

工党副党魁、高等教育与技能培训事务发言人格兰特罗伯森(Grant Robertson  约翰•基和斯蒂文•乔伊斯必须当面向学生们说明他们计划怎么改动学生贷款政策。  工党高等教育事务发言人格兰特•罗伯

工党副党魁、高等教育与技能培训事务发言人格兰特罗伯森(Grant Robertson


  工党高等教育事务发言人格兰特•罗伯森(Grant Robertson)说:约翰基已经向一位商界人士表示说国家党要“对正广受欢迎的学生贷款政策严加控制”。基总理应当解释清楚他说这话究竟是什么意思。是不是意味着像他们在上一届执政期间所做的那样,会进一步增加对申请学生贷款的限制?







  Grant      ROBERTSON  Deputy Leader  Tertiary Education, Skills and Training Spokesperson                      

  13 March 2012                                                         MEDIA STATEMENT

  National should front up to students on loan changes

  John Key and Steven Joyce need to front up to students about the changes they are planning to make to the student loan scheme, says Labour’s Tertiary Education spokesperson Grant Robertson.

  “John Key has told a business audience that National would “rein in the student loan scheme big time”.   He needs to explain to students exactly what that means.  Will it be further measures to limit access to the scheme, like those put in place during the last term of government?

  “Student loans are the only way of financing study for many New Zealanders and it is irresponsible for the Prime Minister to make big statements off the cuff like this.  He now needs to explain to students what changes are being planned. 

  “In the briefing to the incoming Tertiary Education Minister, there were large sections withheld, including on student support. The government clearly has something planned but is refusing to be upfront about it. 

  “During the last term of Parliament, the student loan policy was changed to prevent people over 55 from borrowing for their living costs.  At a time of high unemployment, this action is preventing some people from re-training.  

  “At the last election, Labour committed to reviewing all the changes made to the loan scheme to ensure they were not preventing capable students from study or training.  National should make the same commitment.

  “Labour supports measures to chase up borrowers who go overseas to ensure they pay back their loans.  If that is the extent of National’s ‘reining in’ of the loan scheme that is well and good, but John Key’s big talk today implies more restrictions on eligibility are on the way.

  “John Key has made clear that he is only continuing Labour’s interest free loan policy for political reasons.  His commitment to providing student support is clearly skin deep.”  Grant Robertson said.



NZ又有警车遭到冲撞 造成1名警员受伤

新西兰警方称,昨晚(2月5日)在怀卡托Huntly地区,一辆警方巡逻车遭到一名男子驾车冲撞,造成一名警员受伤入院。 事件发生在昨晚8点左右。 警方发言人表示,这名警员中度受伤,并被送往 ...