來足跡不久, 發現這里的能人很多, 有幾個問題想請教一下, 先在這里謝過了.
1. 精英考試, 是300分滿分, 這個分, 是怎么算的呢? 因為平常看到的都是 xx/40 或 xx/60. 假如成績是 32/40, 等于80%, 那就是等于80分嗎?
2. 學校取錄學生, 是只看分數, 還是也會看你把學校排在第幾個choice? 比如, 兩個學生同樣考到230分, A 的第一志愿是 Sydney Boys, 第二是 Fort Street, B 的第一志愿是 Fort Street, A 的分數進不去Sydney Boys, 但能進 Fort Street, 但是, 因為 B 把 Fort Street 排在第一位, 所以, 學校先收了B, 如果有位置再收 A, 是這樣嗎?
3. 同樣是排在后頭的精英中學, Sydney Secondary College 和 Tempe, 哪一家比較好呢?
1. http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/le ... ss_marksexplain.php
2. 先看分数,然后看order of choice。
230分如果都高于Fort Street的entry score,那么A和B都进。
Order of choice
You may make up to four choices. The order in which you list those choices matters only if the child qualifies for more than one choice. If your child qualifies for more than
one choice, you will be offered only the highest choice for which the child qualifies.
Suppose you made the following choices:
1. James Ruse Agricultural
2. North Sydney Girls
3. Hornsby Girls
4. Fort Street
a) If your child qualified for Hornsby Girls and Fort Street, you would receive an offer only for Hornsby Girls, the higher choice for which the student qualified.
b) If your child qualified only for Fort Street, you would be offered a place at that school regardless of whether you placed that school first, second, third or fourth on your list.
3. 具体情况不知道。
但是每年Temple的entry score总是比SCC要高10分。
看過patrickzhu的其他帖子, 受益良多。
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