请教一下,immigration Officer就是co吗?
一直有个叫amie的人跟我联系,也是她要求我补交资料,她邮寄的信上和她发的邮件上都注明是immigration Officer.那她就是co 了吗?那再请问一下,vo 又是谁?怎么联系我的?谢谢同学们~...澳洲华人论坛
一直有个叫amie的人跟我联系,也是她要求我补交资料,她邮寄的信上和她发的邮件上都注明是immigration Officer.那她就是co 了吗?那再请问一下,vo 又是谁?怎么联系我的?谢谢同学们~...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration Officer 给我回信的confirm我问的几个问题,请问Immigration Officer就是移民官吗?她的回答应该可信吧?(因为我知道移民的客服每个人说法都不一样的,其实客服并不了解具体的一...澳洲华人论坛
有个immigration officer 发邮件说他 是check 所有 document 的人,他就是 case officer么,还是他只是个检查材料的?! 评论 是co.................. 评论 稳稳姐发了个帖子,你可以看下呵呵,Good luc...澳洲华人论坛
请教各位大神,今天收到一封自动邮件,看到如下的更新,这是代表PR批了吗?还是有可能是别的可能? Immigration Applications Below is a list of your pending and previous applications: Visa Type Decision...澳洲华人论坛
Visa Resident APPROVED 评论 恭喜,请客吧! 是的,批下来了。 评论 是的 恭喜! 评论 恭喜 恭喜! 评论 去庆祝吧,等着aip信,就贴纸了 评论 恭喜 恭喜! 评论 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢你们{:8_...澳洲华人论坛
是不是就是ct的那个branch? 评论 在Manukau移民局里面的一层…我记得是这样 评论 Manukau移民局 评论 嗯,去ct移民问过,说是Manukau 评论 多谢回答啊 评论 多谢。希望能早日下签。...澳洲华人论坛
有同学学这个课程吗?看了他们的网站说英语要求必须符合以下某一点: 第三点 a) 说道: 3. Had completed before 1 October 2016: a. had commenced but not completed a course of study for an approved qualificatio...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration NZ to boot out top pianist, pregnant and alone JAMES PASLEY/FAIRFAX NZ Saber Xie, a highly accomplished piano player from China, has been in New Zealand since 2013 and on a skilled work visa since last year. A highly-skilled pre...澳洲华人论坛
大家好,我的SMC 被拒了。。。 CO 提出了PPI,我们给的答复她不满意。 她Deny Letter 里面的Instruction 一部分是 旧的Instruction 一部分是新的, 而且提出了一些新的疑问。这些很明显是不公平...澳洲华人论坛
打了他们Call Center 一直从晚上七点等到现在九点半前面还有27个人。无语了,目前还在等待中不要让我睡觉了** 能不能请多个移民管不就得了,以前几年前没有等到这么久过,气死我了。...澳洲华人论坛
请问一下,今天online approved了但是immigration status 下面还是显示工作签证,这个和online approved不是同步更新的对吗? 评论 你的问题是? 评论 你online approved 后 上面的immigration status更新了...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration Adviser Assistant We are looking for a graduate or provisional licensed immigration adviser on a full-time basis, to assist our senior immigration adviser with required process. Great communication skills, proficiency in English...澳洲华人论坛
Destination Immigration Consultancy LTD ( www.deson.co.nz ) isa Palmerston North based immigration advisory business with more than 20-yearhistory. A vacancy arose recently and the company is seeking an experiencedadvisor/consultant to join...澳洲华人论坛
the Immigration Act 2009 will come into effect on 29 November 2010. Until then the provisions of the Immigration Act 1987 apply. What changes are there to the visa system? The new Act establishes a universal visa system that provides for gr...澳洲华人论坛
看了报纸,说从今年11月起实行的新政策,,取消 了VISA OFFICER的名称,任何移民官统称为IMMIGRATION OFFICER.. 那收到移民局的信,,落款人的TITLE是IMMIGRATION OFFICER,是不是就是CASE OFFICER 呢??? 评论 ca...澳洲华人论坛
一般交上去要等多久才能分到CO呀? 评论 我的从头到尾都不知道谁是CO, 好像根本就没有CO, 但批了,总共不到5个月,所以有时候不一定的。 评论 LSD短缺吧? 评论 online上看不出你有无...澳洲华人论坛
这个你要具体说什么原因被拒签的 评论 哪里咯?转学校的话可以~ 评论 35A是个很恐怖的地方,进去了是不那么容易出来的......我进去过几次了....我很幸运 评论 怎样才算PERFORMANCE不好?...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration New Zealand has promoted its Settlement Support New Zealand (SSNZ) helpline to all recent migrants in the Canterbury Region via email. The service is available on 0800 776 948, (0800 SSNZ4U) and any email enquiries can be sent t...澳洲华人论坛
Jan, 2011 26-01-2011 EOI 140分 Select Feb,2011 11-02-2011 DS ITA Awaiting 14-02-2011 回复CO要求的EOI addtional information,CO 休假17号回来上班. 24-02-2011 2.22基督城地震第三天 收到邀请信 愿天佑基督城 March,20...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration changes affecting students - update Tuesday, 28 June 2011 On 1 June 2011, the Minister of Immigration announced a package of policy changes for international students. Following that announcement, sector feedback was received reg...澳洲华人论坛
我的不能用了,你们的行不? 评论 可以呀,, 评论 Sorry, our website is currently unavailable temporarily. Please try again soon. You can also call our Immigration Contact Centres in New Zealand and the United Kingdon Whe...澳洲华人论坛
why i cant check the process after i login? only show ''This page provides details about your applications...'' @ whats happening... 评论 楼主不能写中文么???? 评论 打电话给移民局,让他们把你的资料和你的用户名...澳洲华人论坛
如题,多谢。 评论 LZ想的太好了万里长征刚刚才开始 评论 还早呢,漫漫长路 评论 刚开始被关注而已! 评论 嗯,那就留出两年预算时间 评论 我AR快5个月了,被告知还在排队 CO都没。...澳洲华人论坛
The implementation of a new immigration system to speed up the processing of visa applications and allow applicants to do more online began in early 2012. Implementation of the Immigration Global Management System (IGMS) will be completed in...澳洲华人论坛
Unfair, if the application was lodged last year why tier one can have more priority than us. Usually the rules change does not effect the past. My parents' application was lodged in June 2011. How long shall i wait for then? 评论 不公平的...澳洲华人论坛
online immigration 显示的 PR 是approved (上周五显示pending). 但是我打电话问中介,他们还没有得到任何消息。不知道网站显示的准确性高吗?谢谢 评论 应该很准 评论 我看坛子里面基本都很准...澳洲华人论坛
sorry that could not type in Chinese with a crappy computer...I got ITA yesterday, and the immigration officer is Alla Mankelow, anyone can share more information about her? Thx a million! 评论 ITA上面的officer不一定是你最后的co吧...澳洲华人论坛
新人乍到, 请多关照 我想咨询一下谁知道skilled immigration 工作经验部分如何证明?需要什么材料? 本人在境外,学历是L 9的, 有相应工作经验5。学历和工作经验均为英语,还用再考雅...澳洲华人论坛
请问有没有朋友申请移民,被移民官要求做额外的项目体检,然后拿结果去 Immigration New Zealand medical assessor for comment的? 这个评估需要多就能收到结果? 还有就是如果体检项目都在正常...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration Act 2009是2010年11月29日生效的,其中关于对父母sponsorship的时间由老移民法(Act 1987) 的两年改为了五年。我的问题是,如果父母的移民申请是法案生效之前递交,法案生效之后批...澳洲华人论坛
4月18号EOI, 被分到Handerson Branch, 上个月底的时候分到VO Philip Zhou, 今天收到email, 是这个William Wang, 问我要English translation of local Police certificate..请问大家这是到哪一步了??有对这个William Wa...澳洲华人论坛
请问大家support officer和 Immigration Officer有什么区别啊?后面那个是CO么? 前几天有个叫Jean Anderson的support officer发邮件给中介要补充材料和填NSC表格,昨天就有个Immigration Officer发邮件到公...澳洲华人论坛
Hi Can you please advise me on some legal issues regarding immigration? Under the new parental category policy it stats that we need to have combined income of $90,000 to be accepted as tire 1. However can you advise where /in which act can...澳洲华人论坛
如题~这两个officer是一回事儿吗?谢谢 评论 case officer 的签名都是 Immigration officer 评论 see: http://China2au/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=2266305 评论 感谢LS两位的回答!...澳洲华人论坛
New Zealand records its highest net monthly migration gain in over 10 years, according to Statistics New Zealand http://www.interest.co.nz/news/68730/new-zealand-records-its-highest-net-monthly-migration-gain-over-10-years-according-statis 评...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration predicted to add housing pressure 3 News 16/05/2014 First home buyers got nothing in the Budget except a warning: you could soon have even more competition finding a home. Immigration is predicted to blowout, adding further pres...澳洲华人论坛
Net immigration could hit 50,000: Report Tuesday 22 July 2014 Annual net immigration could push 50,000 this year, BNZ’s economists say. Booming migration is getting the blame for some of the pressure on house prices, particularly in Auckl...澳洲华人论坛
谁有过相同的情形哦,以前从没要过,是不是抽查啊,记得出来前都有这个东西· 评论 不是三年renew一次的吗? 评论 是吗?好像真有3年了。还要换好麻烦 评论 不仅仅是楼主 很多人今...澳洲华人论坛
Migration adds another 47,684 residents in the year to October, could reach 55,000 next year 评论 嗯移民数据有问题,应该只看长期定居的才知道未来对房地产需求的影响。 评论 这个数据一直就是这样的,...澳洲华人论坛
上個星期收到Immigration office的E-MAIL, 說要我交一份新的Police certificate(我今天才看到) 然而要申請Police certificate的話要在這邊警察局弄一個fingerprint 所以當我看完E-MAIL以後就馬上跑去CBD的...澳洲华人论坛
Immigration asked me to pay 103父母移民第二次费用. does that mean it is granted? any experiences? they said No garantee. any people got experiences? thanks 评论 收了第二笔才给下签证。移民局肯定不会保证。但是八...澳洲华人论坛
I represent a medium size chartered accounting firm located in the eastern suburb of melbourne, we have over 50 employees specializing in taxation/accounting/auditing/superannuation/financial planning/property services. The business has been...澳洲华人论坛