标签:Flatting - 澳大利亚华人论坛


City flatting, one bed room

6 i. H7 M0 a# C+ F- a , a: n8 B4 X' j Looking for a flatmate. Room in an apt (14th flr) available in the CBD. Close to Uni and most amenities, very close to Queen St and a lot of other in-city establishments. Starbucks and a dairy downstair...澳洲华人论坛


Flatting or Boarding

求問 一個自住五房的房子出租三間房給人 租客算是flatmate還是boarder呢 需要用哪種合約 Bond要上繳嗎 上了tenancy service網站看了 他們說flatting跟屋主沒有直接的關係 是通過head tenant 而bo...澳洲华人论坛