- from phrasemix

You're a receptionist in an office. An employee at the company is waiting for a package and asked if it had been delivered yet. It hasn't, but you want to let her know that you'll bring it to her when it comes. You say:
I'll keep an eye out for it.
I'll (do something)
"I will ___" is good for telling people about something that you just decided to do. In the example above, the receptionist didn't know about the package before, but now she does. So she's telling her coworker what she will do about it.
keep an eye out for (something)
To "keep an eye out for" something means to look for it. But "keeping an eye out" doesn't mean that you're actively searching for something. It means that you're looking for it while you do something else. For example, if you lost something you can ask a family member:
Hey, I can't find my ring. I've looked everywhere but I can't find it. Can you just keep an eye out for it?
keep an eye out for it = keep an eye on it????
dont think so
ls 具体说说贝
keep an eye out for it这句话说起来怎么这么蹩嘴呢。
一般我们都是说 keep an eye on it... 确实 keep an eye out for it 听起来有点奇怪
no, there is a big difference.
"keep an eye out for sth" - watch out carefully for sth to appear.(sth is still not there yet, but you expect it to come soon)
"keep an eye on sth" - watch sth closely. (sth is already there)
thx for ls' s explanation.
可以理解为如果丢失物品,象让别人帮着留心看看落在哪里了, 用keep an eye out for it??
在打个比方,如果在自己暂时离开时麻烦别人帮看着物品用keep an eye on it??
明明顶楼有解释, 为啥都不看呢?
keep an eye out for (something)
To "keep an eye out for" something means to look for it. But "keeping an eye out" doesn't mean that you're actively searching for something. It means that you're looking for it while you do something else.
keep an eye on it是说帮助照看这个东西,比如在公共场合,你要离开一下,想旁边的人帮你看一下购物袋,可以用keep an eye on it,可以理解为帮你盯着点,别丢了
keep an eye out for it是说帮你找找这个东西,lz的例子很典型,工作中常会用到
感谢lz分享,如果能加一些自己的解释就更 好了
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