Student profile:
1. Please list details of any areas of school, parish and /or community life in which you are currently involved?
这个是指孩子还是家长? 如果指孩子的话应该像下面这个问题指出来your child 对吗?我们不是教徒,可以说家长在学校帮忙、在社区团体帮忙、工作也是类似的帮助社区人员吗?
2. Why does your child wish to become part of our college?
3. The curriculum and co-curriculum offered by the college encourages students to excel in all kinds of academic, cultural , sport and general interest fields , and our staff are keen to help students reach their full potential. Please complete the following questions and provide any necessary documentation to support this application .
Has your child achieved exceptional results?
Does your child have any other pursuits , hobbies, or any other field of activity which you believe to be indicative of high capacity and giftedness?
Yes. Or no.
High capacity and giftedness information:
Please give details and please upload supporting documents.
这个需要拿奖才算吗? 平时参加学校band, 在校外学打篮球网球但没有比赛成绩, 也没有什么证书呀,算不算?
Special skill or attribute information:
1 .Music. Yes or no; Upload supporting documents if yes, 平时也就参加band, 没证书之类,能算吗?
2. Sports. Yes or no; Upload supporting documents if yes. 篮球网球打着玩的,没比赛成绩,能算吗?
3. Cultural yes or no (这个不太懂)
1. Please list details of any areas of school, parish and /or community life in which you are currently involved?
2. Why does your child wish to become part of our college?
3. The curriculum and co-curriculum offered by the college encourages students to excel in all kinds of academic, cultural , sport and general interest fields , and our staff are keen to help students reach their full potential. Please complete the following questions and provide any necessary documentation to support this application .
Has your child achieved exceptional results?
有就写 没有就说将来会有
Does your child have any other pursuits , hobbies, or any other field of activity which you believe to be indicative of high capacity and giftedness?
High capacity and giftedness information:
Please give details and please upload supporting documents.
2. Why does your child wish to become part of our college?
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