父母pr去年下签,但是上周才入境,是不是现在只能申请medicare card, senior card, opal card和税号?
pensioner concession card是要等四年是吗?而且中间回国的时间要剪掉,只算在澳洲境内居住的时间?
low income health card是否可以早一点申请呢?还是也得等四年?
low income health card,19年一月之前拿到PR的等2年,之后的要等4年,呆一天算一天的那种,满足条件后才可申请
New residents may have to wait up to 4 years before they can get most of our payments or concession and health care cards.
Holders of permanent residence visa or specified visa subclass granted after 1 January 2019
If you got your permanent residence visa or Special Category visa (SCV) holder on or after 1 January 2019, the following waiting periods apply.
4 year waiting period
There’s a 4 year waiting period for the following payments and concessions:
Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Ex-Carer Allowance (Child) Health Care Card
Farm Household Allowance
JobSeeker Payment
Low Income Health Care Card
Mobility Allowance
Parenting Payment single and partnered
Pensioner Education Supplement
Special Benefit
Tertiary Access Payment
Youth Allowance.
age pension 是要呆满10年,并且其中5年是连续的,才可以申请
To get Age Pension you generally need to have been an Australian resident for at least 10 years in total. For at least 5 of these years, there must be no break in your residence.
We may need more information to establish your Australian residence history. If we do, we’ll ask you to complete the Residence in Australia and other countries form.
如果aged pension 不用等真是好透了。可惜还要10年的时间
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