澳洲CMC Markets专栏: 上周市场回顾, 本周大事展望 1



上周全球各大股指均有下滑,主要受大宗商品价格再次跳水与美国加息预期影响。美国标普指数500下滑3.63%;欧洲斯托克50下滑3.10%;英国富实指数100下滑3.71%;香港恒生指数下跌2.06%; 澳指200下跌3.14%。


大宗商品方面, 原油价格继续走低, 美国德克萨斯原油价格下跌3.55美元至40.74美元,跌幅达8.0%;英国布伦特原油下滑7.7%至44.47美元;黄金继续走低,收盘1083.91美元/盎司。




中国10月份工业生产增长率再次下滑。中国10月份工业生产较前月增长5.6%, 低于预期5.8%, 低于9月份数据5.7。同时,零售数据稍显强势录得增长10.2%,好于预期的10.9%,主要是借助于10月份国庆节的长假所引导的消费增长。然而,10月份进出口数据仍然显示近期经济增长的薄弱,进口总值环比回落16%,出口总值滑落3.6%。

新西兰央行行长维拉称金融体系风险上升。金融体系中的风险主要体现在三个方面: 一是全球大宗商品市场的弱势下行使得乳制品价格难以复苏, 奶农面临第二年的资金周转困境; 二是奥克兰房价增长速度高于居民收入增长愈加严重, 房市可能面临修正下行风险; 三是全球融资风险, 可能在未来有倒塌的可能. 由于在被问及新西兰货币政策时维拉拒绝答复,可能给出市场暗示,新西兰短期内并无再次降息的预期。

澳大利亚10月份就业数据好于预期,澳币大涨。澳大利亚10月份就业人数增长58600人口,失业率下降到5.9%,好于第三季度的6.0%。 使得澳联储对于官方利率再一次下调的可能性减小。澳币对美元汇率当日大涨60点,后稍有回调,目前就运行于0.7120附近。

欧洲第三季度GDP数据表现稳定。第三季度增长录得0.3%, 差于预期0.4%,较第二季度下降0.1个百分点。其中,德国增长0.3%,与预期吻合;法国增长0.3%,远好于前置;意大利表现最差,其第三季度GDP增长录得0.2%。

周末法国发生IS恐怖袭击事件,G20国家领导人对此共同发出强力回应。在11月14日, 法国巴黎多处发生恐怖袭击事件,据不完全数据统计,死亡人数达140人。G20国家对此发出严厉谴责,并希望对叙利亚内战问题采取更进一步的政治解决方案。美股总统奥巴马称再次对IS恐怖组织军力再加一倍。



Disclaimer: Investing in CFDs carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed your deposits. You do not own, or have any interest in, the underlying assets. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information in this Market Commentary has been prepared by CMC Markets using information from external sources, believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. It is general information only. Neither CMC Markets, its subsidiaries, nor any director, employee or agent of CMC Markets gives any guarantee, representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the Market Commentary, nor accepts any responsibility or liability arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information in the Market Commentary to the fullest extent permitted by law. In preparing this Market Commentary, CMC Markets did not take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Consequently, you should consider the information in light of your objectives, financial situation and needs. It's important for you to consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS') and any other relevant CMC Markets Documents before you decide whether or not to acquire any of the financial products. Our Financial Services Guide contains details of our fees and charges. All of these documents are available at cmcmarkets.com.au or you can call us on 1300 303 888.


由于中国经济增长放缓与全球经济现状的担忧,日本商业投资缩减,企业库存量呈现萎缩,使得日本国内企业缩减开支并放缓生产。此次数据很可能导致日本总理安倍与央行行长Haruhiko Kuroda加大财政与货币的宽松力度。东京伊藤忠商事株式会社的一位经济学家称:“(第三季度经济)报告显示人本经济将继续其不良表现”,“对于资产投资支出的削弱成为最大的担忧。虽然(日本公司)对于其远景计划很有信心,但对于国内经济的弹性与国际经济的形势并不乐观”。


本周四将迎来日本央行的再一次货币政策内容的陈述与新闻发布会,根据日本经济现状,本次会议很可能使得日本央行再次加大其宽松力度。安倍已向其经济部长Akira Amari传达了为实现5年内日本GDP增长20%的目标,本月份需实行计划性措施的指示。Akira同时表示GDP有望本季度有所增长。



昨日全球乳制品价格再次下滑7.9%,其均价跌至2345美元/公吨,这是继10月20日与11月3日拍卖的第三次下滑。其中,全脂奶粉价格跌幅最大达11.0%, 其价格滑落至2148美元/公吨;脱脂奶粉价格下滑8.1%至1851美元/公吨。


数据来源:Globaldariy trade




在新西兰商品交易所NZX的期货市场上,在2015年至2016年的时段乳制品商品价格显示几无增长。AgriHQ分析师Susan Kilsby表示:“鉴于全脂奶粉价格在本次拍卖中下滑400美元/公吨的情况,直至2016年7月份其价格预期将仅将达到2400美元/公吨。


Disclaimer: Investing in CFDs carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed your deposits. You do not own, or have any interest in, the underlying assets. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information in this Market Commentary has been prepared by CMC Markets using information from external sources, believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. It is general information only. Neither CMC Markets, its subsidiaries, nor any director, employee or agent of CMC Markets gives any guarantee, representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the Market Commentary, nor accepts any responsibility or liability arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information in the Market Commentary to the fullest extent permitted by law. In preparing this Market Commentary, CMC Markets did not take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Consequently, you should consider the information in light of your objectives, financial situation and needs. It's important for you to consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS') and any other relevant CMC Markets Documents before you decide whether or not to acquire any of the financial products. Our Financial Services Guide contains details of our fees and charges. All of these documents are available at cmcmarkets.com.au or you can call us on 1300 303 888.

今日国家统计局公布的中国10月份房价走势显示,中国27城新房价格环比上涨,38个城市同比上涨,加之十三 五计划中对于住宅产业转型升级的措施的研究报告出台,中国地产股腿长股市全盘上扬。

香港恒生指数随中国股市行情影响可能再次出现上行迹象,年内有望再次上探潜在阻力位置23350点附近,但由于美国加息预期中国整体经济增速放缓的现状影响,中长期看,恒生指数难以再次回到长期涨势趋势中,可能会在21860-24500之间的空间整理运行。 1.jpg



Disclaimer: Investing in CFDs carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed your deposits. You do not own, or have any interest in, the underlying assets. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information in this Market Commentary has been prepared by CMC Markets using information from external sources, believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. It is general information only. Neither CMC Markets, its subsidiaries, nor any director, employee or agent of CMC Markets gives any guarantee, representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the Market Commentary, nor accepts any responsibility or liability arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information in the Market Commentary to the fullest extent permitted by law. In preparing this Market Commentary, CMC Markets did not take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Consequently, you should consider the information in light of your objectives, financial situation and needs. It's important for you to consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS') and any other relevant CMC Markets Documents before you decide whether or not to acquire any of the financial products. Our Financial Services Guide contains details of our fees and charges. All of these documents are available at cmcmarkets.com.au or you can call us on 1300 303 888.

今晨时间美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)10月份会议内容公布, 示意加息是否在12月份加息要依据对于经济形势的再次评估而定. 由于本次会议内容并没有如市场投资者所预期般鹰派的强硬,消息公布后, 美元高位回撤, 股市全线上扬.

本次会议内容是FOMC 10月28-29日货币政策会议内容的公开宣布, 在会议没有公开之前,10月份美国的非农业就业数据绝对好于预期的影响,使得投资者对于美联储的绝对鹰派态度-12月份加息-的预期十分肯定,自此美元再次大幅走强,10月份会议以来USD TWI 上涨2%。而本次会议内容并没有向绝大部分投资者所意想的那样强硬,使得投资者情绪与风险与回报比率关系发生变化,以至美元的高位回撤与股市的再次全面上扬。


“To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate remains appropriate. In determining whether it will be appropriate to raise the target range at its next meeting, the Committee will assess progress--both realized and expected--toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation… The Committee anticipates that it will be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it has seen some further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term.”

另外,会议中还对于美国联邦基金短期基准利率与长期基准利率的实际利率水平做以讨论。指出,虽然短期利率水平自2008-2009年经济危机以来继续下滑,但基于现行基本面来考量,由于美国GDP并没有较大幅度的增长,说明其短期利率没有偏离制衡点的真实利率水平很多。而长期基准利率将会持恒保持在较低水平以保证就业市场最大化与2%通胀率的目标。美国加息进程将是一个系统化的财政政策, 是金融市场逐步恢复正常货币政策的稳定措施.
本次会议内容基本确定了美国经济已经稳步复苏, 加息势在必然,但时间上还有机会再作考量。对于前景远观,美国经济是在08年经济危机后超前美国、日本走出泥潭的国家,在美国即将计划实行货币政策逐步转由正常化的时刻, 欧洲与日本仍然在宽松的进程中,而中国在经济转点之际给世界经济再添风险与机遇。短期来看,美元强势仍然会持续一定的时间,有可能至少到2016年年初的时节。

Disclaimer: Investing in CFDs carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed your deposits. You do not own, or have any interest in, the underlying assets. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information in this Market Commentary has been prepared by CMC Markets using information from external sources, believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. It is general information only. Neither CMC Markets, its subsidiaries, nor any director, employee or agent of CMC Markets gives any guarantee, representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the Market Commentary, nor accepts any responsibility or liability arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information in the Market Commentary to the fullest extent permitted by law. In preparing this Market Commentary, CMC Markets did not take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Consequently, you should consider the information in light of your objectives, financial situation and needs. It's important for you to consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS') and any other relevant CMC Markets Documents before you decide whether or not to acquire any of the financial products. Our Financial Services Guide contains details of our fees and charges. All of these documents are available at cmcmarkets.com.au or you can call us on 1300 303 888.

今日美国FOMC 10月份货币政策会议内容公布后,由于其内容并无投资者所预期之强硬,消息公布后美元出现高位回撤现象。而如原油、黄金等大宗商品等也出现了短期反弹的迹象。但由于美联储加息已是货币回位正常的轨道的必然步骤,大趋势美元仍会在一定时期内走强,相应的大宗商品类仍然会有一定下探的空间.


昨日黄金日线图收近似十字星的短期底部形态, 配合今日基本面,黄金有可能短期回探上方潜在阻力1094美元附近。 而月线图中显示黄金的空头仍然较强,可能会再次冲底,以黄金延展线来看,下方的潜在位置恰是整数1000美元附近。

美原油日线图中连续多日形成短期筑底形态,很有可能向上反弹至重要价位43美元附近, 但同样长期图形月线图显示,仍然有可能继续向下测试前低37美元。

Disclaimer: Investing in CFDs carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed your deposits. You do not own, or have any interest in, the underlying assets. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information in this Market Commentary has been prepared by CMC Markets using information from external sources, believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. It is general information only. Neither CMC Markets, its subsidiaries, nor any director, employee or agent of CMC Markets gives any guarantee, representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the Market Commentary, nor accepts any responsibility or liability arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information in the Market Commentary to the fullest extent permitted by law. In preparing this Market Commentary, CMC Markets did not take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Consequently, you should consider the information in light of your objectives, financial situation and needs. It's important for you to consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS') and any other relevant CMC Markets Documents before you decide whether or not to acquire any of the financial products. Our Financial Services Guide contains details of our fees and charges. All of these documents are available at cmcmarkets.com.au or you can call us on 1300 303 888.

自欧洲央行表示其将有在12月份进一步扩大宽松以来,欧股持续上行。特别受昨日FOMC美国鸽派加息言词的影响,欧洲各股再创本周内第四日连续上涨,主要股指均居于3个月高位。 其中,欧洲斯托克指数50本周涨幅达4.37%;德指上涨5.45%。



同时此次会议内容也显示了欧洲地区经济形势近日温和增长,内部需求弹性逐步恢复。但由于对于中国与新兴市场国家经济下行风险 始终是其对于外部影响的因素。


Disclaimer:  Investing in CFDs carries significant risks and is not suitable for all investors. Losses can exceed your deposits. You do not own, or have any interest in, the underlying assets. We recommend that you seek independent advice and ensure you fully understand the risks involved before trading. The information in this Market Commentary has been prepared by CMC Markets using information from external sources, believed to be accurate and reliable at the time it was sourced. It is general information only. Neither CMC Markets, its subsidiaries, nor any director, employee or agent of CMC Markets gives any guarantee, representation or warranty as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the Market Commentary, nor accepts any responsibility or liability arising in any way (including by reason of negligence) for errors in, or omissions from, the information in the Market Commentary to the fullest extent permitted by law. In preparing this Market Commentary, CMC Markets did not take into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. Consequently, you should consider the information in light of your objectives, financial situation and needs. It's important for you to consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS') and any other relevant CMC Markets Documents before you decide whether or not to acquire any of the financial products. Our Financial Services Guide contains details of our fees and charges. All of these documents are available at cmcmarkets.com.au or you can call us on 1300 303 888.

据《逐日电讯报》报导,从明年年中开始,因为从Bankstown和Sydenham的城铁将因Metro South West革新名目而
据本月早些时分报导,绿党副首领、参议员Mehreen Faruqi已获准在Port Macquarie联系其房产并建造三栋投资联




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澳大利亚O.P. 朋友/专家, 想了解:澳大利亚资本利得税 15 年规则中小企业 https://www.ato.gov.au/bu sinesses-and-organizations/i ncome-deductions-and-concess ions/incentives-and-concessi ons/small-business-cgt-conce ssions/small ...



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Visa 借记卡作为政策已张贴预激活..?

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澳大利亚O.P. 我想获得一个估计,我会在纳税申报表时回到口袋里以自给我的工作直接相关的课程。 课程的费用IS $ 3,357.50 + GST($ 3,693.25含GST)。 说,如果我的薪水正好为$ 135,001 + super。例如在 ...


Woolworths 信用卡?

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澳大利亚O.P. 大家好, 希望能在这方面为我指明正确的方向。 大约 20 年前,我的母亲留下了很多联邦银行股票。我根本不知道她之前持有这些股票多久了……可能很多年了。 我已经 70 多岁了, ...



澳大利亚O.P. 大家好, 我是一名 IT 顾问,过去 10 年一直在我现在的公司工作。在过去的四年里,我把“在家工作”带到了海外,在巴基斯坦和父母一起工作了相当长的一段时间。 我最近几年的 ...



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NAB 信用卡欺诈检测政策?

澳大利亚O.P.这篇文章已编辑 我已经成为 NAB 客户几十年了,直到现在我的 2x VISA 信用卡都没有出现任何问题,想知道这里是否有人在 NAB 或其他信用卡提供商那里遇到过这个问题。 最近,我将其 ...


400 万美元的巨额养老金余额仍在运作

澳大利亚O.P. 如果您有一笔非常大的退休金余额,但需要很多年才能提取它,您会怎么做? 这会如何改变您的生活? 如何改变您的生活?这会改变你的工作吗? 当你年轻且无法获得资金时,你会 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 我和妻子购买了土地,并以业主身份建造了我们的第一套房子。我们搬进来并在我们的房子里住了 19 个月,发布了出租广告,然后搬回了我父母的房子。 如果我在 6 年内搬回来,我 ...



澳大利亚O.P. 大家好, 我最近买了一支 Apple Pencil 和一台 iPad Air。我妈妈试图将它们添加到 NAB(由安联运营)的家庭和财物保单的便携式设备中,但他们说这会使保费增加约 300 美元。 我想知道 ...