标签:hits - 澳大利亚华人论坛


Hits Radio 宣布主要流行歌星担任周末节目

金伯利·怀亚特 (Kimberly Wyatt) 已宣布成为 Hits Radio 的最新签约成员 - 本周将迎来她的首场演出。  这位 42 岁的前小野猫将每周日晚上 7 点主持 The Hits Radio Throwback。 今天早上(11 月 7 日...澳洲华人论坛


Made In Bondi hits filming difficulties as cast mem

Made In Bondi has hit filming difficulties as its cast are reportedly failing to show up for filming on time. Channel Seven's Made In Chelsea spin-off series started filming scenes on the iconic beachfront last month, but has allegedly alre...澳洲华人论坛


Greatest Hits Radio 如何成为 BBC 传奇人物的养

Greatest Hits Radio 正在成为 BBC 传奇人物的退休之家,Ken Bruce 成为最新一位离开 Radio 2 的 DJ。 这位 71 岁的苏格兰广播员说,他从 1986 年以来的工作日上午节目中继续前进的“时机成熟”。...澳洲华人论坛


艾莉·古尔丁 (Ellie Goulding) 在 Hits Radio L

她是一位成功的流行歌星,知道如何表现出色。 还有艾莉周六,古尔丁在 Hits Radio Live 表演时,身着荷叶边粉色连衣裙和白色牛仔靴,看上去十分迷人。 这位 35 岁的老人登上了舞台身...澳洲华人论坛


露西·博因顿在拍摄 The Greatest Hits 时身穿

Lucy Boynton 周二在 Echo Park 拍摄 The Greatest Hits 时身着休闲时尚套装。 这位 28 岁的女演员在深粉色连衣裙外穿了一件牛仔夹克。 她的衣服在靠近下摆的中间被剪开,露出了她苍白的大腿内...澳洲华人论坛


Rent crisis hits new high

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/ Auckland's rental crisis is worsening, with prices rising 7 per cent in a year and desperate tenants going to extreme measures including offering to pay six months' rent in advance. New figures show rents in the m...澳洲华人论坛


US house sales hits six-year high

Uncle Sam 经济全面复苏指日可待了. http://www.3news.co.nz/US-house-sales-hits-six-year-high/tabid/421/articleID/278714/Default.aspx 评论 Positive. If US is good, Americans consumer more, thus they demand more goods, so China expo...澳洲华人论坛


ZT: 都是好消息

Migration hits decade high - China topples UK as main source http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3objectid=11223783 Full steam ahead for growth, BNZ says http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/money/9851527/Full-steam-ahead-fo...澳洲华人论坛


Migration gain hits 11-year high

You are very welcome. Please push booming property market to 3rd stage. Migration gain hits 11-year high By Brian Fallow 5:30 AM Thursday May 22, 2014 The population gain from migration has climbed to a 1-year high as the net loss of people...澳洲华人论坛


Immigration hits new all time high

Migration adds another 47,684 residents in the year to October, could reach 55,000 next year 评论 嗯移民数据有问题,应该只看长期定居的才知道未来对房地产需求的影响。 评论 这个数据一直就是这样的,...澳洲华人论坛