piano tutor
any one knows good piano tutors or classes for kids around 5 in Sydney? Thanks 评论 up 评论 你在什么区呢?帮你顶一下吧。 评论 同up 评论 在《大纪元时报》上我看到有钢琴老师招生的广告。 评论 楼主可...澳洲华人论坛
any one knows good piano tutors or classes for kids around 5 in Sydney? Thanks 评论 up 评论 你在什么区呢?帮你顶一下吧。 评论 同up 评论 在《大纪元时报》上我看到有钢琴老师招生的广告。 评论 楼主可...澳洲华人论坛
Anyone knows how to solve the following two questions? 1. Starting with a 9×9×9 cube, Augusta removed as few 1 × 1 × 1 cubes as possible so that the resulting sculpture had front view, top view and side view all the same, as shown. How m...澳洲华人论坛
who knows what that mean? 评论 胎盘前置,就是孕早期,胎盘的位置比较低,靠近宫颈口,甚至覆盖宫颈口。随着孕月的增加,子宫长大,大多数人的胎盘都会在32周左右离宫颈口有距离了,象...澳洲华人论坛
Hhhhhhhbbb 评论 anyone knows ? thanks 评论 lz是妊娠高血糖吗?如果是催产是正常的! 我当时血糖控制的非常好(连医生都惊讶),b超现在宝宝生长的很好,size不大(中等),结果也被安排催...澳洲华人论坛
In form 1206, if we answer No, how can we give the detail. thanks..... 评论 那就写上需要服兵役多久呗,还有哪个国家。 评论 只有你所在国家或地区有强制服兵役,才需要填detail。 If no, and you/they ar...澳洲华人论坛
Who knows whatare the name of these plants? 评论 圖一像Jackfruit波罗蜜 评论 第一个像菠萝蜜,第三个像龙眼 评论 第一个难道是榴莲呵呵 第二个难道是bay tree 第三个看上去像荔枝,不过那些壳裂开...澳洲华人论坛
heard about this high school. never talked to anyone who is or has child in that school. has anyone in this forum got any news or comments about this school? 评论 这个是类似于中国的音乐附中, 学校环境非常好, 师资也是...澳洲华人论坛
As above. 评论 中韩印班,还是不错的! 评论 排名不错,很好的学校。很多附近的人挤破了头想进。 评论 华人不少,排名好,很好的学校 评论 Good school... good teachers! Good music programs......澳洲华人论坛
anyone knows good TCM dr in melbourne? Where can I go to buy some chinese groceryin melbourne? Sorry for the English, got no internet yet, use mobile, has no Chinese input 评论 这问题也太泛泛了。难道一个离家30公里的中国店...澳洲华人论坛
who knows good Mazda dealer, can you please pm me? thanks my laptop cannot type Chinese, but I speak Mandarin. 评论 什么问题? 评论 可以给你推荐一个靠谱的,站内短我把 评论 I want to someone to introduce me a good...澳洲华人论坛
Does anyone know this brand? How are the products? Worth buying? Thanks 评论 同问,有人买过吗?我也在微信看到了,那个儿童小马鞋好可爱啊。 评论 他家款式很多,好像别的牌子都比较单调,有大虾知...澳洲华人论坛
Sorry cant' type Chinese in office. I was wondering if anyone knows a good swimming pool close to Strathfield. Just moved to this area and not knowing a good one. Thanks 评论 奥林匹克公园的那个也离开你不远呀 评论 为什么发...澳洲华人论坛
Who knows where can buy Karicare golden plus 3 ? I urgently need it. Many Thanks! 评论 try chemistwarehouse, good luck. 评论 BigW看看!我上周六看到有 评论 BigW还有chemist都会有一些的 评论 http://www.pharmacydirect....澳洲华人论坛
anyone knows if you passed all segments, what do you need to do next? 评论 if you have completed ur practical experience requirement then you will be advance to CPA status. 评论 请问,是自动升级吗?还是需要联系CPA?一般要...澳洲华人论坛
Is there anyone knows the website for property valuation except for onthehouse? I do remember there's another free website called sold price you can check the house sold price history. Thank you very much. 评论 http://www.rpdata.net.au/ 要钱...澳洲华人论坛
My friend transfered USD$20,000 from USAto me. From her USD account to my USD account. But when I finallygot the money, I lost over USD $1000 . Because they exchange USA to AUS, and then of course my bank change AUSto USA again. My friend ar...澳洲华人论坛