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So we all knew what happened: Sarah Murdoch (nee O'Hare), a ex super model herself, announced the wrong winner at Australia's Next Top Model's final.

Here is the news story:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvsho ... s-WRONG-winner.html
Now, here's what's not right with the whole thing:
Firstly, don't they normally have 2 hosts? They can check/help each other on stage.
Secondly, don't they normally enclose the winner's name in an envelope? Why this time everything is communicated via the ear piece?
Thirdly, both girls handled the shock very well, conducted themselves exceedingly gracefully. Is this because it's actually staged?
Lastly, if this is staged, it's apparently a very successful stunt - now the entire world is talking about it!
So here, please voice your opinion - Do you think this is a genuine mistake? Or do you think this is staged? Have you noticed any other signs or facts that proves either way?
Please discuss!
[ 本帖最后由 bulaohu 于 2010-9-30 10:56 编辑 ]
I admit my ignorance and I am not a faddish person in particular. I have no idea who these ladies are.
Saw the news yesterday morning in the office and at first blush, I believed it's a genuine mistake. Things happen.
Of course it could be hype which is not unusual in the entertainment circle but I don't have any hearsay to share.
[ 本帖最后由 floraz 于 2010-9-30 11:23 编辑 ]
Well, it was quite an interesting incident to me. At least it means this show was actually a live show.
It doesn't matter it was a genuine mistake or just a hype because audience is so entertained by this incident itself that we almost forgot to care who was the winner!
Life is boring and we need something different to entertain!
[ 本帖最后由 aying0122 于 2010-9-30 13:08 编辑 ]
so you wouldn't care even if it's staged
I agree.
The show served it's purpose.
I personally believe it was not because of human goodness by nature.
It doesn't smell right. I think it is staged. However, arguing about if it is genuine also could been expected. I will step back and watch.
I didn’t get any chance to watch this show before, only yesterday morning I heard the news and then watched it in Youtube.
Some people thought it was staged because two girls handled the shock well, but I don't think any girl like to make this kind of deal. So In my opinion, it was just a mistake.
From Sarah's reaction, It seems to be a genuine mistake.
To me she is In fact the biggest winner of that night , honestly i had no idea who she is until I heard this news.
And the biggest loser is Amanda, other two girls had drawn all the audience's attentions from her
Well, you can trust me here - Sarah O'Hare was a household name worldwide just a few years ago. She apparently doesn't need this to promote herself. And since she married a Murdoch, she's now worth probably more than Channel 7 itself.
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