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研究预测: 糖尿病将是亚洲流行病
专家认为在糖尿病 将是亚洲人主要疾病,主要是因为垃圾食物和高热量食物的消费上升。
考虑以下2点 -
•8900 万亚洲人有2型糖尿病和预计数字将上升, 仅在印度有3300万人和中国有2200万有糖尿病。
•根据世界卫生组织全世界有糖尿病患 者1.77亿,到2025年,这一数字将达到300万,其中60%患者是亚洲人。
“来自澳大利亚和 越南研究人员调查了越南的胡志明市2100人,发现约有百分之11的男性和百分之12女性确诊有2型糖尿病,百分之四已诊断为糖尿病。
糖尿病是导致 高血糖失控,往往对心脏,肾脏,眼睛和神经构成疾病问题,被认为是一种慢性杀手,疾病成因其实是与生活方式材和遗传有关。悉尼研究所的Tuan Nguyen教授表示,“近年来在越南, 饮食模 式已发生巨大的改变,特别是在城市,变得更加西化。”他补充说,类似的结果在泰国, 和其他亚洲东南亚地区包括马来西亚,新加坡,柬埔寨和老挝。
Nguyen Thy Khue医生, 越南内分泌和糖尿病协会负责人,心脏血压高和腰围比例大为糖尿病风险增加标记。他说: 他的团队“发现一个 [血 压,腰臀比例]精度约达到百分之70至75工具,该工具,可作为初步筛检工具,以确定某些人需要进一步的测试.”
贝克国际心脏病与糖尿病研究所名誉主任, 保罗齐默教 授还表示,“我们可能正处在历史上最大的流行病时期, 而且许多亚洲国家缺乏资源, 并不仅仅是诊断,而且是如何治疗糖尿病病人, 这未勉让人感到丧气,失望对某些公从的健康水平,他们是如此害怕,   许多2型糖尿病病人,不可能得到治疗在任何情况下.
Predictors of an Asia diabetes epidemic: study
Experts believe diabetes will be the leading disease in Asia mainly because of the rise in consumption of junk and high calorie foods in this region of the world.

Consider this -
•        89 million Asians have type 2 diabetes and numbers are expected to rise. There are 33 million cases in India and 22 million cases in China alone.
•        According to the World Health Organization 177 million worldwide have diabetes, a number that will reach 300 million by 2025 with 60% sufferers Asian.
Researchers from Australia and Vietnam studied 2,100 people of Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City and found that around 11 percent of men and 12 percent of women had undiagnosed type 2 diabetes and only 4 percent had diagnosed diabetes.
Diabetes that leads to high and uncontrolled blood sugar and often to heart, kidney, eye and nerve problems is believed to be a slow killer that is actually related to lifestyle as well as genetics. Professor Tuan Nguyen of the Sydney-based institute said, “Dietary patterns have been changing dramatically in Vietnam in recent years, particularly in the cities as they become more westernized.” He added that similar results were seen in Thailand and “other parts of South East Asia including Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia and Laos.”
According to Dr Nguyen Thy Khue, President, Endocrinology and Diabetes Association of Vietnam, the study chose to detect systolic blood pressure and waist to hip ratio as markers for increased risk of diabetes. He said that his team “found that the accuracy of the tool [blood pressure and waist to hip ratio] is about 70 to 75 per cent so I think our tool can be used as an initial screening tool to identify people for further testing.”
Professor Paul Zimmet, Emeritus Director, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute also said, “We're sitting on probably one of the largest epidemics in history and many Asian countries don't have the resources not alone to diagnose but also to treat people with diabetes so there could be a lack of enthusiasm at some public health levels because they're so scared there's such an untapped and large number people with type two diabetes that they could never treat them in any case.”
http://www.news-medical.net/news ... idemic-A-study.aspx
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