有人知道这个吗? 很逗的
Peanut Butter Jelly Time (PBJT) is a flash animation consisting of an animated ‘Dancing Banana’ emoticon and the song “Peanut Butter Jelly Time” by The Buckwheat Boyz. Known for being both annoying and funny, video of the dancing banana became a viral hit leading to PBJT merchandise, and many subsequent versions.
The first Peanut Butter Jelly Time flash animation was created by Ryan Gancenia Etrata and Kevin Flynn under the screen names RalphWiggum and Comrade Flynn, and posted onto the Offtopic.com forums in early 2002. On March 21st, 2002, a user by the name YrebWarts posted Etrata and Flynn’s work on the popular Flash gallery Newgrounds.com where the clip became wildly popular spawning a number of remakes.
By November 13th, 2002, Peanut Butter Jelly Time made it’s debut into the Mainstream Media when popular NBC sitcom Ed portrayed the main character watching the flash, during Season 3, episode 7 entitled “The Wedding.”
Over the course of 2003, the first two flash animations made the rounds, being reposted on eBaum’s World, SomethingAwful, basically any site that showcases viral content. Then on November 20th, 2005, the meme that just wouldn’t die once again broke into mainstream network television, appearing on Family Guy during the sixteenth episode of season four; entitled “The Courtship of Stewie’s Father.” Brian the dog performs his own rendition of Peanut Butter Jelly Time, dressed as the dancing banana and shaking maracas.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time (PBJT)是一段包含“跳舞的香蕉”动画和由Buckwheat Boyz演唱的“Peanut Butter Jelly Time”作为主题曲的flash。这段flash以惹人讨厌和有趣闻名于世,跳舞香蕉的动画也涌现出了很多版本,并形成一个产业。
最初的Peanut Butter Jelly Time动画是由Ryan Gancenia Etrata 和 Kevin Flynn在2002年初创作的,并在offtopic.com论坛上发表。2002年3月21日,一个名为YrebWarts的用户把这段动画发表在当时流行的flash网站Newgrounds.com上,从那时起,这段动画广为流传,并衍生了一系列不同版本。
2002年11月13日,在NBC当红情景喜剧ED第三季第七集“the wedding”中,剧中主角观看了Peanut Butter Jelly Time动画;在此之前,Peanut Butter Jelly Time一直与当时的主流媒体格格不入。
在2003年,最初被创作的两段动画又被重新贴在eBaum’s World,SomethingAwful…只要能显示动画的一系列网站上。然后在2005年9月20日,这种不灭的文化基因又一次打入主流电视媒体---在Family Guy第4季第16集“The Courtship of Stewie’s Father.”中那只名叫Brian的小狗穿得像“跳舞的香蕉”一样,表演自己版本的Peanut Butter Jelly Time。
Family Guy - It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!!!
Peanut Butter Jelly Time In Iraq
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