Letter Templates to Senator and Congressperson
Subject: Asking your action against this ongoing promotion of racial genocide by Jimmy Kimmel and ABC.
Dear Honorable Senator / Congressman / Congresswoman / Representative XXX,
I am furious about the show named Kids Table - Government shut down from Jimmy Kimmel Live. It was suggested by one of the children that killing all Chinese would solve the debt problem for the US, and EVERYONE including the adult host is laughing about it. The host even commented that "This is interesting!"
The comment "Killing all the Chinese" is NOT a joke, no matter who says it. It is totally unacceptable. Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network should know this "Killing all the Chinese" comment is offensive and racist.
Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network sends a very clear bad message that it is "interesting" to kill all the people to whom you owe money. "The Kids Table - Government shut down" is publicly talking about and laughing about genocide. It is immoral, illegal and inhumane.
I want to emphasize that "those words came from a child" is NOT an excuse. If anything, it makes the situation even worse. Would ABC dare to air anything like this if an adult guest on the show said anything like that? If not, why would it be any "funnier" when a child makes such a statement? Using a child as an excuse for making such a statement sends a very bad
message. The video can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRztij26Tfc
A formal apology must be issued by ABC and Jimmy Kimmel to ALL of its viewers, not just those who are Chinese, because this is promoting hatred, racism and genocide. ABC should fire Jimmy Kimmel and anyone else responsible for letting this happen.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Dear Honorable Senator / Congressman / Congresswoman / Representative XXX,
I hereby ask your action against this ongoing promotion of racial genocide by Jimmy Kimmel and ABC.
On Oct 16th, Jimmy Kimmel in ABC aired a very racist 'Kids Table' show against Chinese. He used a bunch of kids to promote the idea to kill all the Chinese so that we do not need to pay back their debts to China. I was very disturbed by it. The kids might not know anything better. However, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC's management are adults. They had a choice not to air this racist program, which promotes racial hatred. The video can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRztij26Tfc
It is extremely distasteful and this is the same rhetoric used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people.
The program is totally unacceptable and it must be cut. Jimmy Kimmel and anyone else responsible for letting this happen must be fired. A formal and sincere apology must be issued.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Dear honorable Senator xxx,
I would like to thank you for your hard work representing xx people and let our voice be heard at Senate.
I would like to share my thoughts with you on a recent event. On Oct 16th, Mr. Jimmy Kimmel from Channel ABC aired a show called ‘Kids Table’ on kids’ idea of what politics were about. There was a statement from one child that the way to solve the US debt to China was to “kill everyone in China”. I am not going to criticize the child’s opinion (I believe that is his parents’ responsibility), but the fact that Mr. Kimmel and the producer of this show continued this topic and decided to air it was a extreme offend to the Chinese American community and our nation’s value.
In my opinion, this is a serious racial hatred event and shall not be tolerated. I would like to hear your opinion on this event and I sincerely hope you could initiate certain measures to prevent this kind of racial remarks. Thank you very much for your assistance.
Dear XXX
I am writing to draw your attention to the racial hatred and racial genocide displayed and promoted by the Jimmy Kimmel Show broadcasted on October 16, 2013. I find these racial genocide slurs very disturbing and disgusting. Racial genocide slurs are never, under any circumstance, appropriate. Jimmy Kimmel has to deliver an official apology and has to be fired by the ABC Network. The Jimmy Kimmel Show has to be cut from the ABC Network. We’re expecting an official apology from the ABC Network to show your standing against promoting racial hatred and racial genocide.
While the children may not, at the moment, understand the gravity what they have said, Jimmy Kimmel (who serves as the host and executive producer of the show) does and should not have allowed or encouraged the jokes even if his intent is humor. It is not only disgusting but also an insult to America's Civil Rights movement. We have been worked so hard to promote racial equality. Unfortunate incident like this reminds us that we still have a long way to go.
Mind you, before the World War II, the same rhetoric was used in Nazi Germany against Jewish people. In essence, it is the type of slur that served as the basis of the Holocaust in World War II and deserves no place in a show as widely watched as JKL or condoned by a man as popular as Jimmy Kimmel. I can’t believe that after seventy years genocide against one particular race was still promoted as a solution to problems and was broadcasted in influential media network like ABC!
I understand you probably missed noticing the particular JK Show. However, I urge you to take necessary actions to minimize the damage caused by this unfortunate incident, and to further prevent unfortunate incidents like this from happening again. Thank you.
Jimmy Kimmel’s recent Kid’s Table Show about government shutdown has disturbed my family and Chinese community. The show promoted the idea of killing the Chinese so that the states do not need to pay back the national debts.
Kimmel asked several kids in the show how to solve the problems of the National Debt. Several kids said directly that we should kill all the Chinese so that we do not need to pay. Kimmel and ABC aired the show to the public and treated it like a joke. The kids are innocent. However, ABC management and Kimmel are adults. If you switched the Chinese race in the show to any other race in the states and made the same statement, the show would not have been aired. It is very disturbing and unacceptable. In history, Nazi Germany used the same rhetoric to demonize the Jewish people before Hitler was in power. Kimmel used the innocent kids to make a statement that he could not say in public. At least, by airing the show, Kimmel and ABC management have endorsed the racially inflammatory statement made by the kids. I cannot let my children see this negative content towards their race, and I am sure many parents feel the same way.
Conscience is a necessity in any industry, especially in a media company like ABC. I am extremely disappointed by this show. I have made a White House Petition to investigate this racial hatred. Tens of thousands of emails and letters were sent to politicians, the FCC, and to ABC. The Chinese community will arrange a rally in front of the ABC headquarters if
this distasteful show is not taken down and a sincere apology issued. Chinese contribute to the community and the country, just like any other group in this country. It is disgusting to use some innocent kids to make a racially biased statement. Thank you for your assistance.
I am so surprised by the Kids Table segment on Jimmy Kimmel Live which aired on Oct. 16, 2013. In that show, one of the children mentioned killing all Chinese to solve the debt problem for the US. I really doubt how and why this kind of holocaust words came out from a national news station. This is NOT a joke. It implies the hatred against all Chinese people.
Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network should know what it means in those words by letting or teaching a child to say that and make people feel not that sensitive since it is from a naive
Child. I can not imagine this happened in USA. Maybe it happened in Nazi Germany before by implying and teaching children to do this!
A formal apology needs to be issued by ABC and Jimmy Kimmel to ALL of its viewers, not just those who are Chinese, because this is promoting hatred, and ABC should fire Jimmy Kimmel and anyone else responsible for letting this happen.
Words from a child is NOT an excuse at all! Would ABC dare to air anything like this if an adult guest on the show said anything like that? If not, why would it be any "funnier" when a child makes such a chilly statement? Using a child as an excuse for making such a statement sends a very bad message.
北美崔哥的我是搞脱口秀的,这档节目我经常看。当时虽然听着不大舒服,但是毕竟是小孩子狂言,童心无邪,童言无忌,也就没往深里想。第二天,我的一个美国朋友把这段视频发给我,写了句“This is too much. He should be fired.” ( 这太过份了,他应该被解雇。)
目前,我还是认为ABC主持人吉姆金波(Jimmy Kimmel)只是做了档不合适宜的节目,谈不上什么恶毒暴行,给华人真诚道个歉,也就还是个好同志。我们不会得理不让人。
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov ... bc-network/tLxzbBjg
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