澳洲教师工会抵制NAPLAN考试系列报道(Apr 20更新)



NSW政府将被迫花费$6.6 million来雇佣8300名独立考官来监督考试

Testy teachers failing children

MILITANT teachers' unions are set to ban next month's national tests, costing NSW taxpayers $6.6 million to hire 8300 independent supervisors.

The Australian Education Union on Monday will vote to pull its members out of the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy that is at the heart of the My School website. The union objects to results comparing school performance being published.

The decision will throw more than 2000 primary and secondary Government schools into chaos as qualified replacements from outside the teachers' union have to be found to supervise the tests for children in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Education bosses will have just one month to reorganise the management of the tests, due to be held from May 11 to May 13, and put the outside supervisors through working with children background checks.

The AEU, which does not oppose the NAPLAN tests, is trying to stop the publication of school performance league tables claiming they have "profound negative consequences for students, teachers and parents".

Federal Education Minister Julia Gillard has refused to remove results data from the Government's My School website saying she will not "bow to threats from the union".

NSW Education Minister Verity Firth said yesterday the Government would ask the Industrial Relations Commission to order the union to lift the ban.

"The public should not have to foot the bill to obtain information that belongs to the parents and students of NSW," Ms Firth said.

"NAPLAN data is used on the My School website and its popularity proves how hungry parents are for this information.

"Banning this year's test would also mean missing out on the complete picture for NSW schools when the website is updated with this year's results.

"I don't believe most teachers support the ban and I strongly encourage them not to take part."

In NSW 232,384 students are scheduled to do the NAPLAN tests. This breaks down to 60,725 in Year 3, 61,278 in Year 5, 54,134 in Year 7 and 56,247 in Year 9.

Each outside supervisor brought in, expected to include HSC markers and retired educators, would need to be paid for 23 hours work, including training.

Parent and principal groups are not opposing NAPLAN and teachers at independent and Catholic schools will not boycott the tests.

The tests this year are the most critical yet because the results will allow educators to compare the scores of students in a particular age group with previous years and chart their progress.

A petition and campaign material against league tables is circulating in public schools around NSW and teachers have been urged by the union to solicit support from parents.

One flyer obtained by The Daily Telegraph says: "Those schools which do not achieve high scores and are dubbed as failing are often in the most disadvantaged areas.

"It does immense damage to the confidence and self-esteem of the students and makes teaching and learning more difficult."

At a meeting in January, the AEU voted to boycott NAPLAN if the Federal Government failed to stop publication of league tables.

[ 本帖最后由 patrickzhu 于 2010-4-20 09:11 编辑 ]

因为Julia Gillard已经拒绝了教师工会对于My School的种种要求。
她说:while the government does not support the publication of simplistic league tables, it would also not want to use copyright or freedom of information laws to prevent reporting of test results.

''However, I will not water down the transparency of this information or the level of accountability it provides.''


Gillard rejects union bid to end teachers' My School test ban
April 9, 2010 - 3:00AM

JULIA GILLARD has rejected a compromise proposal by the Australian Education Union that would end a ban by teachers on conducting tests to be used for the My School website.

The Deputy Prime Minister yesterday wrote to the union's president, Angelo Gavrielatos, making it clear that the government would not back down on the controversial website.

''Please be advised that the Rudd government's education policy will not be changed because of your threatened ban,'' Ms Gillard wrote. ''The Rudd government determines its education policy in the national interest and especially to serve the needs of Australian children. Consequently [it] will not succumb to threats and your proposed ban will not lead to any negotiations.''

The union has threatened to ban its members from conducting the NAPLAN tests used to provide information for the website.

The union is not against the NAPLAN tests, but argues their presentation on the website does not take into account the particular situation faced by smaller or disadvantaged schools.

It is also concerned about the publication of ''league tables'' of results in newspapers.

Mr Gavrielatos wrote to Ms Gillard on March 29, saying that a ban could be prevented if the government negotiated on the content of the website.

But Ms Gillard rejected the union's criticisms. Her letter, obtained by the Herald, says that while the government does not support the publication of simplistic league tables, it would also not want to use copyright or freedom of information laws to prevent reporting of test results.

Ms Gillard also defended the presentation of information on the website, including details about schools' financial health.

''I have consistently said both the government and [the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority] are willing to consider constructive proposals to enrich the data on the website,'' the letter says. ''However, I will not water down the transparency of this information or the level of accountability it provides.''

Jacob Saulwick

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/e ... -20100408-rv63.html









澳洲教师工会星期一将投票决定是否抵制NAPLAN考试,NAPLAN的成绩是构成My School网站的基本数据。教师工会反对My School网站公布比较学校之间的学业表现。

这个决定将会让全国超过2000所公立小学和中学陷入混乱,因为必须有教师系统之外合格监考工作人员来完成对Year 3/5/7/9的NAPLAN考试。



联邦教育部长Julia Gillard已经拒绝了从My School网站里去掉考试成绩数据,她表示她不会向教师工会的威胁低头。

NSW的教育部长Verity Firth昨天说,州政府将要求Industrial Relations Commission命令教师工会撤销抵制。

他说,公众不应该对于属于NSW家长和学生的信息知情权买单。在My School网站里的NAPLAN成绩数据和其热门程度已经证明了家长们是多么渴望知道这些信息。








对于澳洲教师工会抵制NAPLAN考试,悉尼Daily Telegraph的专栏记者Maralyn Paker写了一篇题为【Public schools will suffer if unions boycott national tests】评论文章。


http://blogs.news.com.au/dailyte ... _of_national_tests/



NSW州私立教育工会的主席Dick Shearman告诉我们说,他们不会要求私立学校的老师抵制考试。

澳洲教师工会已经在试图教唆老师们采取行动反对My School网站,因为这个政府网站公布NAPLAN考试成绩。2008年当联邦教育部长Julia Gillard宣布My School的计划是,教师工会预见了My School里的数据会被新闻媒体(报纸)引用作出简单的学校排名。而My School最终在2009年底开通时教师工会的反对声音几乎已经歇斯底里了。

的确,有些澳洲报纸公布了学校排名。但是The Daily Telegraph没有这样做。然而没有出现教师工会预测的报纸发狂的事情。事实上是澳洲人发狂地点击My School网站让其第一天就瘫痪。

绿党对于通过NSW禁止报纸刊登学校排名的荒唐法律负有主要责任,但是无论是绿党还是教师工会都不会操心是否要对Sydney Morning Herald刊登学校排名而对其起诉。而教师工会想让NSW州政府起诉Sydney Morning Herald的努力也是半心半意的。因为州政府不支持这项法律并且试图两次撤销它,所以对于教师工会的主席Angelo Gavrielatos来说,继续要求州政府实施自己的法律的做法是非常阴险的(“阴险的”是Angelo Gavrielatos最喜欢用的形容词,他经常用这个词来形容联邦教育部长Julia Gillard)。

教师工会已经提出了一个方案,关于如何改造My School网站让报纸无法对学校排名。这个方案包括了隐藏学校NAPLAN的真实成绩数据和废除学校之间的比较。

联邦教育部长Julia Gillard说,她不会屈从于教师工会让他们设定学校表现透明度的日程表。ACARA的主席Peter Hill说ACARA正在致力于提高My School公布数据的质量。事实上My School上会有更多的数据信息出现,而不是减少。





Teachers told tests will stay


MILITANT teachers have been warned by the Federal Government it will not be bullied out of national literacy and numeracy tests and declared the position is not negotiable.

Education Minister Julia Gillard has written a toughly worded letter to the Australian Education Union rejecting its warning that the tests later this year might be boycotted because of a row over the MySchool evaluations of school performances.

"Please be advised that the Rudd Government's education policy will not be changed because of your threatened ban," Ms Gillard wrote to AEU federal president Angelo Gavrielatos.

"The Rudd Government determines its education policy in the national interest and especially to serve the needs of Australian children.

"Consequently the Rudd Government will not succumb to threats and your proposed ban will not lead to any negotiations."

因为教师工会抵制NAPLAN考试行动,NSW家长联盟(NSW Federation of Parents and Citizens)对于政府打算让家长监考NAPLAN考试的做法提出了批评和感到愤怒。
家长们的批评是由于联邦教育部长Julia Gillard确认,如果教师工会抵制那么会让家长来参与NAPLAN考试的监考工作。
Julia Gillard昨天说,政府将考虑一系列的应对措施来确保NAPLAN考试的如期举行,包括让家长们来参与监考工作。我正在要求家长们,如果我们有需要,我们考虑让他们和我们一起来确保今年考试的正常进行。教师工会明天有最终的决定,我对他们的说的非常直接和清楚的,抵制考试是一个坏的决定,无论是对于学生,孩子,家长和信息的透明度。
NSW家长联盟的主席Di Giblin说,家长不应该在监考制度里担任角色。Giblin女士说这是政府的责任。这样的(让家长参与的)行动只会在学生家长老师的教育关系里横插了一杠子。
Julia Gillard早先认为家长是站在政府这一边的。

Parents won't break teachers' strike
•        Teachers decide today on exam boycott
•        Parents group will not cross picket line
•        Embarrassment for Education Minister
http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au ... reuzr-1225852524295
A LEADING parents' group criticised a plan to use parents as strike-breakers if teachers boycott the national exams at the heart of the My School website.
In a potentially embarrassing development for the Federal Government, the NSW Federation of Parents and Citizens Associations said it was outraged by the plan.
The criticism came after Education Minister Julia Gillard confirmed parents may be asked to step in if teachers refused to supervise next month's National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests.
The Australian Education Union will decide today whether to boycott the tests.
Ms Gillard said the Government was considering a range of options to ensure the tests did take place, including asking parents to step in if teachers go ahead with the boycott.
"I'm asking parents, if we need them, to consider working with us to make sure that the tests continue to run out this year," Ms Gillard said.
"The AEU is meeting tomorrow and my words to them are very direct and very clear. Banning the tests would be bad for students, bad for the kids, bad for parents and bad for transparency."
But the NSW P&C said it was outraged by the suggestion of recruiting parents.
Federation president Di Giblin said it was not a parents' role to supervise tests. "This lies in the hands of Government who have the responsibility of the education of our children," Ms Giblin said.
"Such action can only lead to the driving of a wedge between the key partners in a child's formal educational experience, the parent and the teacher."
Ms Gillard had earlier indicated she believed that parents were on the Government's side.
"Parents have literally voted with their fingertips in extraordinary numbers
because they want this information," Ms Gillard said.
There have been about 2.7 million visits to the website since its launch in January.


作为一个家长, 我不介意请假去监考。

很不喜欢教师工会动不动罢工, 要协。。。每年都要罢几次工。

哪个行业不重要呀, 可没见过罢工罢成常规的。。。




NAPLAN因为已经成为My School里最重要的数据组成部分,所以这个考试引入独立的监考制度势在必行,没有教师工会的抵制,政府也要考虑将来这个考试不是由本校教师员工来监考。

今天早上听新闻Julia Gillard还说,如果取消Naplan,将‘bad for Children, bad for parents and bad for education。’她看来还是很坚决的。





教师们很反感myschool 给学校和他们的教育工作带来的压力吧。。都想活在没有竞争的世界里。



所有抵制naplan 的家长, 包括我



不是教师工会也可以抵制啊, 我认为 naplan 不会改善公立学校老师的教育质量(老师有工会保护, 没有压力), 只是让家长知道选择什么学校而已, 对校区已经分布好的公立学校来说基本上也没有选择 。除非是搬家。

不过..... naplan 对私校的教育质量改善会很有效, 毕竟私校比较像一件商品, 谁都可以卖, 当然前提是质量比免费的好,价性比高。

结论是naplan 搞出来又是为私校(或地产)服务的一个工具, .

[ 本帖最后由 gandu 于 2010-4-12 12:12 编辑 ]


不出意料全体一致地决定了全体公立系统的教师全国性地抵制下月举行的NAPLAN考试,受影响的年级有Year 3/5/7/9。

Teachers ban basic tests in protest at My School site
Anna Patty
April 12, 2010 - 1:52PM

Teachers have voted unanimously for a national ban on national literacy and numeracy tests in public schools in protest against the federal government's My School website.

The Australian Education Union federal executive said today that teachers would not supervise the national tests scheduled for next month unless the federal government addressed teacher concerns about use of the data on the website.

The union's federal president, Angelo Gavrielatos, said teachers would not administer the tests until the federal government stopped the results being used to "publicly brand students and schools as failures in league tables".

"That is damaging for students and school communities," he said.

"No other test, student assessment or report will be affected by this decision.

"The primary concern of teachers is the fact that nothing has been done to stop test data being taken from the My School website to create damaging league tables in which schools are ranked on test results alone.

"We also have serious concerns that the NAPLAN results are being used on the My School website in a way that is misleading for parents."

The federal government has made it clear that it will not cave in to the union's demands.

The Federal Minister for Education, Julia Gillard, suggested parents help supervise the NAPLAN tests if teachers proceeded with their ban.

However, the parents and citizens association said it would not co-operate with that plan.

Ms Gillard yesterday told the ABC TV Insiders program that she would continue to make NAPLAN test results available for all schools on the My School website.

"What the Australian Education Union is asking me to do is to gut My School and I just won't do it," she said.

"My School is all about putting more power into the hands of parents than they've ever had before by giving them more information about their child's school than they've ever had before."

Anna Patty is the Herald's Education Editor

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/t ... -20100412-s2uc.html


那就在MY SCHOOL上公布HSC成绩好了,总归不会也BAN高考吧


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