在新加坡从事多年数学教学,针对各级数学基础的学生。 教课生动有趣,善于引导启发学生对数学的兴趣。数学让您的孩子赢在起跑线。 招收year1 - 6 学生, 墨尔本东南区可提供一对一授课, 其他区线上教学或4人以上小组授课 有意者请联络Teacher Jane, 手机 0401 235 835 From Google: What is Singapore Maths? Singapore Maths is an internationally proven teaching method developed in Singapore in 1980. It is based on the successful K – 10 Singapore Curriculum that has helped them achieve top honours in international studies such as the Trend in International Maths & Science Study (TIMMS) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). 联系我时,请注明来自华人网!未经书面许可,严禁转载!
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