lived, and he was well satisfied with his present occupation.

五、既往歷Past History
He had enjoyed good health until Oct. 1960, when he gradually developed cough and purulent sputum.
-幾乎未生病 be barely ever sick
ex1:He had been well until Nov. 1960, at which time he was found to have diabetes mellitus.
ex2:He was apparently healthy most of his life, and did not consult a physician until his present illness.
He had no illnessnes of any kind before and received routine immunizations at an early age without ill effects.
ex1:He denied experiencing episode of coughing at any time in his life.
ex2:He denied any history of prior cardiovascular symptoms before onset of the present illness.
He had the usual childhood diseases plus one bout of pneumonia from which he made uneventful recoveries.
-患病 suffer from;have an attack of ;be attacked by
-在童年時代患過麻疹,但無合併症發生 have measles during childhood without complications
-一起身就會頭暈 experience light-headed on sitting up
-患嚴重的喘息性支氣管炎 contract severe asthmatic bronchitis
ex1:He had a lunatic tendency 4 years ago.
ex2:He has been a known diabetic since 24 years of age.
ex1:His early development was normal and he suffered no significant illness apart from measles at the age of 5.
ex2:Except for childhood disease he has had no more serious diseases untilnow.
ex1:He was vaccinated in childhood, and reacted in a routine manner.
ex2:The first D.P.T. immunization was given at 3 months, and was followed by high fever, lethargy.
-常常感冒 be subject to frequent colds
-容易感冒 be apt to catch cold
-多病 prone to illness
ex1:Although he was subject to joint pains in his childhood, he gave no definite history of rheumatic fever.
ex2:She was susceptible to car sickness, a tendency which had been less pronounced in the past year.
He has a history of pneumonia diagnosed at the age of 22.
-診斷 diagnose (the case as) ;establish (make) a diagnosis
-誤診 make a wrong diagnosis;misdiagnosis
ex1:He has a history of being diagnosed as pneumonia 4 years ago.
ex2:He states that a diagnosis of pneumonia was made 4 years ago.
ex1:Diagnosis:senile paranoid
ex2:Diarrhea and vomiting of undertermined etiology.
ex3:Malignant gastric ulcer, as much as could be observed.
ex1:This certifies that the above named patient suffered from the disease
stated above.
ex2:This is to certify that the said patient is seriously sick with liver atrophy.
It is recommended that he should be confined to hospital for good care
and treatment for a period of one month.
He was admitted on Oct. 16, 1952 to undergo a partial thoracoplasty for pulmonary
-在8月3日黃昏 on the evening of Aug. 3
-去年11月 in Nov. last;last Nov.
-在前幾個月當中 during the past couple of months
-在上月初(月中、月底) at the beginning (middle, end) of last month
-每隔一天 every other day;on alternate days;every two days
-每隔二天 at intervals of 2 days;every 3rd day
-連續5天 for 5 consecutive days
-幾乎一個月 for nearly a month
-足足的一個月 for a full month
-期間不詳 for an unknown length of time
-期間不明確 for an indefinite period
-次2夜 the 2 succeeding nights
-前一夜 the preceding (previous) night
-住院 enter (be admitted to ) hospital;entering (admission to ) hospital;go (be taken ) to hospital
-住院時 at the time of one's admission to the hospital
-10年前因治療肺炎而住院 be hospitalized 10 years ago for treatment of pneumonia
-出院 leave hospital;be out of hospital; be discharged (dismissed) from hospital
In 1960 he experienced stomach trouble from which he recovered completely after being treated in a hospital for 16 days.
-徹底醫治 cure (a disease) completely (radically) ;effect a radical cure
-作許多種治療 try many treatments (for)
-忽視腫瘤,並且不接受治療 ignore the tumor and refuse treatment
-在家裡接受治療 have domiciliary treatment
-述說過去一再使用盤尼西林治療淋病 give a history of repeated treatments with penicillin for gono in the past.
-自醫 try (doctor) oneself;try home treatment
-服用抗高血壓藥劑 receive antihypertensive drugs
-使~服抗結刻劑 put one on antituberculosis drugs before one goes surgery
-替~打一支盤尼西林 give one a shot of penicillin
-經過順利 have an uncomplicated course
-開刀後經過順利、滿意、不順、(不)良 postoperative course was uneventful,satisfactory, stormy, (un)favorable -become convalescent
ex1:He did not receive any specific therapy but was treated symptomatically.
ex2:Past history revealed an episode of gonorrhea in 1957 which was successfully treated by antibiotics.

六、現症歷Present Illness
He became ill in Sept. 1960, with gradually increasing fatigue, general malaise and loss of weight.
-開始頭痛 started having the headaches
-開始發生紫紺 began having episodes of cyanosis
-開始感覺疲勞 began feeling tired
-變成稍一用力即會喘息 became breathless on the least exertion
-發覺開始過度疲勞 noted the onset of excessive fatigue
-晚餐時飲酒差不多一定會引起發作 a supper drink almost invariably provokes an attack
-不能恢復以前的那種活力 fail to regain one's previous vitality and vigor
-開始覺得比以前更加容易疲倦 began to fell more easily fatigued
ex1:The disease began (occurred ; started) 3 months ago. It progressed , slowly but steadily until today.
ex2: In the spring of 1958 he first noticed (noted; perceived; recognized) easy fatiguability.
ex1: He became increasingly subject to fits of temper.
ex2: He suddenly developed weakness in the right leg.
Her symptoms of bladder irritability subsided, but recurred in the autumn of 1960.
-有疼痛和已述的症狀 pain plus the symptoms already mentioned
-想把症狀和~關連起來 attempt to correlated symptoms with~
-症狀自然消退 symptoms spontaneously regressed
-症狀消失(並未緩和) symptoms disappeared (did not abate)
-症狀忽緩忽急 symptoms waxed and waned from time to time
-不留意症狀 give the symptoms no concern
-忽略( 不理) 症狀 disregard (dismiss) symptoms
-對症狀不甚留意 do not pay much attention to the symptoms
-對孩子們顯得不關心、冷淡 one appeared uninterested and uninformed about one's children
-嘔吐是~發病的前驅症狀 vomiting heralded the onset of one's symptoms
-~的病有傷寒的樣子 one's illness assumed the character of typhus
-再發(have a) relapse;recur; recurrence
-疾病無再發徵象 no evidence of recurrent disease
-同一症候再發 the return of the same symptoms
ex1: He had (presented; developed; showed; manifested) mild symptoms of diphtheria.
ex2: There have been concurrent heartburn and eructation.
ex1: The carious tooth has persisted for years without clinical symptoms.
ex2: He continued remarkably free of symptoms except for aural discharge until Nov. 1961.
He remembered a similar attack a year before in the same season.
-一時性眩暈 transitory attacks of dizziness
-發作不規則 attacks are variable
-發作變了型態 the attacks changed pattern
-患急性關節炎 have acute attacks of arthritis
-發作多半在夜間發生 attacks occurred chiefly at night
-患2次肺炎 had 2 episodes of pneumonia
-發生癲癇樣的發作 developed seizures of an epiletic nature
-發作前後覺得舒適 feel well between attacks
-平均繼續了3~4分鐘 lasted on average 3 to 4 minutes
-一年來沒有發作 have been free of attacks for one year
-發作停止(消失,完全消失)了 attacks ceased ( subsided, clear up completely)
ex1: A similar attack appeared in the following morning. It ran the same course as the first one.
ex2: The most recent episode occurred approximately one month before his first visit to the clinic.
-B隨A A is followed by B : B follows A
-A與B同時發生 A is associated with B
-和~有關係 have (make) relation to~
-和~不相關 have (make) no relation to~
-似乎與姿勢、咳嗽、過度用力無關 appeared unrelated to position, coughing,or straining.
ex1: The attacks were preceded by 3 or 4 hour prodromes of nausea, abdominal distention, diarrhea or constipation, followed by 5 to 6 hour period of cramping abdominal pain and bile-stained vomiting, terminated by transient diarrhea.
ex2: The pain was described as being of a cramping nature and sometimes appeared to be related to the ingestion of cold water or milk.
(4)每天服用pyrazinamide 4次,每次75mg.後,咳嗽減少,痰亦減半,熱度
With pyrazinamide, 75 mg. 4 times daily, there was improvement of cough, a 50 per cent decline in sputum, and a reduction of fever.
-轉佳 take a favorable turn ; take a turn for the better ; improve
-顯著減輕 decrease drastically (markedly)
ex1: Such attacks usually subside promptly with rest, in an hour or so , sometimes in a few minutes.
ex2: The swelling of the legs disappeared within about a week.
The pain came on after meals and became more severe and lasted longer with the onset of constipation.
-惡化 take a bad turn ; take a turn for the worse; be aggravated (exacerbated)
-顯著地惡化 became noticeably worse
-漸趨顯著 became increasingly apparent
-黃疸總是惡化 have frequent exacerbations of jaundice
-病入膏肓 one's case is incorrigible
-病狀時癒時犯 one's illness hangs in the balance
ex1: During the last 6 weeks he has observed progressive shortness of breath on exertion.
ex2: The pain was aggravated by exercise and alleviated somewhat by lying down.
His general condition continued without change.
ex1: He remained about the same a yesterday.
ex2: His headache has persisted (continued) to date ( the present).


a)The family history revealed (disclosed, showed, indicated) no congenital disease.
b)No F.H. of congenital disease was elicited (present).
c)There was no history of congenital disease in the family.
d)The family had no history of congenital disease.
e)There was nothing in the F.H. suggestive of (to suggest) congenital disease.
f)There was no congenital disease in the family history.
a)According to his statement, no other members of his family have ever had (contracted) the same disease.
b)From his statement, there was no similar disease in the other member of his family.
c)He stated (said, related, claimed, alleged, affirmed) that no other members of his family were similarly affected.
a)The family history was noncontributory (unavailable).
b)F.H. was not remarkable (contributory).
c)F.H. revealed nothing remarkable (particular, significant, worth recording)
d)No particular data were available about the family history.
e)There was no relevant family history.
f)F.H.:Nothing relevant was indicated.
a)He has a bleeding tendency.
b)He has a tendency to bleed.
c)He is inclined to bleed.
a)F.H. revealed that hemophilia is transmitted (inherited) on the maternal side.
b)Judging from the family history, hemophilia ran in the maternal line.
c)In the family history there was a hemophiliac tendency on the maternal side.
a)He was born in a healthy family without any evidence of hereditary psychosis.
b)He was (descended) from a family, healthy and free from hereditary psychosis.
c)He came from a healthy family without the slightest trace of hereditary
a)The cause of his father's death is unknown (uncertain, undetermined).
b)His father died from an unknown cause.
c)His father died without definite cause.
a)He died at the age of twenty-eight of pulmonary tuberculosis.
b)TB caused (brought about) his death at 28.
c)He died of TB in his 28th year.
a)He died 5 days after he became sick.
b)Five days after the onset of his illness he died.
c)After an illness of 5 days he died.
a)He died at 1:25 a.m.
b)He was found dead in bed at 1:25 a.m.
c)His respirations ceased at 1:25 a.m.

七、陳訴 Complaint
Having suffered from tuberculosis in the past, he complained occasionally
of coughing, chest discomfort, and prostration.
In 1961 she was admitted to the hospital complaining of (with complaint of ;because of ) mid-chest pain of recent onset, breathlessness and palpitations.

-恐懼(眩暈、噁心、寒顫)感 a sensation of fear (giddiness, nausea, chill)
-異物(壓迫、窒息、燒灼、寒顫)感 foreign body (oppressive, strangling,
burning, chilly) sensation (feeling)
-喉頭的癢感 itching sensation in one's larynx
-糢糊不舒服的感覺 vague ill feeling
-咽喉上的束緊感 a feeling of constriction in one's throat
-在咽喉右邊的微癢感 a tickling feeling in the right side of the throat
-在~後頭部的特殊、難堪的感覺 a peculiar, weighty feeling in the back of one's head
-在右上腹部深處的糢糊不舒適感 a vague sense of unease deep in the right upper abdominal quadrant
She has recently had (experienced) a sensation of something pressing on the bladder.
He has a feeling of numbness of his face.

Patient has had chills after dinner since last evening.

可簡寫為Chills since last evening.
C.C.:“Swelling of the stomach“ for 4 months.
For 2 or 3 months, dyspnea and dizziness on work.

-不完全可靠 be not entirely reliable
-不甚明晰 be not clearly defined
-有些糢糊 be somewhat vague
-無法獲得 be unobtainable
-不能申述適當的病歷 can give no adequate history
-混亂不很肯定 be uncertain and confused
He could not give reliable information concerning former illness.
Because of his mental agitation, no reliable history could be obtained.

She was referred because there had been no relief with dermatologic treatment, including hospitalization.
ex2:此病人現年27歲,是剛離婚的經產婦,經一所地方醫院診斷 為陰道腫瘤而轉入本院。
The patient was a 27-year-old recently divorced multipara referred from a district hospital with a diagnosis of a vaginal tumor.

-精力缺失 lack of energy
-只訴說全身無力 complain only a slight generalized weakness
-覺得遍身無力 feel week all over
-不可言狀的眩暈 nonde script dizziness
-胸骨下方的不舒服灼感 substernal burning discomfort
-飯後腹上部窘迫感 postprandial epigastric distress
-心臟部疼痛 precordial pain
-胸內苦悶或重壓感 precordial oppression;pressure on the chest;tightness in the chest
-全年性的過敏性鼻炎 perennial allergic rhinitis
-季節性的支氣管性喘息 seasonal bronchial asthma
-一直不斷地說胃痛和頭痛 incessant complaints of stomach pains and headaches
-尤其喝一杯牛奶後,有些不舒服的飽脹感 some uncomfortable full feeling especially after drinking one glass of milk
-偶而一時喪失意識 have occasional blackouts
-肩僵硬 stiff shoulder
-覺氣悶,覺氣息不舒 feel stifling (suffocating)
-感覺疲乏 become tired ( fatigued, weary);have a tired feeling;feel languid
-覺全身寒慄 feel a cold shuddering pass all through~
-覺得渾身發冷 fell a chill creep over~
-頭暈目眩 one's eyes swim in one's head
-(~的)腳麻木 have a charlie horse (in one's leg)
He complained almost ceaselessly of postprandial nausea.
There was general debility, and pain in the legs become excruciating.



a)He used to smoke a package of cigarettes a day, and now he smokes more than that.
b)In the past he smoked a pack of cigarettes every day and now it is on the increase.
c)Formerly he smoked daily a pack of cigarettes but now a little more than that.
a)He has a history of excessive alcoholic intake during the past 10 years.
b)He has drunk hard ( to excess; immoderately) for 10 years.
c)He has been a heavy( hard; great) drinker since 10 years ago.
a)In spite of everything( Though he had tried) to stop drinking, he did not succeed.
b)He had abstained from drinking, but he still found it hard to rid himself of the habit.
c)He had given up drinking once, but without a complete success.
a)He drinks a little at supper time.
b)He always takes small evening drink( cups).
c)He drinks some wine at supper.
a)He does not drink at all.
b)He does not touch glass.
c)He is a teetotaler( total abstainer).
a)He used to overwork and this caused his illness.
b)As a result of constant overwork in the past he became ill.
c)His sickness was induced by constant overwork.
a)He could work 8 hours running without getting tired.
b)He did not get tired working 8 hours straight.
c)He could work 8 hours at a stretch without fatigue.
d)He could work for eight consecutive hours without feeling tired.
a)This infant, having been at full term, was born without any difficulty.
b)This infant was given a normal birth after full gestation.
c)This infant was born at full term with normal delivery.
a)He did not get married until forty because of his poor health.
b)Because of physical weakness he remained unmarried until 40.
c)Physical weakness prevented him from getting married until 40.
a)She has been married for 5 years, but she still remains sterile.
b)She has been married for 5 years, but has never been pregnant.
c)She has no child after 5 years of marriage.
a)He goes to bed early but rises late.
b)He has a habit of going to bed early and getting up late.
c)He is used to going to bed early and rising late.

八、發燒 Fever

The temperature has risen steadily from 37.6°C to 40°C orally over the past 3 days.
-發燒 become feverish; have a temperature
-發高燒 have a high fever
-平常有微熱,有幾次升到38.4度 have low-grade (slight) fever to 38.4°C on a few occasions
-沒有發燒 be afebrile; have no fever
He ran a febrile course with an average temperature of 39°C.
He was obliguric and feverish (febrile) throughout the course.

-體溫上升 have an elevation of temperature
-發高燒伴隨惡寒 have high temp. associated with chill
-體溫升升,有惡寒 have chills with high temperature
ex1: 體溫升到攝氏39度2,腹部也明顯地膨脹了起來。
The temp. rose( went up ) to 39.2°C and the abdominal distension became marked.
The oral temp. was elevated to 37.8°C during the past 8 days, but thereafter remained below 37.2°C.

About the end of April, his temperature dropped to 37°C spontaneously.
-體溫急速下降 one's fever falls (abates; declines) promptly
-體溫開始減低 fever began to remit
-體溫似乎是減退了 fever seemed to abate
-體溫降到正常 fever dropped (was reduced) to normal
-體溫慢慢地下降(上升) with slow lysis ( cirsis) of fever
-體溫一天一天地低下來 fever became lower day by day
The fever, which went down almost to normal 2 days ago, rose to 38.3°C again today.
Fever disappeared 10 days after onset of illness.

He continued to have a temperature with spiking in the afternoon to 40°C by recutum.
Fever was present for 10 days; it did not exceed 37.2°C during the last 3 days.
The temperature during the first 24 hours varied between 37.2°C and 38.3°C.


九、食慾 Appetite, 體重 Weight

He stated that he had always had a good stomach and could eat anything.
-過食 eat too much ( to excess ; heavily) ; overeat; be intemperate in eating
-吃得多 (胃口大開地吃) eat profusely ( with a good appetite)
-保持良好食慾 retained an excellent appetite
-食慾增進 one's appetite improved
-食慾有節制 (食慾旺盛,貪食不飽) have a moderate (good, enormous) appetite
-無食慾障礙 one's appetite is undisturbed
-食不過飽的人 a moderate ( spare; light) eater
-過飽的人 a heavy (great; hard) eater
-食量 capacity for eating
His appetite was good, but the sore place in his mouth interrupted his usual eating habit.
He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals.
-無食慾 have no (little) appetite ( for food); lose ( have no) relish for one's food; loss ( lack) of appetite; loss of interest in food
-發覺( 有點) 食慾不振 noted ( minimal) anorexia
-食慾不定( 無食慾障礙) one's appetite is variable ( undisturbed)
-食慾反覆無常 have a capricious appetite
-食慾不佳 have a poor (feeble; weak; delicate) appetite
-胃口變得更加不好 became more anorexic
-失去平常的食慾 lose one's usual appetite
-食慾減退 appetite decreases ( reduces; declines; falls off)
-吃得少 eat poorly (sparingly) ;take little food; poor food intake
-不想吃 be disinclined to eat
-取食不規則 eat irregularly
-停吃 cease eating
-促進食慾 improve (stimulate; sharpen; whet) the appetite
He had no appetite and only picked at the food.
Meals and drinks taste no more as before, and he is indifferent even to his favorite food.
He eats nothing for a whole day, but he takes some mouthfuls of rice gruel.
He has tasted no food since noon the day before yesterday.

He complains of his thirst hard to release, while he has absolutely no appetite.
-口渴 be (feel) thirsty
-口一直很渴 continue to have excessive thirst
-喝大量的水 drink water generously
-對碳酸飲料發生不尋常的愛好 develop an unusual craving for carbonated beverages
-要~少喝茶水 be advised to decrease one's tea drinking

In spite of the normal appetite, he lost 4 kg. in weight over a period of one year.
-住院時體重 admission weight
-最高(最低)體重 maximal ( minimal) weight
-體重減少,但未知多少 weight loss of undetermined amount
-通常在夏季體重減輕 usually lose weight in the summer months
-體重以驚人的速度減少 lose weight with alarming speed
-體重始終一樣 weight remained stationary (steady)
-體重不變 weight is stable ( unchanged)
-體重維持不變 weight is well-maintained
-體重老是50公斤 one's weight is constant ( maintained) at 50 kg.
-雖然食量增加,體重卻減輕了6公斤 lost 6 kg. in spite of increased intake of food
He developed weight loss totalling 8 kg. in the previous 2 months.
His appetite became ravenous and his caloric intake doubled, yet he lost 10 kg.



a)He could not remember (recall) what disease he has ever had.
b)He had no memory of ever having had any disease.
c)He had no recollection of any previous disease.
a)He has been thoroughly sound since his childhood, and has never had any serious disease.
b)He has been in good health from his childhood and has had no history of serious disease.
c)He has been healthy without any serous disease since his childhood.
a)He had no past (previous; prior) history of diphtheria.
b)His P.H. showed no (did not show) diphtheria.
c)He did not have a history of diphtheria.
d)There was no diphtheria in his P.H.
a)He denied that he contracted V.D. during his military service.
b)He denied contracting V.D. while he was in the army.
a)He said that he was often ill in his childhood.
b)He said that during( throughout) his childhood he was always troubled by disease.
a)He states that there is no complaint other than hypertension lasting for a year.
b)He is free from any disease except for one year history of hypertension.
c)Apart from hypertension of one year's duration he is in good health.
a)He was vaccinated (inoculated) against smallpox when he was six months old.
b)He received( took; underwent) a smallpox vaccination at six months of age.
a)Because he is frail, he is prone to illness.
b)He is delicate and susceptible to disease.
c)He is liable (predisposed) to get sick, because of physical weakness.
a)He was admitted to the hospital for treatment of pleurisy in 1957.
b)He was hospitalized for pleurisy in 1957.
c)In 1957 he went to the hospital to have his pleurisy treated.
a)Five days after an operation, he left the hospital.
b)He was discharged( dismissed) from the hospital on the 5th postoperative day.
c)He left the hospital 5 days after he underwent an operation.
a)His P.H. revealed an appendectomy.
b)He had (underwent) an appendectomy.
c)He had an operation ( a surgery) for appendicitis.
d)He was operated for appendicitis.
e)He gave a P.H. of appendectomy performed.
a)He suffered from nephritis last year, but its course was uneventful and now he was cured perfectly.
b)He had nephritis last year, and after favorable course he made a full (complete) recovery and regained his health.
c)Last year he developed nephritis which ran an uneventful course and he recovered completely with no sequela ( residual).

十、睡眠 Sleep

Attacks usually came on one or two hours after meals, but also frequently wakened the patient from sleep.
-非常愛睡 be unusually sleepy
-貪睡 be fond of sleep
-無法控制的嗜睡 uncontrollable somnolence (-cy)
-易醒 be easily wakened
-時常在晚上醒過來 often wake up at night.
-不能熟睡 sleep is not sound
-晚上睡得不很熟 do not sleep well at night
-睡覺不能多過數小時 sleep for no longer than a few hours.
-由於呼吸短促睡不著 have sleepless night with shortness of breath
-今年冬天由於夜間性氣喘一直失眠 had insomnia this winter due to nocturnal asthma
-患失眠症 have (develop) insomnia
-睡眠不足 want( lack) of sleep; insufficient sleep
-不易入睡 have trouble getting to sleep
-睡眠無多大的障礙 sleep is not greatly disturbed
-失眠病人 insomniac
He was unable to sit still for more than a few minutes, and sleep was impossible even with intravenous sedatives.
His sleep has been poor lately due to a slight anxiety about his illness.

He falls into a sleep very easily, especially when sitting up late. He has always had difficulty in getting up early in the morning.
He felt chronically tired, requiring about 12 hours of sleep a day.
He is always inclined to go to sleep, and he never goes to bed later than 8 o'clock.

十一、神經精神系統 Neuropsychiatric

He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for several weeks.
-一般用語 vertigo, dizziness, dizzy spell, syncope, fainting, sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, insomnia, hiccough, convulsion, seizure, trembling, involuntary movement, numbness, weakness, incoordination, clumsiness of motion, tingling, unsteadiness in walking, difficulty in walking, paresthesia, anesthesia, paralysis, myalgia, thick speech, aphonia
He noted a progressive speech impediment.
He was unable to stand on tiptoe on the affected limb.

He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.
-一般用語 despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted, discouraged, scared, fearful, low, afraid, angry, blue ; cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic, satisfied, stable, fluctuating, hilarious
-喜歡小題大做的 fussy
-好管閒事的 noisy
-吹毛求疵的 fault-finding
-自負的 conceited
-很勢利的 snobbish
-自私的 selfish
-吝嗇的 stingy
-氣量大的 broad-minded
-慷慨的 generous
-好心的 kind-hearted
-心情變幻不定而抑鬱的 be moody and depressed
-患有極痛苦的憂慮 have an attack of excruciating anxiety
ex1:His mood was appropriate.
ex2:His mood was mainly euphoric and expansive.
-一般用語 think less clearly, decreased speed of thinking, decreased clarity of
thought, flight of ideas, loss of mental vigor , mental apathy
-再也不能集中心力 can no longer concentrate
-發覺集中力減退 noted waning powers of concentration
She noted only slight difficulty in concentrating while reading and writing.

He was deluded, vividly hallucinated, and unable to give any coherent history.
-一般用語 hallucination, delusion of persecution(被害妄想), mental confusion, disorientation, mental aberration, negativism, loss of memory, amnesia, mutism, etc.
-老是發出癡呆、不適當的笑聲 frequently exhibit silly inappropriate laughter
-對其他小孩殘酷無情 behave brutally toward other children
-變為難於駕御 become unmanageable
-發覺個性顯著變化 a definite personality change is noted
-精神失常逐漸厲害起來 have gradually progressive mental deterioration.
-發覺記性障礙有2個月 noted memory impairment for 2 months.

She manifested a marked tendency toward destructiveness and disturbance of mood and affect.
-一般用語 emotional instability, tendency to worry, hot temper, temper outbursts, irritable, shy, fussy, quarrelsome
-情緒非常窘迫 be in severe increasing emotional lability
-心神不安寧,坐立不安 be restless and fidgety
-動輒生氣 be easily moved to anger
-脾氣暴躁 have temper tantrums
-深懷自卑感 harborn deep feelings of inferiority
The patient is in good condition and seems to be emotionally undisturbed.
He was always a 'nervous' person but more so since the onset of palpitation.

exercise 4


十二、疼痛 Pain

The pain came on suddenly while walking up the stairs and it was persistent.
-感覺疼痛 feel (have; suffer from) a pain; pain is felt in ; feel painful
-頭痛 have a headache; be troubled with a headache; feel a pain in one's head
-患劇烈頭痛 have a nasty (bad) headache
-時常頭痛 be subject (a martyr) to headaches
-有撞擊似的兩側性頭痛 have bilateral pounding headaches
-頭痛逐漸地變為頻發( 較不嚴重) headaches gradually become more frequent (less severe)
There is occasional, transient, nonde script pain, or sensibility during mastication.
The tooth became sore to pressure and there is a dull gnawing pain.
ex1:Epigastric pain comes immediately after meal.
ex2:Colic pain came on and off since yesterday.
ex3:This pain has been relentlessly postprandial, regardless of the character of her meals.
ex4:The joint pains were present mainly at night, with relief during the day.
ex5:The mild frontal headaches were usually present upon awakening, but not severe enough to require analgesics.
ex6:The pain usually commenced within 30 minutes after meals and lasted 1 to 3 hours.
ex1:He described the pain as dull and aching, occurring approximately once a week, unrelated to food intake, and radiating to his back.

The pain initially was steady, but after several hours became episodic.
-恒常(痛) constant
-間歇(痛) intermittent
-偶(痛) occasional
-急性(痛) acute
-鈍麻(痛),悶(痛) dull
-搏動性的 throbbing
-抽(痛) twinge
-銳(痛),急(痛) sharp
-刺(射)痛 stabbing ( shooting) pain
-鑽錐(痛) boring
-穿刺(痛) piercing
-竄(痛) darting
-被咬樣的(痛) gnawing
-似裂(痛) tearing (splitting)
-脹(痛) bursting
-刀割樣(痛) knife-like
-痙攣(痛) crampy
-拉(痛) dragging
-箍(痛) girdle-like ( constricting)
-痛得打滾 writhing
-極痛的 excruciating
-切割的(痛) lancinating
-絞性痛 colic (colicky pain)
-劇痛 severe ( pungent; intense)
-感應痛 referred pain
-墜痛 bearing-down pain
-發生遍身的痠痛 develop diffuse body aching
-有劇烈的骨盤痛 have exquisite pelvic pain
-牙痛頻發 continual bouts of toothache
-一陣陣劇烈的牙痛 the pangs of a toothache
-帶有胸膜炎性狀的右胸痛 right-sided pain of a pleuritic character
-發生陣痛性的疼痛 have labor-like pains
The pain was steady, sharp and boring in nature ( character).
The pain was identical with what she had complained of.
-pain reappears ( relapses); pain breaks out again; a return of the pain
The pain under the left breast recurred at intervals but was not constant.
The pain rarely returned after his evening meal and it was not affected when he ingested milk or antacid.

At times pain radiates down the back of the right lower extremity to the foot.
-pain radiates ( travels) to ~; pain radiating from ~ to ~; radiation of the pain to ~
The pain radiated around toward the groin, relieved by lying down and aggravated
while standing.
On the day of admission he experienced increasingly severe pain with radiation to the right scapular area and shoulders.

The pain was confined to the midline and was aggravated by heavy labor.
-疼痛存在於 the pain is limited to; the pain is located ( localized; situated) in (or
over) ; there is localized pain in ~
-遍在痛 generalized ( general; extensive; unlocalized) pain
At first the pain was generalized in the ( whole) abdomen; but it subsequently
localized to the R.U.Q.
The pain, which began ( originated) in the R.L.Q., soon became localized in the L.U.Q.
-疼痛減輕 pain is relieved by , relieve ( ease, allay, alleviate, assuage, abate, soothe) the pain, pains decrease ( grow less, go down , fall off)
-疼痛減輕了 the pain became lighter
-疼痛的嚴重度減少 the severity of the pain waned
-疼痛未停止 the pain did no ease
The pain and diarrhea abated, but he felt tired and weak since then.
The chest pain is sometimes relieved by a change of position, but only temporarily.
The pain was markedly accentuated by deep inspiration, although it was not pleuritic in nature.
The pain is most severe at night when he lies on his right side.

exercise 4
a)He does not know why he got sick.
b)He does not know the cause of his disease.
c)He has no inkling of the cause of his disease.
a)The onset of his disease is gradual.
b)His disease is gradual(insidious) in onset.
c)His disease occurred(commenced) gradually.
a)He had (suffered from) a sudden epigastric pain.
b)An acute(abrupt) pain was felt in his upper abdomen.
c)He experienced a sudden attack of epigastralgia.
a)His illness was first noted 3 weeks prior to admission.
b)His illness began(started; occurred) 3 weeks P.T.A.
c)He dated the onset of his illness 3 weeks P.T.A.
a)About seven months ago, he first(initially) noticed (noted; perceived; found) that he
could not swallow as smoothly as before( usual).
b)Approximately seven months ago, he found for the first time that he had difficulty in swallowing.
c)For the first time he was aware(cognizant) of dysphagia about seven months ago.
a)He began to have cough 3 days ago and it has continued since then.
b)His cough which started 3 days ago has persisted up to the present.
c)Three days ago he developed a cough (began or started coughing) and it has lasted until today.
a)His disease began last Aug. with loss of appetite, loss of weight and fever.
b)His illness started in Aug. last year with anorexia, loss of weight and fever.
c)The symptoms of anorexia, weight loss and fever began last Aug.
a)The characteristics of his disease are sore throat and weakness.
b)Sore throat and weakness are the peculiarities of his disease.
c)His disease is characterized by sore throat and weakness.
a)He was entirely free of digestive system.
b)Absolutely no abnormality was found in his digestive system.
c)There was absolutely no symptom referable to his digestive system.
d)In reference to digestive system he was quite asymptomatic.
a)He had a recurrence (a relapse; another attack) of his old rheumatism.
b)His old rheumatism occurred again.
c)Rheumatism, his old complaint ( fault), recurred.
a)His condition began to improve 3 days ago.
b)Three days ago his condition began to make favorable progress.
c)His condition turned (changed) for the better 3 days ago.
a)His condition(disease) became(got) worse yesterday.
b)His condition took a serious turn yesterday.
c)His condition took a turn for the worse yesterday.

十三、呼吸Resp., 咳嗽Cough, 痰Sputum

He complains of difficulty of breathing, which annoyed him for several days.
-呼吸困难 breathe hard (with difficulty) ; have difficulty in breathing ( respiration)
-呼吸困难 dyspnea (夜间性 nocturnal, 发作性paroxysmal)
-安静时(运动性)呼吸困难 dyspnea at rest (on exertion)
-常发生发作性夜间呼吸困难 frequent episodes of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
-呼吸困难突然厉害起来 have sudden increase in dyspnea
-患轻微的运动性呼吸困难 have some mild exertional dyspnea
-患急性呼吸困难 have an acute attack of dyspnea
-无呼吸困难 have no respiratory embarrassment
-偶有心悸 have occasional palpitations
-心悸反覆发生 have recurrent episodes of palpations
The next morning the patient became extremely dyspneic and weak.
He always becomes short-winded when walking hastily or going up stairs.

The patient coughs very often and expectorates foul-smelling grayish sputum.
-种类 short, sharp, small, dry(hasty), moist, constant, painful, irritable, spasmodic, wheezing, distressed, rasping
-咳个不停 have a fit of coughing; cough oneself into a fit (fits)
-苦咳个不停 have a hard (racking; convulsive) cough
-患4天乾燥发作性咳嗽 experience a 4-day episode of dry paroxysmal cough.
-2岁时开始有间歇性烦咳 intermittent hacking cough started at 2 years old
-咳嗽减少了 one's cough diminished
-发生轻度无痰的乾咳 develop slight nonproductive cough
-有点(很多)咯血 have minimal (massive) hemoptysis.
-咯出一点血 cough (expectorate; spit) up (out) a little blood
-开始咯出黑血斑点 began coughing op flecks of dark blood
-呕血 vomit blood
He coughed occasionally, but he has never experienced pain in the thorax, fever, or loss of weight.
For the last 6 months, he has been coughing with slight hemoptysis.

-种类 thin, thick, fetid, serous, frothy, tenacious, viscous, mucous( mucoid), mucopurulent, transparent, seropurulent, rusty
-中等量(多量、大量)带有灰白色痰的咳嗽 moderate amounts ( a great deal, large quantities) of grayish-white sputum
-痰涌上咽喉,有酸味 phlegm wells up in the throat and tastes sour
-痰堵住嗓子了 phlegm blocked the windpipe
-半杯黄色痰 one half cup of yellowish sputum
-吐脓性,偶而带血的痰 produce purulent, occasionally blood-tinged sputum
-开始有点咳嗽,并且有约3公撮的血痰 began to have some cough and produced about 3 ml. of bloody sputum.
-一点也咳不出痰 do not raise any phlegm at all
-咳痰停止了 expectoration ceased
He began to expectorate small amounts of blood-streaked sputum.
His cough was not so severe as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood.

十四、胃肠 Stomach & Bowels

He has a certain disagreeable felling in the stomach when it is empty.
-胃不调 upset stomach
-消化不良 have bad (impaired: defective) digestion; suffer from indigestion ( dyspepsia)
-胃有毛病 have a disordered stomach ( stomach disorder); something is wrong with one’s stomach.
-因过食而伤胃 injure one's stomach by overeating oneself
-觉食物积滞胃中 feel heavy on the stomach
-食物不易消化lie (sit) heavy on one’s stomach
Thereafter, the digestion was not really good.

Transient nausea and vomiting was present, but no anorexia or weight loss occurred.
-欲呕 feel nauseated
-有晨吐 have morning sickness
-夜吐(饭后恶心) nocturnal (postprandial) nausea
-晕船(车) be sea- (car-) sick
-有点恶心 have (experience) some nausea
-严重的作呕 have considerable retching
-里急后重时发生恶心和呕吐 have a spell of N & V while straining at stool
-患食欲不振和恶心 be anorexic and nauseated
-偶而恶心和呕吐 develop occasional nausea and vomiting
-老是溢酸,感觉腹胀 burp all the time, feel bloated
-吐出清净透明的胃容物 with vomiting of clear gastric contents
-呕吐停了,消失了vomiting stopped (ceased), cleared
-止吐 settle the stomach
-打噎 belch (eruct; eructate)
The patient developed nausea and vomited bile-stained fluid on several occasions.
With the advent of vomiting, he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe

At noon on the following day she stared vomiting food, which was followed by bile-stained material.
-在病发时呕吐2次 vomit twice at the onset
-极度反胃 regurgitate food violently
One hour later, he vomited watery material containing no blood.
Sometimes the patient vomited once or twice at the height of the attack.
The vomitus of yesterday morning was described as containing indigested food and
greenish water with no evidence of blood.
The vomitus was initially clear but just before hospitalization was said to brownish.

He began to have frequent, frothy, foul-smelling stools.
-解大便 open (relax; evacuate) the bowel; have a passage
-有便意 have a call of nature
-有1次(2次)大便 have a motion (two motions)
-没有大便 be constipated
-平均每天大便12次 averaged 12 stools daily
-发觉粪便中有很多血 noticed gross blood in one's stools
-开始一天解8次松的多脂粪便 began to pass 8 loose greasy stools per day
-大便增加到一天4~5次 stools increased in number to 4 or 5 daily
-更换尿布时有些粪便 have some stool in each diaper change
The stools became fewer in number but he still continued to have 2~3 large loose
stools daily.
Two months before admission she had noticed black stools but she disregarded them.
-种类 ordinary, dry, hard, loose(soft), large, watery(liquid), formed, formless, frothy, mucous, bloody, rice-water, pea-soup, tarry
-臭味 odorless, extremely foul, sour, putrid, less offensive in odor, offensive but no excessively foul
-颜色 black, tarry, brownish-black, brown, red, green, yellow, light-brown, grey-white (clay-colored)
The stools were of normal caliber and consistency and have never been black.
Stools were very light in color and of mushy consistence.

He complained of intermittent diarrhea alternating with constipation.
-便秘 suffer from constipation
-惯性便秘 habitual constipation
-时常便秘 be always constipated
-有便秘倾向 have a tendency to be constipated
-只有灌肠才能缓和严重的便秘 one's severe constipation was relieved only by
The constipation was very obstinate (stubborn) and he resorted to the frequent use of cathartics.
She became progressively more constipated and noted a narrowing in the caliber of
the stools.
-晨泻,水泻,粘液性腹泻,慢性腹泻 diarrhea (morning, watery, mucous, dysenteric, chronic)
-腹泻 diarrhea (轻症 mild,拖延的 protracted, 无法控制的 uncontrolled, 难医的intractable)
-患腹泻 suffer from diarrhea; have ( an attack of ) diarrhea; have loose bowels
-短期的腹泻发生了 a brief episode of diarrhea occurred
-开始泻腹(自然消失,于两天后消失) diarrhea commenced ( spontaneously disappeared, cleared after 2 days)
-偶而泻肚子 have occasional diarrhea
-腹泻厉害,在3~7次之间 diarrhea varied in severity from 3 to 7 B.M.
-不得不服药 be obliged to take physics
-腹泻未因吃脱脂牛奶而转佳 received skim milk without any improvement in the diarrhea
-用泻药 use a purgative
He developed diarrhea with the daily passage of 8~10 stools containing mucous, pus, and bright red blood.
He previously had similar attacks of diarrhea but they were never so severe.

exercise 5


a)He feels tired (fatigued) after slight exertion for many weeks.
b)Even a trifling work would make him weary during these last weeks.
c)He becomes tired on slight exertion for these weeks.

a)He is easily fatigued. Consequently, he is unable to work.
b)He is extremely fatiguable at all times and therefore can do nothing.
c)He is troubled by easy fatiguability, and as a result of this he cannot perform any work.

a)He feels heavy in his head and slight discomfort.
b)He has a headache and is rather indisposed (out of sorts).
c)He is troubled by a headache associated with slight indisposition.
a)He had a high-grade fever last night.
b)He had an attack of high fever last night.
c)He was sick( ill) with high fever last night.
a)The fever, together with shaking chills, rose (went) up to 40.2°C yesterday.
b)There was an elevation of fever to 40.2°C with shaking chills yesterday.
c)Yesterday, the fever increased ( was elevated) to 40.2°C with shaking chills.
d)Yesterday his body temperature accompanied with a chill reached 40.2°C.
a)This morning his fever fell ( dropped; decreased; subsided; abated) to 36.8°C.
b)There was decrease in his fever to 36.8°C this morning.
a)The temperature P.T.A. had been in the range of 38.6° to 40°C.
b)The temperature P.T.A had ranged ( varied; fluctuated; run) from 38.6° to 40°C.
c)P.T.A., he had had a range in temperature from 38.6° to 40°C.

a)He has continued to have a temp. of 38.4°C for 4 days.
b)He has had a steady temp. of 38.4°C for 4 days.
c)He has been ill with a temp. of 38.4°C for 4 days.

a)His fever has never fallen.
b)His fever has remained unchanged.
c)His fever has been steady ( constant).
d)He has continued to have a spiking (persistent) fever.

a)He suffered from headache and fever.
b)He had headache associated (together) with fever.
c)He was troubled by headache and fever.

十五、排尿 Urination,生殖器 Genitalia

He complained of a drawing pain in both groins and testicles, nocturia, burning on urination and the intermittent voiding of red-colored urine.
-种类 colorless, clear, transparent, translucent( semitransparent), opaque, milky(
opalescent) cloudy( turbid), orange, greenish, dirty blue, green, yellow( amber;
straw), red, bright red, brown yellow, dark-brown, brown-dark, light brown, pale
yellow, faint pale, clay-colored, patty-colored
-排便 micturate; make( pass) water; void; piss
-一夜有2次小便 have nocturia twice nightly ( a night)
-这次住院时解出一个结石 pass a stone on this admission
-小便浑浊 one's urine is thick( colored)
-解出极浑浊,乳白色的尿 the passage of highly turbid, milky urine
-频尿 frequent urination( micturition)
-无法忍受的频尿 intolerable frequency of urination
-终末性血尿 terminal hematuria
-终末尿带有几滴血 urine terminates with a few drops of blood
-排尿痛 micturition pain
-解尿时左腰疼痛 have pain in the left loin on micturition
-小便流势良好 void with a good stream

The End……








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