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after shooting, worries over arizona’s reputation
after shooting, worries over arizona’s reputation
ap110108145167yesterday's massacre in tucson has spurred calls for soul-searching about the nation's heated political rhetoric, whatever the motivations of shooting suspect jared loughner prove to be.but in an emotional press briefing about the incident yesterday, pima county sheriff clarence dupnik, who said he lost two personal friends to the shooting, pointed his finger squarely at the state of arizona."when you look at unbalanced people, how they respond to the vitriol that comes out of certain mouths about tearing down the government. the anger, the hatred, the bigotry that goes on in this country is getting to be outrageous,nfl jerseys shop," he said. "and unfortunately, arizona i think has become sort of the capital. we have become the mecca for prejudice and bigotry."republican arizona sen. jon kyl said today he thought the sheriff's words were "inappropriate."dupnik's assessment aside, one thing is undeniable: arizona has made national headlines the past two years for provocative legislative moves such as outlawing ethnic studies classes, withholding organ donations from low-income patients, and getting sued by the u.s. government for its tough anti-illegal immigration law.the state is also peppered with divisive, spotlight-stealing characters like maricopa county sheriff joe arpaio, who famously set up a "tent city" in the middle of the desert to house criminals, and who is the subject of his own federal lawsuit alleging his confinement policies penalize inmates with limited english skills.the arizona republic's editorial board worries that the rampage will be explained away as part of arizona's news-making political climate."we know this horrific tragedy will be characterized as somehow a consequence of arizona's uniquely divisive politics," the editorial says. "this incident will be used to stigmatize arizona. it will fit into a narrative of this state as a place of hatred and rampant violence."but the editors concluded that "the bloody crimes committed saturday are not evocative, at this point, of anything but madness and inhumanity."gop gov. jan brewer also seemed to worry the tragic shooting would dent the state's reputation. "it certainly doesn't show favor on the state of arizona, but we have a lot of good decent people here," she said yesterday,pink jerseys, according to gannett.democratic rep. gabrielle giffords, who was shot in the head yesterday in the massacre, wrote in an op-ed after leaving her state senate seat that the state legislature had taken a "hard right" turn. "in the past, arizona voters have been quick to rein in elected officials who get out of hand," she wrote. "it will be interesting, indeed, to see whether people decide in the next election to clip the far right wing of this new legislative majority."here's a brief round-up of the controversies within the state that have made national headlines the past two years:? in april, arizona's sb1070 bill became law,joe montana jerseys, setting off a fiery debate around the country about illegal immigration and making arizona the place to watch for immigration news. several protesters were arrested at the signing of the bill.? a federal judge blocked key parts of the law from going into effect in july, and brewer promptly appealed. undeterred by court hurdles, at least seven states are likely to pass copycat legislation this session.? state senator russell pearce, who helped write sb1070,ben roethlisberger jerseys, is now introducing legislation that he hopes will force the supreme court to redefine birthright citizenship as no longer extending to children of illegal immigrants. as many as 13 other states could join in on the birthright campaign, though gov. brewer has not said whether she would sign the bill into law. the state would issue separate birth certificates for children of illegal immigrants if congress approved the agreement--known as a compact--to recognize state-based citizenship plans.? brewer signed a law last year allowing arizonans to carry concealed weapons without permits, making it only the third state to do so. she also signed legislation allowing guns in restaurants and bars.? nearly 100 low-income patients who were told they would get organ transplants had the procedures denied after brewer said the state couldn't afford to pay for them. two have died.? arizona's house passed a bill in april requiring presidential candidates who want to appear on the state's ballot to produce a valid birth certificate.? the arizona legislature banned ethnic studies programs in public schools, including a mexican-american studies program used in tucson.? arpaio reportedly had a $1 million bounty on his head set by drug cartels. arizona has become the place to watch for signs of mexico's drug violence spilling over the border.? after the health-care bill passed,t.j. houshmandzadeh jerseys, giffords' office door was smashed.? democratic rep. raul grijalva called for a conference boycott of his own state in protest of the sb1070 law. he later received death threats and temporarily closed his office.(dupnik: ap.)                           paginationpreviousgiffords shooting sparks gun law debatefirst look: jared loughner may get ‘unabomber’ lawyernext
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